Doppleganger said:
Ok, are you suggestung that the Iraqis, Iranis, Turks and a few others play nice with each other?! Thats not going to hapen anytime soon...The Shia and Suna are still at odds with each other. Many muslim nations are always on tthe brink of conflict with eachother...
I agree. I just don't see all the Muslim sects (who really don't like each other very much) joining together anytime soon.
I agree with you both, they are not going to join anytime soon, and them joining by themselves is totaly unlikely.
But like I have been saying what is going to change all this is the Mahdi factor. He is the only one who will be able to do this. Without him things will remain the same.
That's why I have been saying this is so dangerous because it is decided by the actions of one man. If it where up to a conglamoration of peoples and nations, then it will be very hard if not impossible to make happen.
We are in fantasy land now...The Indians are not exactly meak...The entire Muslim world united against Israel before and did not prevail. The Europians, altough somewhat dorment right now, are serious about their wars two...Espcially the Brits and Germans...
Yes the Indians aren't pushovers.
Like I said again the events concerning the Mahdi changes everything. Once he unites his empire of 1.5 billion Islamics, he will gear it for war (since he has a mandate to do so). As I explained in the original post, from this empire he will mobilize a large army upwards of around 200 million geared towards taking Europe. India is were this army will most likely be baptized by fire.
Once this army is ready to go it will find an excuse to strike. India with an army of only around 3 to 4 million, will find itself totaly overwhelmed. Not only that, its weapons will most likely only equal or even inferior to that of the Islamics. Once they try to mobilize the the rest of their population to counter this, they will most likely be overun and it will be too late.
Even right now Isreal is still a power and most likely can win against the Arabs, however the future with the Mahdi involved may be a different story altogether.
Doppleganger said:
God has a good point regarding logistics. How would you see Islamic Armies being supplied or their lines of communication protected, assuming they were to attack, perhaps through Iraq into Turkey, or even from Turkey itself seeing as it's a muslim nation. In your scenario would the Islamic Armies would also have a large naval presence, air support and the ability to supply them over ever lengthening lines of communication?
As far as airpower goes this is the place where the West will be the strongest. They can forget about going toe to toe, plane fo plane in this area. They will most likely save their airforce for defending logistical choke points.
Since they cannot match the West airforce for airforce, the second best thing to do is rely on overwhelmingly massive quantities of anti-aircraft weapons, I'm talking a grevious amount. They will never stop all the airstikes, but that's not the idea the idea is simply to win a war of attrition. The basic idea is to have have such a number of sams protecting key places that it will cost the Allies everytime they make a hit.
As far as they navy is concerened they can have a viable navy to chalenge the Europeans. In a open ocean fight they have no chance, but remember they will be fighting in the Mediterranean, which isn't so wide open and not as rough.
The key for them here, is again to use mass quantities of overwhelming numbers. The way to do this is to simply make small inexpesive boats or take ones already in existence and simply bolt on the necesary equipment such as a surface to ship missle ( like the exocet or silkworm ). They don't need to be really rugged since they won't be opperating in open ocean, also they won't need large crews anywhere from 5 to 20 will do. Not to mention they don't need to even have an engine, they can be sail powered.
So as long as it floats slap on a missle on there and send them off, try to overwhelm the European ships with mass quantities of these, granted massive amouts of these will be sunk, but the idea again is to attrition out the enemy. If they are able to do it long enough they may be able to wrest control of the Med, now that's scarry.
What about tactical nuclear strikes? Do you think either side would use them?
I don't think either side will use nukes. Nuking by the Europeans will probably be retaliated with a backpack nuke in some Western city, and I'm sure the Islamics know if they use one first it wouldn't be too hard for the West to retaliate. Besides as long as the Europeans know they have at least a slim chance of still winning, I don't think they will resort to the nuclear solution.
Do you envisage sleeper cells in major western capitals perhaps exploding 'dirty' bombs en masse? What about the local muslim populations in each country? Do you see them rising up and joining with the invasion forces?
Yes sleeper cells in a coordinated effort, yes.
With the local populace I think there will be alot who will join or try to cause disruption localy in order to divert resources from the front. I don't know how many will actually answer this call, but I personaly think about half or more of them will do it. But even as litttle as 10% would be alot since 10% of of say 5 milllion is 500,000.
The most danger however will not be from those two above. The most danger will come from native born white Europeans who have converted to Islam who hold key positions in the goverment and military. If they decide to answer Mahdi's call for the final Jihad, who knows what damage they can do, anywhere from mixing up orders, to sabotage, to sending the enemy key battle plans.