USS Liberty - Israel's "War of Self Defense"

They paid US$6million, of the $40million asked for by the US, The damage to the vessel was estimated to be about $7million, so what they paid did not even cover the cost of the material damage done. As a result, the ship was scrapped.

I do not know if the crew actually got any of this money.
Any decent resercher of USS Liberty uncident can find on internet that Israeli Government paid nearly $13 million settlement reparations to the US Government and the families of the victims of the USS Liberty.The case was officially closed by both states.
Any decent resercher of USS Liberty uncident can find on internet that Israeli Government paid nearly $13 million settlement reparations to the US Government and the families of the victims of the USS Liberty.The case was officially closed by both states.
Not really true i'm afraid. Even a very mediocre researcher can find out a lot more than that.

Actually the US taxpayers paid ALL of the the reparations,... plus a whole lot more.
An arrangement was agreed to by Israel only after U.S. aid to Israel was increased from $13 million in Fiscal Year 1967 to a whopping $76.8 million in Fiscal Year 1968. That aid increase took care of negotiations for the crew, dead and wounded. These payments were made with U.S. Government checks in late Spring, 1968.
Israel then refused to pay for the LIBERTY damage. The United States government then increased the aid to Israel to $121.7 million for FY 1969. The new negotiations began and Israel agreed to pay $7.6 million damages for the $40 million ship which was sold for less than $200,000.00 as scrap. But Israel DID NOT PAY as promised when U.S. aid was cut to $71 million for FY 1970, even though that was still five times the U.S. aid of 1967. And the bill remained unpaid (and not deducted from the increased U.S. aid). Source:
The case was "officially" closed with indecent haste, unfortunately we can only guess at the reason why an act which would normally have been investigated much more thoroughly was shut down so quickly. This question has also been raised by many others.
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Not really true i'm afraid. Even a very mediocre researcher can find out a lot more than that.

Actually the US taxpayers paid ALL of the the reparations,... plus a whole lot more.
The case was "officially" closed with indecent haste, unfortunately we can only guess at the reason why an act which would normally have been investigated much more thoroughly was shut down so quickly. This question has also been raised by many others.
You are a funny fellow,I am saying victims were paid for damages and you are saying american taxpayer paid the bill.Is not it funny? Does it matter who paid to them?Can you or somebody else prove that US taxpayers paid the biil?You are trying to mix together the USS Liberty case with US military or economic aid to Israel? What sailors has in common with US aid to Israel?Anything or nothing?Try to explain to me this part.Sailors were paid and this is the case.If someone doesn't agree on the settlement,he simply doesn't accept settlement.In any case sailors can return money to the Government of Israel with interest for all these years and start the case all over again.
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....the guy that claimed we'd accuse Israel of WW1, even though Israel didn't exist when WW1 happened. Man, I just can't stop laughing at that one!
You are a funny fellow,I am saying victims were paid for damages and you are saying american taxpayer paid the bill.Is not it funny? Does it matter who paid to them?.... etc

I did write a reply, but deleted it, because it would have led to me being banned.

All I will say is that your flippant disregard for the lives of the dead and wounded in this cowardly attack is typical of the Israeli's and their supporters.

....the guy that claimed we'd accuse Israel of WW1, even though Israel didn't exist when WW1 happened. Man, I just can't stop laughing at that one!
The actual article was taken from the "Liberty News" published by the USS Liberty survivors

No mention is made of WWI
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All I will say is that your flippant disregard for the lives of the dead and wounded in this cowardly attack is typical of the Israeli's and their supporters.

The actual article was taken from the "Liberty News" published by the USS Liberty survivors
Let me ask you you know about Leo Frank? Probably read about him here was american jew who was accused for raping of a white girl in America and he was linched by the mobs in 1915,and he was innocent.So now let me ask you should the jews forget about this case or remember it? Tell me who paid reparation to his family and to the jewish people for his death?Give me your answer.And yes, this KKK member David Duke is a 'best friend' of Israel and black people,sure.
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When exactly was Leo Frank a crew member of the USS Liberty?

If you have a beef with the US Legal system, you had better take it up with them.

Jews alone should not remember the case, everyone should remember it. It makes no difference whether he was a Jew, Black, Green or piebald, and his family should have been recompensed for this act, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with an act of war between two countries. No doubt there have been many innocent men killed in America, nothing at all to do with the subject at hand.

Actually the whole thing sounds more like an act of the KKK, and there the similarity with Israel's cowardly attack, ends.
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assuming the attack was deliberate, here are the main qs.

1) why would israel attack one of its only supporters in the middle of a war?
2) what would the purpose of the attack have been?
3) if it was deliberate why would America try to cover up the attack? why would they say it was an accident?

let the theories roll...
assuming the attack was deliberate, here are the main qs.

1) why would israel attack one of its only supporters in the middle of a war?
2) what would the purpose of the attack have been?
3) if it was deliberate why would America try to cover up the attack? why would they say it was an accident?

let the theories roll...

1. This is what pretty much everyone has been trying to figure out.

2. The theory is that if the ship was sunk by "unidentified" attackers who is the USA more likely to believe attacked it, its ally Israel or the Russian equipped Egypt?

3. That one is easy, Israel was pretty much the USA's only ally in the middle east at the time, making it public that a botched attempt to drag the USA into a war by framing the opposition and killing US servicemen probably would not have gone down well in the USA and any reprisals from the USA would have opened the door for the Soviet Union to improve its standing with Israel.
Something that was politically unpalatable during the height of the cold war, so the answer is to call it an "accident" and throw some money about to shut people up.
assuming the attack was deliberate, here are the main qs.

1) why would israel attack one of its only supporters in the middle of a war?
2) what would the purpose of the attack have been?
3) if it was deliberate why would America try to cover up the attack? why would they say it was an accident?

let the theories roll...
Q1 & 2. They hoped that they could make it look like an Egyptian attack and draw the US into taking an active part in their war against the Egyptians.
In view of what was known at the time, and even more so now, that is a lot more credible than the story that it was "mistaken identity".

Q3. Global and domestic Political expediency,
(a) To not upset the very powerful domestic Jewish vote.
(b) To maintain a toe hold in the Middle East.
The Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs said:
American Jews wield power through their high concentration in key states, and their tendency to behave as a swing vote in ways that set them apart from virtually all other groups in American politics.

Why Israel still matters in US Elections.

American Jews not only have a swing vote - a constituency that can be swayed in any direction - they also have a swing issue: support for Israel. The evidence shows that when the Jewish community judges a candidate to be distinctly problematic on Israel, it will desert that candidate or his party in decisive numbers. This shift can be so significant that it could easily decide the outcome in a swing state in a close election like that of 2000.
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This discussion about USS Liberty goes around and around,i cannot spend my time on this gang of bandits who happend to be in US NAVY uniform.For me personally, as well as to the US Congress
the USS Liberty incident is very clear.Those who have doubts about it can research and look for evidence further.I did my research,for me this is enough,untill new evidence will surface.
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"Bandits" who defended the country where you hide under false pretences. Like a cur dog, always ready to bite the hand that feeds you.
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The extend of the hatred is mind-blowing..
But not nearly as mind blowing, as the ignorance and deliberate avoidance of the facts that sees a race illegally occupying the country of another.

These people are so arrogant as to even attack and seriously injure a female Israeli police officer who was trying to stop them breaking the law. Eventually the Israeli government will have to admit that they are no more than thugs.

Yes, this time you are right Britney, the hatred is "mind blowing".

Again i ask the question, What would you (Britney) do, if Australia gave the best and most arable parts of America to the starving Ethiopians, and the former US citizens were beaten and murdered when they resisted having their land stolen and their houses and farms bulldozed?
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Jews doing the very same thing they deplore in others..... MY GAWD! How "human" of them!
Especially in view of the Jews recent history (1933- 1945).

It seems that the only thing they really learnt, was how to emulate their murderers.
ahh,let the world tell the people it tried to destroy how to defend thier little piheand in the map,only 500KM of desert,,which was ours long before your little ausi was even inhabitate with Kengoros.history of a people that was there 5500 years ago,in the place that is most holy to that poeple the World build a mousqe,in the holy city which means to jew more than it means to any others(look at the Koran,Jerusalem is not mention there and Is the 4rd holy city for the muslims after Meca and Madina).
again i tell u,u hate me so bad,but my revenge is that i am a FACT,i am an Israeli Jew that serves in the Israeli defence force(which u can hate aas much as u waant,u live 6000KM away(i dont really care what u think of us),that hold a rifle that wass created in my country,oparte a Tank which is considered one of the best in the world,that guards the border.and u can call me a criminal,and the world can call me a thug,but i am a fact ust like the sun that rises in the mornning and the moon at night,i am a fact like the rain.if u want me to move,come and move me,come all the weay from your little house is ausitralia where u livve happly with no worries.
and i know what your response will be.
that there is no need for U to come becausse the other world will.
let them come,we faacedthousends of yearss and aare not afraid of a litle ppeople of a fiction religous that calls to murder all who dont go their way.
we fought 7 wars in 62 years and at every war the odds were againsst us.
we gave since to the world,litriture,technology.
look at the hisstory of Judisem through the reecnt 300-400 years.we were nothoing in the world we still are nothing not even 1% of the population in the world,yet we bring suffer to the world as u say.
1% of the world gave it so much and u cant eeven let us sleep at noight in the place where my grandfathers ssteped 5500 years ago!
saay whatever u want,tekll me i am a murderer tell me i am a thug,a killer a soldier of fortune.
a strong beast dose not have to grwol!
yet the pewny one will bark its guts out!
ahh,let the world tell the people it tried to destroy how to defend thier little piheand in the map,only 500KM of desert,,which was ours long before your little ausi was even inhabitate with Kengoros.
Yes, it was inhabited by the palestinians, and the Jews were only a minority, most of whom left it for over 1200 years, and then had the gall to insist that it was their country.

history of a people that was there 5500 years ago,in the place that is most holy to that poeple the World build a mousqe,in the holy city which means to jew more than it means to any others(look at the Koran,Jerusalem is not mention there and Is the 4rd holy city for the muslims after Meca and Madina).
again i tell u,u hate me so bad,but my revenge is that i am a FACT,i am an Israeli Jew that serves in the Israeli defence force(which u can hate aas much as u waant,u live 6000KM away(i dont really care what u think of us),that hold a rifle that wass created in my country,oparte a Tank which is considered one of the best in the world,that guards the border.and u can call me a criminal,and the world can call me a thug,but i am a fact ust like the sun that rises in the mornning and the moon at night,i am a fact like the rain.if u want me to move,come and move me,come all the weay from your little house is ausitralia where u livve happly with no worries.
and i know what your response will be.
that there is no need for U to come becausse the other world will.
let them come,we faacedthousends of yearss and aare not afraid of a litle ppeople of a fiction religous that calls to murder all who dont go their way.
we fought 7 wars in 62 years and at every war the odds were againsst us.
we gave since to the world,litriture,technology.
look at the hisstory of Judisem through the reecnt 300-400 years.we were nothoing in the world we still are nothing not even 1% of the population in the world,yet we bring suffer to the world as u say.
1% of the world gave it so much and u cant eeven let us sleep at noight in the place where my grandfathers ssteped 5500 years ago!
saay whatever u want,tekll me i am a murderer tell me i am a thug,a killer a soldier of fortune.
a strong beast dose not have to grwol!
yet the pewny one will bark its guts out!
?????????? Exactly what have you been smoking?

One thing I can say about this diatribe is that although Zionists are only a very small part of the world, they cause more troubles and bloodshed for the world than just about any similar sized group. they are the singular root cause of virtually all of the worlds problems with the Muslims.
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Funny how no one ever liked the Jews, and that's going back thousands of years.
Maybe there's a reason (and I don't think it'd be biblical)?
As you say, there is an almost unbroken history of Jewish persecution for 2000+ years. It does beg the question, why is this one minority so despised, by so many other groups?

I don't hate the Jews, a great part of my family is Jewish, and I am of part Jewish descendency. My disagreement is with the Zionists among them, that preach hatred and murder.

All religions and ethnicities seem to be despised and treated with disdain at some period of their existence, however it rarely lasts more than a few generations. There must be some reason why the Jews have suffered this hatred for all this time.

If current problems in Palestine are any example of their religious character and the way they think and act, I now think I know why.

It's certainly food for thought.