YES,YES. This link makes the point for Israel's undeniable claim to their homeland.
Thank you Perseus, for providing this important link. Together with the figures, it establishes precisely the truth of Israel's legitimate claim in in all respects to their homeland, far, far greater than any claim of the non-indigineous 'owners' of , say, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa etc.etc.
I urge readers here to carefully absorb this link, and the important implications of the figures Perseus has listed. With this link, any reader will be provided with a true oversee of the situation. Please read this link carefully, and learn.
I do not think I need add to it except to finf it inexplicable that anyone can claim, that Jerusalem was not the capitol of Israel in recorded history backed by claims going back into history.
I will deal with MontyB's and Senojekips contibutions later on further posts, to avoid confusion on this important link discussion.