Acually i know it quite well,but i really dont think you have the authority to tell me what i do and do not know- considering you know nothing about me. Forming your retire opinion of how intellectually aware a individual is based on a small paragraph.
If you know this subject, why do you make so many basic mistakes.
You don't even know the basic facts about this or other incidents that you quote, e.g. the name of the event,(Tonkin NOT Tolkien) the correct name of one of the vessels involved (It is Maddox, NOT Madox). Being "retired" has nothing to do with my opinion, it is exactly the same as when I served in our Navy.
You freely admit that your theories are influenced merely by the fact that you "like" the Israelis, yet you still have the gall to expect others to take you seriously.
First of all if you need to google somthing while your talking,you already know less than you should know about it.
Well, it is obvious that you knew very little about the subject, it might be an idea that you
do start checking your details before making broad brush statements in this debate, because even though you may not, others including myself certainly will. This debate involves the honour of men who served their country and even though you may treat it lightly and have no respect for them, I feel that in view of the evidence, they have been treated very poorly, for no more than political gain. They deserve better.
Second, i will not stand for your constant insults.
Well, so long as you keep posting rubbish, you are going to need a chair. Perhaps you don't realise that my posts seem insulting to you because they are true and it seems that you don't like being told the the truth. So, if you don't want to hear my answers, don't post drivel based on your likes rather than the known facts.
Now, Commander Stockdale claimed the Madox had been firing on phantom targets. Whether or not you agree with him ( I personally do not) it is still someone who was at the scene that disputed it, didnt you ask for that?
Cdr. Stockdale did not dispute that the Tonkin Gulf incident took place, he merely stated that he thought that an incident two days later was incorrectly reported. He was most probably correct,
but it has no bearing or similarity to the attack on the USS Liberty as the incident reported by Stockdale took place at night and the Liberty attack was in
broad daylight
Stockdale's memoirs said:
"There was absolutely no gunfire except our own, no PT boat wakes, not a candle light let alone a burning ship. None could have been there and not have been seen on such a black night."
I made the comparison between the Maddox and the Liberty for the example of how people on the same ship could see different things then others. One person says they saw somthing, another says it didnt happen- who do you believe?
I would believe the people who have photographic evidence to support the fact that the Israeli jets closely examined the Liberty on no less than 8 occasions on the morning prior to the attack, that's who I would believe.
These factors have been the cause of fatality among many pilots from many countries, we can not jump to the conclusion he was in the state of mind to different between vessels- especially when the US had claimed we had no vessels in the vicinity. I believe thats a very large factor your overlooking.
The USS Liberty was in International waters, and as such, had no obligation to inform anyone of her whereabouts, whereas all belligerent nations are bound under international Maritime law to properly identify their targets. To not do this is a war crime. Regardless of this fact, the Israelis did examine the vessel closely on a number of occasions, and unless they were blind, would have known exactly what vessel she was. Very hard or even impossible to mistake, especially seeing it had it's pennant number clearly painted on the bow in letters 10 feet high clearly discernible even in poor quality photos taken.
Oh come now, from what you have said its obvious you hold great disfavor toward Israel, i have seen you give them the benefit of the doubt on a single possibility so far. ( btw, how can a nationalist be bias against her own country?

Obviously you are also a poor judge of character, as you have no idea of what I think or who I like. I tell the truth as i see it, I don't pull my punches. Just the same as I willingly criticise the actions of Australia and our allies when they do the wrong thing. Unlike some, I do not play favourites with the truth.
I just read somthing interesting, you say gut feelings should not get in the way of facts, but you just guessed at somthing..isn't that you know..[/quote]Yes, I made a guess,... and I stated clearly and unequivocally that it was purely my own opinion, I did not state that it was a fact to be taken into consideration in the debate. there is a vast difference to stating facts, and merey stating what you feel may be correct.
A lot of the rest i kind of just skimmed over, im not going to respond to segments where im constantly insulted or you call me bias or other belittling names. I think we should both be above that sort of disposition.
You obviously skimmed over the whole subject so lightly you missed all the facts.