Lets see what another website is saying-
Dr. Yitzhaki reports that Palestinian volunteers in the Egyptian army were executed Nazi-style in E1-Arish, another area of the Sinai, in 1967. Gabby Biron, a right-wing journalist who witnessed the murder of about 10 POWs before being forced to leave, confirmed Yitzhaki's report. Biron says that Israeli intelligence officers put POWs one by one through a short interrogation. If the IDF determined by the prisoner's accent that he was Palestinian, he was taken behind the building, forced to dig his own grave, and shot.
Lets find out who was Arieh Yitzhaki.According to website -
The following is from an article ("HISTORIAN ALLEGES POW DEATHS IN 1956, 1967") posted by the Jewish Telegraph Agency on August 17, 1995:
An Israeli military historian has said he knew of hundreds of Egyptian prisoners of war who were killed during the 1967 Six-Day War by Israel Defense Force troops, including a unit headed by the current Israeli housing minister. Military historian Aryeh Yitzhaki of Bar-Illan University told Israel Radio on Wednesday that the killings involved a crack unit led by now Housing Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer. Yitzhaki said the executions of 300 to 400 Egyptian commandos in El Arish was the worse case he knew, given that many of the Egyptians had surrendered. They were killed by members of the Shaked commando unit under the command of Ben-Eliezer, a lieutenant colonel at the time, he said. Ben-Eliezer said he was unaware of any prisoner killings.
"Referring to the Six-Day War, Yitzhaki said not only were the executions known, but a report he prepared in 1968 on the deaths was not released under instructions from higher authorities. Responding to the reports, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin said he thought such incidents were exceptions to the norm and that they should be condemned by all."
So we can see here that the number of egyptian POW's who were killed increase already to...(pay attention)... 300-400,according to claim by Yitzhaki.
The following is from a front page article ("DEBATE TAINTING IMAGE OF PURITY WRENCHES ISRAELIS: A MORE OPEN SOCIETY TAKES UP KILLING OF POWS DURING WARS") in The Washington Post on August 19, 1995:
"This week, as more soldiers came forward to say they saw fellow Israelis kill unarmed enemies in decades past, a long-suppressed public reckoning began. The stakes are profound for an army whose "purity of arms" has been the core of its self-image through five wars. . . . Also Wednesday, military historian Arye Yitzhaki of Bar Ilan University accused a storied reconnaissance unit, known as Shaked (Almond), of killing hundreds of Egyptians who had abandoned their weapons and fled into the desert in the 1967 Middle East war. . . . One day after Yitzhaki's charge came a first-person account by Gabi Brun of Yedioth Aharonoth, the country's most widely read tabloid. He wrote of watching Israeli troops execute five Egyptian prisoners in the Sinai Desert town of El Arish in 1967. The first of the five, he wrote, was forced to dig the grave. Each of them in turn was shot dead in it.
So we can see here that Bron saw five (pay attention not 10) POW'S were killed.
As we see now Bron,who claimed to be eyewitness to the murder, confirmed the word of Yitzhaki who was not an eyewintness to the murder,but his report proves only 5 dead POW's сompare to 300-400 dead POW's claimed by Yitzhaki.OK,so far so good lets continue.....
So now it becomes more clear to us from what sources Mr Bamford got the information about egyptian POW's.The sources for his book "Вody of secrets'(2001) were informations from Yitzhaki and Bron(1995).OK.good.
Now lets go to our friends -sailors of USS Liberty and try to figure out what they saw:
That's what Lt James M. Ennes, Jr. writes:
USS Liberty was nearby
As those executions were underway, America's most sophisticated intelligenceplatform, USSLiberty, was less than 13 miles from El Arish.
We were close enough to see the town mosque with the naked eye. Withbinoculars we couldmake out individual buildings and might have seen the executions if we hadlooked in the rightplace.
Could our operators have heard voice radio messages revealing these killings?Did senior Israeliofficers sanction the murders, or did they learn of them? How would theyhave reacted to theknowledge that USS Liberty was nearby and might have heard incriminatingradio traffic?
Would they have been desperate enough to attack an American ship? OK,very good.
So what Lt Ennes revealed to us....well he revealed to us that...they were close,they saw the Mosque, and they could see the murder if....they would look in the right direction.
The question now is: did they look in the right direction? Well ,they were looking in the right direction according to information from Bamford in Post #235.Sailors were looking directly on the Mosque.So why they did not see the POW'S there?
Well.....hehehehe... because the POW's were actually in the shadow according to Bamford in Post #235 and behind the Mosque wall,according to Bron in Post #237.OK lets continue.....
Now lets concentrate on Bron,what he claims next-
Genuine scholars might have wanted to ask Bron exactly what he had witnessed, and whether, as claimed by others, he had really seen a massacre. Needless to say, the authors didn't do this. However, historian Michael Oren, researching the 1967 war, did ring up Gabi Bron. He wasn't that hard to find, having become over the years a rather prominent journalist in Israel. And here, according to Oren, is what Bron had to say:
"The one hundred and fifty POW's were not shot and there were no mass murders...In fact,we helped prisoners,gave them water,and in most cases sent them in the direction of the Suez Canal".(New Republic,July 23, 2001).
So we can see Mr Bron said himself,right after the book of Bamford was published,and denied all allegations about him,that he saw the murders of egyptian POW's in 1967,what Washighton Post and jewwatch.com website wrote about him.
Mr Bron clearly removed the cards from the hands of Mr Bamford and USS Liberty and left them with red faces.Another attempt by USS Liberty supporters to incriminate Israel in War Crimes ended in failure.