nah, usually i laugh when i hear limited/lunatic/pocket jews(finkilstein's case) people state their opinions. but i'm sure you know best, since you live in Australia nad watch your Al-Jazeera channel you are probably the best informed dweller of this forum, so i won't argue with you.
Ahhh, you are more Jewish than Mr. Finkelstein? That explains a lot. Once again your narrow minded bigotry and lack of thought about the question shows through, topped off with stupid more assumptions.
For a start where I live we don't have Al Jazeera. I don't even think it is available in my State which by the way, is approximately 45 times the size of your country.
We don't support terrorism here, and what happens to Israel as a result of your own past and present stupidity will not affect us either. As stated by MontyB in an earlier post, you can't ever win, because it is not the nature of your enemy to allow it. Every time you commit an atrocity upon them you just stiffen their resolve and bring another group of fanatics into the fold of hamas or one of the other "terrorist" organisations.
So long as there is just one left alive you will never be able to get away with the theft of their land, and you know that I am right. If you drive them out of their homeland they will operate from your neighbouring countries or even overseas. Unlike Israelis, they are willing to gladly die for their cause, something I think is rather stupid, but then again I don't have an answer for it either, neither do you. Not only that, they have many State supporters who will harbour and finance them from behind the scenes. Some of whom have or are developing nuclear capability.
Israel is fast becoming the most likely architect of it's own destruction.
One day it will just take one small group of fanatics who are willing to sacrifice everything, (and even you are aware that these people do exist). A small dirty nuclear device purchased from some broken down State,... or a much cheaper and easier, bacteriological/chemical option, and it will largely be "all over" for Israel and perhaps half the Middle east. With the way that you are progressing with your genocide it fast becoming a question of "when", rather than "if". Both you and I know that there are fanatics out there who WILL gladly do it, and they don't care because they will be dead anyway.
The world will mourn the stupidity of your actions, but they will certainly be able to understand why it happened.
Now what are you going to accuse me of,.... the old standby, Anti Semitism, nahhh,.. I don't have to do that, you are doing a far better job of it than I ever could. Holocaust Denial??, the Rape of Nanking?.... Perhaps I beat small children, or steal my grandmother's pension cheques.
your claims that the IDF targets civilians is an implication that our ROEs allow that. They do not.
I never said it was allowed under your ROEs, what i said is, that it is happening, and it is happening enough to be more than just an isolated case. It's like when I told you about the army standing by while Israeli settlers stoned an International TV crew, you claimed that the Army was conveniently not allowed to interfere in civil matters. It is plainly obvious that your rules are very "rubbery" as to how they are enforced. Even my limited time in the armed forces, allows me the inside knowledge that ROEs are not always followed, in fact we usually find in these cases that it is not the work of a rogue Officer of enlisted man, but is bought about by a "blind eye' from the topmost echelons. Not that they ever actually get the blame, some minion usually gets court martialled and life goes on.
There is a growing mountain of evidence that would disprove your claim, from all manner of sources.