All-Blacks Supporter
Note: Only Jordan took Palestinians in as citizens after 1948 and also later. Only Jordan and Egypt have peace with Israel. And though these country's cannot be called true democracies, they certainly allow their citizens much more freedom than their neigbors in the Arab world
One other interesting note: It has only been recently that the Egyptian school system has stopped teaching that ridiculous nonsense called, The Protocals of the Elders of Zion.
Israel is the only Democracy on the block in the middle east. That they can be rabid about protecting their citizens should be lauded not condemned. If the fanatics laid down their arms and truly asked for peace, I believe the world would be pleasantly surprised by the accomadation they would recieve from Israel.
You know what, this argument is pointless. Israel could be the most perfect country on earth and it wouldn't matter because it still does not solve the problem of ownership.
You have two groups of people claiming ownership of the area and neither of them are going to live happily together under the others rule, until you can solve that the battles will go on.