history of a people that was there 5500 years ago,in the place that is most holy to that poeple the World build a mousqe,in the holy city which means to jew more than it means to any others(look at the Koran,Jerusalem is not mention there and Is the 4rd holy city for the muslims after Meca and Madina).
again i tell u,u hate me so bad,but my revenge is that i am a FACT,i am an Israeli Jew that serves in the Israeli defence force(which u can hate aas much as u waant,u live 6000KM away(i dont really care what u think of us),that hold a rifle that wass created in my country,oparte a Tank which is considered one of the best in the world,that guards the border.and u can call me a criminal,and the world can call me a thug,but i am a fact ust like the sun that rises in the mornning and the moon at night,i am a fact like the rain.if u want me to move,come and move me,come all the weay from your little house is ausitralia where u livve happly with no worries.
and i know what your response will be.
that there is no need for U to come becausse the other world will.
let them come,we faacedthousends of yearss and aare not afraid of a litle ppeople of a fiction religous that calls to murder all who dont go their way.
we fought 7 wars in 62 years and at every war the odds were againsst us.
we gave since to the world,litriture,technology.
look at the hisstory of Judisem through the reecnt 300-400 years.we were nothoing in the world we still are nothing not even 1% of the population in the world,yet we bring suffer to the world as u say.
1% of the world gave it so much and u cant eeven let us sleep at noight in the place where my grandfathers ssteped 5500 years ago!
saay whatever u want,tekll me i am a murderer tell me i am a thug,a killer a soldier of fortune.
a strong beast dose not have to grwol!
yet the pewny one will bark its guts out!