The world only protests when Israel Strikes

This time, too much "Blah blah blah" has bitten Israel firmly on the bum, and it was delivered by no less than the Israeli Ambassador himself. The truth has at long last started to emerge and who can deny the source?

World opinion is changing against Israel every time they commit a new atrocity.
This time, too much "Blah blah blah" has bitten Israel firmly on the bum, and it was delivered by no less than the Israeli Ambassador himself. The truth has at long last started to emerge and who can deny the source?

Ah, after watching that video 5 times, I might be stupid, but what is your problem with it?
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Did you not realise that it shows Israel's true intent? Why do you think that the very embarrassed ambassador suddenly tried to limit the damage that he had done. It was an admission of guilt to the world on the part of Israel.

If you think little of it, I can tell you that the world press and the Australian people in general did not share your views. Our newspapers were full of unfavourable editorial comment the next day.

Mr. Ambassador clearly trod on his own tongue.
and said what? i dont understand what was so provocative? that israel is considering military action against iran? seriously, i dont get it.
Well, you don't seem to connect the fact that prior to this unscheduled admission, Israel had been denying to the world that they had any intention of attack. It was clearly a slipup, as shown by the Ambassadors reaction. If you can't see it the World's Press and I did. (along with millions of others).

Coming on top of the recent discovery that Israel had clearly planned the Gaza invasion prior to the ceasefire negotiations, then precipitated it by not opening the borders as they had agreed.

I'm sure I don't have to go through all of this again, we all know about Israel's imprisonment and starvation of the population of Gaza, it has already been discussed on this forum.

I'm going to have to leave you for a few hours, business calls. I have a funeral of my own to attend.
Israel had been denying to the world that they had any intention of attack

I think anyone who believed Israel dosent consider a military option is either naive or on drugs. I really dont see what the big deal is, if anything it was a planned "slip" to give the Iranis a hint at whats comming.

Coming on top of the recent discovery that Israel had clearly planned the Gaza invasion prior to the ceasefire negotiations, then precipitated it by not opening the borders as they had agreed.

Israel has, I assure you, detailed plans to invade every single one of its neigbours, destroy its military and overthrow its rullers. As far as creating the conflict I believe a short look at the fact that since 2005 Israel is out of Gaza and rocket fire presists shows who is intrested in conflict.

we all know about Israel's imprisonment and starvation of the population of Gaza, it has already been discussed on this forum.

No, you and some other think that, no one has agreed on anything. Your views are really funny considering that your so called freedom fighters from Hammas caused UN relief efforts to cease because they STOLE 200 tons of rice from the UN in Gaza. Israel is letting in food, has beed letting in food, and will be letting in food. We also let in all medical supplies, gasoline, and other essentials.
Well from a military standpoint its a pretty smart idea to plan your attacks while you negotiate with the enemy just in case the negotiating doesn't go as planed.
maybe its just me, but personally I fully believe that the only mistake worse than making plans behind the scenes, is not making any plans at all.
Iseral has military plans to defeat its enemys, .......Pretty smart since every muslim around them wants to kill them.
I have no issue with Israel having war plans for attacks on Gaza, /Syria or whoever else - what the hell else are all the highly paid staff officers doing? Every other country has, or should have military option plans for places where they have interests, or civilians, to do less would be irresponsible.

I personally admire Israel, and feel for its suffering over the last 60 years, but I can't help thinking that there have been other options open to them to try to ease the situation.

For example, they pledged to try & support Abbas, then sidelined him and ignored him - why? This led to the Palestinians voting Hamas into govt, because Fatah couldn't seem to bring any improvement to their lives. Thw West then decided that the democratic elections hadn't achieved the results they wanted. This then further isolated the Palestinians,because they were told that they'd got it wrong - as if they hadn't got it wrong before!!

That said I despise the rocket attacks and applaud the Israeli attack on Gaza, probably got some good info and planted some good gathering devices, as well as hitting Hamas hard. However (& there always is with me) I feel that Israel could do more to alleviate the suffering in Gaza. Yes they let supplies through, but on a subsistance basis, this is creating the environment for Hamas & other Israeli hate organisations to grow. Break the cycle and you have a chance to change the cycle.

I know that the situation is more complex, but until someone acts like an adult all we'll ever have is a schoolyard brawl, where people die.
Well from a military standpoint its a pretty smart idea to plan your attacks while you negotiate with the enemy just in case the negotiating doesn't go as planed.
Just like the Japanese at Pearl Harbour,... eh. It's amazing how short some people's memories are when it suits them.

Israel was lapping up the world's approval for getting out of Gaza, all the time planning to torment the Gazans into committing an act that they could then use to justify attacking the civilian population.

I know that Hammas is a "terrorist organisation" under the US guidelines, but had Israel had never stolen the Palestinian land, Hammas and half of the rest of the terrorist organisations would never have gotten off the ground, and those that did would have been fighting among themselves.
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Well from a military standpoint its a pretty smart idea to plan your attacks while you negotiate with the enemy just in case the negotiating doesn't go as planed.
maybe its just me, but personally I fully believe that the only mistake worse than making plans behind the scenes, is not making any plans at all.
Iseral has military plans to defeat its enemys, .......Pretty smart since every muslim around them wants to kill them.

You know I agree it is smart to have plans to combat your enemies the problem however is that when you have an entire region of enemies the law of averages says that it is only going to be a matter of time before one of them figures out how to win and at that point you would really have to wonder whether continually trying to piss them off was really such a good idea.

Whether Israel likes it or not world history has indicated time and again that you are only at the top of the heap for so long and their only hope for a long term secure and peaceful existence is a negotiated settlement that ends this mess.

To be perfectly blunt Israel cannot win in the long term as the Palestinians have nothing to lose but Israel does.
I think anyone who believed Israel dosent consider a military option is either naive or on drugs. I really dont see what the big deal is, if anything it was a planned "slip" to give the Iranis a hint at whats comming.
That planned "slip", embarrassed the Ambassador too much to be any more than a stuffup, he was plainly caught with his hand in the biscuit barrel.

Israel has, I assure you, detailed plans to invade every single one of its neigbours, destroy its military and overthrow its rullers. As far as creating the conflict I believe a short look at the fact that since 2005 Israel is out of Gaza and rocket fire presists shows who is intrested in conflict.
I guess a few hotheads just got sick of waiting for Israel to honour their end of the ceasefife agreement, little did they know that israel had planned not to do that before they even went to the negotiating table.

No, you and some other think that, no one has agreed on anything. Your views are really funny considering that your so called freedom fighters from Hammas caused UN relief efforts to cease because they STOLE 200 tons of rice from the UN in Gaza. Israel is letting in food, has beed letting in food, and will be letting in food. We also let in all medical supplies, gasoline, and other essentials.
You seem to very conveniently forget that Israel had been deliberately starving the residents of Gaza for six months.

If you driven a convoy of food into Birkenau or any other of the KZs. I'm sure that some of it would have been stolen there too. It amazes me how the theft of some rice by starving people is considered worse than the Israelis killing over 1000 innocent civilians and destroying Gaza's infrastructure, just to make a point. I'll admit that Hamas probably wanted to make the people think that they were delivering it, but that's typical of political parties around the world.
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If you driven a convoy of food into Birkenau or any other of the KZs. I'm sure that some of it would have been stolen there too. It amazes me how the theft of some rice by starving people is considered worse than the Israelis killing over 1000 innocent civilians and destroying Gaza's infrastructure, just to make a point. I'll admit that Hamas probably wanted to make the people think that they were delivering it, but that's typical of political parties around the world.

It was not stolen because fo hunger, it was stolen as a means of control over the people. Support hammas or starve. Your claims that israel is "starving the population" are redicules, because fact is food and petrol kept going in all the time. Other goods were not allowed, and i dont see a reaosn that they should be alowed.
It was not stolen because fo hunger, it was stolen as a means of control over the people. Support hammas or starve. Your claims that israel is "starving the population" are redicules, because fact is food and petrol kept going in all the time. Other goods were not allowed, and i dont see a reaosn that they should be alowed.
You are making a fool of yourself on a world stage where people know better. The facts are well documented and more is coming to light every day.

I have just got up from watching an Australian TV show called "Dateline" and this week it was about Dr. Ezzeldeen Abu al-Aish, a palestinian, reputed to be the most famous gynecologist in Israel. No doubt you know the story of how the Israeli Army at first tried to say that terrorists were firing from his home so they fired two 105mm shells from a tank killing three of the doctors daughters. (no terrorists were found, nor was any sign of them) The story was "shot down", so then the army tried to say that his appartment was hit by Hamas rockets unfortunately the pieces of shrapnel were from an Israeli shell. I won't bother going on, as the lies and stupidity of the Israeli forces makes me sick. the only thing worse is that you think we are stupid enough to believe it. Remember what I said several weeks ago about you not being told the truth???

The interview showed the actual Israeli newscast, and when the Israelis saw what had happenred they were shocked and dismayed to see the truth of what was going on in Gaza, other fanatics actually blamed the doctor for his own plight. So now it appears the people are so brainwashed that even when they see the truth on their own TV stations reported live by Israeli reporters, they refuse to believe it.

Israeli TV Newscast
Remember what I said several weeks ago about you not being told the truth???

Again, how you think the truth is being kept away from an english speaker that has internet and all the european and american news channels is wierd to me.

The interview showed the actual Israeli newscast, and when the Israelis saw what had happenred they were shocked and dismayed to see the truth of what was going on in Gaza, other fanatics actually blamed the doctor for his own plight. So now it appears the people are so brainwashed that even when they see the truth on their own TV stations reported live by Israeli reporters, they refuse to believe it.

So infact the true story did apear on Israeli news, was admitted by the IDF, and is known to the Israeli public...What is your point than?

Im well aware that innocent people were killed in Gaza. I never once claimed that all 1300 palestinians killed were terrorists, neither did my country as far as i know. Yes, the TV anchores are shocked and sad, because its sad to hear about tragedies. They also offer the doctor that they will call the IDF and get medical help for his family. I think the end clips are of palestinians being treated by israeli medical crews. If anything this shows how humanely we treat our enemies.

Posting endless youtube videos of colleteral damage, anti-jewish rallies, and so called "slipups"(which even now i dont get the point of) is not going to put the basic truth away-

Palestinians target civilians intentionally, IDF dose not. Palestinians hide behind children and women, we do not. Israel has offered the PLO 97% of the west bank and gaza, PLO refused.

All the tear shedding, heart breaking stories from Gaza do not change the fact the the Palestinians elected a government that is radical, war loving and cares little for the life of its civilians.
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Again, how you think the truth is being kept away from an english speaker that has internet and all the european and american news channels is wierd to me.
Well,.. your answers showed that you had little idea of what the rest of the world was able to see. Obviously you had no idea. Selective news reporting in countries at war is standard propaganda proceedure.

So infact the true story did apear on Israeli news, was admitted by the IDF, and is known to the Israeli public...What is your point than?
It was only by accident that the TV station had already programed the interview.

Im well aware that innocent people were killed in Gaza. I never once claimed that all 1300 palestinians killed were terrorists, neither did my country as far as i know. Yes, the TV anchores are shocked and sad, because its sad to hear about tragedies. They also offer the doctor that they will call the IDF and get medical help for his family. I think the end clips are of palestinians being treated by israeli medical crews. If anything this shows how humanely we treat our enemies.
I don't know if it was in the clip, but on the full show it said that this was virtually the only Palestinian to be allowed an ambulance by the Israeli forces, and that was only because of the fact that the incident was live on Israeli TV.

Posting endless youtube videos of colleteral damage, anti-jewish rallies, and so called "slipups"(which even now i dont get the point of) is not going to put the basic truth away-
Yes, the movies are embarrasssing for you as tyou cannot deny the visible truth. Collateral damage?? It was a pre planned attack, designed to kill and terrify the Palestinians, not to mention wrecking their infrastructure. How many terrorists were killed? and what percentage were they of the dead?? The world is not fooled for a minute.

Palestinians target civilians intentionally, IDF dose not. Palestinians hide behind children and women, we do not.
Is that why Israeli tanks shot two shells into the doctors house and tried to lie about it, changing their stories at least twice??
Israel has offered the PLO 97% of the west bank and gaza, PLO refused.
Of course they would, it was not Israel's to offer. It belonged to the Palestinians 100%

All the tear shedding, heart breaking stories from Gaza do not change the fact the the Palestinians elected a government that is radical, war loving and cares little for the life of its civilians.
Don't worry about Hamas, the civilians have far bigger problems with Israeli bombs. If what you say is true, why aren't you focusing on the Government and stop targetting civilians?? In the past you seem to have little problem killing previous "terrorist" leaders with selective use of airborne rockets. If Hamas is so bad, the population obviously thinks the Israelis are far worse.
i had a few laughs while watching Finkelstein's interview. thnx for the material senojekips.
That does not surprise me in the least, you have clearly demonstrated the limits of your intellect. It seems pretty typical for Israelis to laugh when they see innocent civillians murdered.
Well,.. your answers showed that you had little idea of what the rest of the world was able to see. Obviously you had no idea. Selective news reporting in countries at war is standard propaganda proceedure.

Hmmm.Will repeating my self help? I have exess to about the same, if not more, world media than most people in Ausrtalia, USA, or EU. Now, the fact that I also actually know somthing about the middle east...

It was only by accident that the TV station had already programed the interview.
Dude, you are not following the story by the order of events. Thats call was made right at the time of the incident. The IDf than claimed it was hammas rockets. Uppon further inspection IDF found that it was 105mm tank rounds. IDF claimed house was used by militants. About a week later after an extensive investigation IDF finnaly put out an official statement that it was a mis-identification and the house was not used by militants.

I don't know if it was in the clip, but on the full show it said that this was virtually the only Palestinian to be allowed an ambulance by the Israeli forces, and that was only because of the fact that the incident was live on Israeli TV.

That is very doubtfull, although naturally during the fighting it was very hard for Israeli medical crews to get close enough to take in Palestinian casualties. Indeed the reason the medical crew was sent is because the TV station called upthe military. You know better than to think during warfare ambulances rush to every enemy civilian wounded...

Yes, the movies are embarrasssing for you as tyou cannot deny the visible truth. Collateral damage?? It was a pre planned attack, designed to kill and terrify the Palestinians, not to mention wrecking their infrastructure. How many terrorists were killed? and what percentage were they of the dead?? The world is not fooled for a minute.

BS. I dont have the noumbers but as I recall probably 30-40% were terrorists, the rest civilians. "The world" dose not consist of you, stop trying to make your opinion the only one. Ask the Egyptian government who started this buissnes...

Is that why Israeli tanks shot two shells into the doctors house and tried to lie about it, changing their stories at least twice??

In what world of surgical truth do you live in? The house is inside a war zone, where litteraly tens of thousends of diffrent weapons were fired. Its not a murder investigation in a western city. Just going there to inspect the damage is a huge problem, than consider finding what units fired at what direction at that time. You sound like you think the IDF knows about every tank round fired at any second....

Of course they would, it was not Israel's to offer. It belonged to the Palestinians 100%

It was actually Jordans, and Egypts...But dont let history confuse you or somthing...You pretend that its possible to delete the last 60 years and just shut down israel. You know thats impossible, yet you continue to act like the Palestinian no-compremise attitude will lead them anywhere...

Don't worry about Hamas, the civilians have far bigger problems with Israeli bombs. If what you say is true, why aren't you focusing on the Government and stop targetting civilians?? In the past you seem to have little problem killing previous "terrorist" leaders with selective use of airborne rockets. If Hamas is so bad, the population obviously thinks the Israelis are far worse.

Its quite hard to hit people who are underground 99% of the time. As far as who the palestinians hate worse, I dont know. I would dare you to get a palestinian to openly critisize hammas. This last week 25 people were killed with out a trial in Gaza by hammas, and dozens more had limbs shot off or cutoff.'
That does not surprise me in the least, you have clearly demonstrated the limits of your intellect. It seems pretty typical for Israelis to laugh when they see innocent civillians murdered.

nah, usually i laugh when i hear limited/lunatic/pocket jews(finkilstein's case) people state their opinions. but i'm sure you know best, since you live in Australia nad watch your Al-Jazeera channel you are probably the best informed dweller of this forum, so i won't argue with you.
the sheer arrogance of telling me about IDF ROEs like its somthing i dont know about and need the so called "unbiassed" world press to learn from is amazing by the way.