of Anti semitism because I'm not, what i will admit to is the fact that I'm "anti Zionist", (or the majority of their philosophy) which is a cat of a completely different colour.
Remember, I'm an Atheist, so I just ignore the religious baggage of both sides. I don't care that the Jews allegedly killed Christ 2000 years ago, to me, if he existedat all as a person he was just anothe religious fraud. No, this clip was merely included because it was next on the list, to show the type of niggling things that people have to put up with from those who steal their land and kill their children. The sad thing is that if you really want i can keep posting other clips of similar events every day. My point being that it is not an isolated event.
Sherman, don't worry too much, I am not perhaps the boogie man you think, I am not being a troll nor trying to insult you personally. (Read my Signature)
I am just showing you and others like you that there is a world opinion outside of Israel and the USA that you never seem to see or hear about. It is far better than these amateur clips from YouTube with professional video and cameramen from recognised news agencies. Your problem is that you live surrounded by your own propaganda, and don't seem to realise that people outside your country get to see many of the things that are never broadcast in Israel. Some are no more than annoyances, some like starving the populations of entire areas with enforced curfews are more serious, others are disgusting, no better than the nazi treatment of the Jews.
Don't worry about a few suicide bombings, we allknow why they happen, people do not sacrifice their own lives unless they are trying to tell the world that they are at the end of their rope, and have nothing left other than to kill themselves. While they are at it they may as well take some of their enemies with them.
How desperate would you have to be, to strap explosives to yourself and walk into a crowded Arab market and the turn yourself into mince meat?
I realise it will never happen, as the world is slowly becoming a more civilised place but, if ever the Jews are judged as the nazis were, there would be a lot more hangings.
Yes , this just establishes precisely my last post , 49, in just about every respect. I need add no more. ''Anti-Zionist ?? Ha! A pound to a penny you don't even know what The Zionist Movement is all about. Quick, check it out!
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