Big_Z said:No matter what the muslim countries dont stand a chance in h**l vs Europe
Please be very careful about posting comments like that Big_Z.
Big_Z said:No matter what the muslim countries dont stand a chance in h**l vs Europe
This underlines the ridiculous double-standard that the Muslim world uses. Israeli or American pressence in the region offends them beyond all reason, but their fellow Muslims are free to commit genocide and murder. I don't think we're going to see a substantial threat from THIS Islam, but once they are fully awake and caught up, perhaps then is the time to start worrying.The Sudanese government is using modern air power to bomb Black villages, and then Arabs on horseback ride in and slaughter all the men and boys and rape all the women and girls. The rest of the Muslim world has not uttered a peep of protest.
godofthunder9010 said:Dopp, the problem with the West being over-run by the higher birth-rate of Muslims in their own countries is this: The first generation to move to ... oh France shall we say, is steeped in tradtions and unlikely to behave differently. Their children, however, adapt to the cultural norms of France, are educated and learn to think for themselves in almost all instances simply by having living in a culture that does not restrict information and opinion.
The Sudanese government is using modern air power to bomb Black villages, and then Arabs on horseback ride in and slaughter all the men and boys and rape all the women and girls. The rest of the Muslim world has not uttered a peep of protest.
Paddster said:My God, you say as though ever muslim is extreme, I'm not trying to offend you, but you've gotta be careful the way you say things.
No, all people are different, and even extremist muslims would have different views on who the real Mahdi is.
Not only that, you're getting Muslim countries mixed up with Arab countries etc. Pakistan is not arab, and its only beef is with India, and if Pakistan even thought of joining forces India would annialate them.
Would each country's leader just give up office for some guy claiming to be the Mahdi? I doubt it.
They wouldn't be a force to be reckoned with, they'd be a force, but they have nothing powerful or the technology. You mention Japan defeating Russia, by ww2 Japan were still using ancient 'honourable' methods.
Look at the situation now, would the USA ALLOW this coalation to form or develop modern technology? I doubt that.
A good read and well put up points Gladius but I just cannot see it happening soon or in the near future, and even if it did the world would crush them, countries act very different when a threat of war looms.
I believe that in conventional war, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain any of the developed European countries would crush the middle east coalition on its own.
gladius said:A good read and well put up points Gladius but I just cannot see it happening soon or in the near future, and even if it did the world would crush them, countries act very different when a threat of war looms.
I believe that in conventional war, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain any of the developed European countries would crush the middle east coalition on its own.
Yes I believe Europe could actualy crush them, but at what cost and would they be willing to pay it unless they were invaded first.
Hitler had the same confidence that he could easily crush the Russians. This confindence was not in anyway misplaced.
Because you know what... they did crush Russians, again and again. Several times through out the war they crushed several Russian Armies, taking prisoners of as much as half a million to a million men each time. But the Russians belief in thier motherland kept them coming back again and again. Yes the Germans crushed several Russian Armies, but it only took the Russians crushing one, only one German Army to turn the tide of the war.
If this were to happen and the EU crushes several army-groups of Islamics, they will have to crush several more and then some to defeat them completely. All the Islamics would have to do is crush one, just one European army-group to turn the tide of the war and put the Europeans on the defensive.
gladius said:What do you mean flawed, didn't the Russians turned the tide of the war when they destroyed 6th Army at Stalingrad. They didn't win it at that point but it certainly shifted the momentum on their side.
And what does one Christian country invading another as you say it have to do with this? I was mearly giving an example of war as whole. Anyhow I would hardly call Hiltler Christian, since most of his beliefs had to do with astrology and mysticsm and so did most of his deptuties, and Stalin was a Communist Atheist for crying out loud, so I think its your views that may be grossly flawed.
Anyways I have read "Panzer Leader" by Heinz Guderian " and "Lost Victories" by Erich von Manstien so I think I have a pretty good grasp of the history of the Russian Front during WWII, I wouldn't classify myself completely ignorant on this subject as you would like to put it.
Aren't I always. :lol:God is right
godofthunder9010 said:Aren't I always. :lol:God is right
Doppleganger said:Hey Gladius! Lighten up man. I don't think I said anywhere that you were ignorant on the subject - I just said that the analogy you posted wasn't supporting your position and that what you said regarding Germany V Soviet Union in WW2 was grossly flawed. It was.
The greatest weapon any such state would have is already here - terrorism on a new scale. I imagine that rolling waves of suicide bombers and sleeper suicide bomber cells suddenly activated in a dozen countries would have a far more devastating effect on the EU than any massed military invasion, which almost certainly would result in catastrophic losses on the Islam side.
godofthunder9010 said:They're attitudes towards women doesn't help either, since this limits the potential of their industrial strength by cutting their workforce in half.
gladius said:lol
Doppleganger said:Hey Gladius! Lighten up man. I don't think I said anywhere that you were ignorant on the subject - I just said that the analogy you posted wasn't supporting your position and that what you said regarding Germany V Soviet Union in WW2 was grossly flawed. It was.
The reason I'm a little ticked off (a little, not a lot mind you) is that you keep saying my analogy regarding Russia vs Germany is so grossly flawed.
I was making a simple illustration of how a significantly superior numerical advantage can overcome superior technology and tactics.
If you are going to go after every single little minutia and detail to make the comparison, which was what I think you where going for, of course it's not going to match. I think most people here can understand the basics of what I'm trying to point out.
godofthunder9010 said:Bear in mind that nothing I've said or (I'm sure) Doppelganger has said is trying to offend you, just trying to discuss things from all sides. If my comments are upsetting you, I'll certainly stop.
Doppleganger said:Was not my intention to tick you off so apologies if I did. I still think what you posted seemed to show a lack of knowledge of the time period and I still think it's deeply flawed (you used much better examples in your response to my reply). It's never my intention to rile or upset anyone and I welcome debate such as this. Your thread is a good one and whilst I disagree with a large part of your argument I still welcome the opportunity for debate. After all, your opinion isn't any more or less worthy than mine at the end of the day. (I still think I'm right though)
gladius said:Doppleganger said:Was not my intention to tick you off so apologies if I did. I still think what you posted seemed to show a lack of knowledge of the time period and I still think it's deeply flawed (you used much better examples in your response to my reply). It's never my intention to rile or upset anyone and I welcome debate such as this. Your thread is a good one and whilst I disagree with a large part of your argument I still welcome the opportunity for debate. After all, your opinion isn't any more or less worthy than mine at the end of the day. (I still think I'm right though)
I welcome everyones opinion but I perfer it has reason to it, rather than a condesending one, simply stating that I am grossly wrong.
If it is deeply flawed, how so? You keep saying it is deeply and so wrong without giving any examples.
Why can't the Russain front be compared to all the examples I had given.
Was I not pointing that numerical superiority can be used to overcome an enemy with a technological and tactical edge.
Even if the Russain front isn't the best example, you can't say that they didn't use their numerical superiority to offset the technological and tatctical edge of the enemy, just like the rest of my other examples.
Granted there where many factors involed in this, and I was giving it as an example as a whole, its NOT going to be the same in every detail for any future conflict but the basic premise is there. If that's what your looking for then of course it's not going to match.
In any case you can't argue that a technological edge cannot be sometimes offset or overcome with overwhelming numerical superiority. This is simply the fact I was trying to state that will make what I am saying posible, Russian Front or, no Russian Front.
But if you still think you're right without giving any reasons then there's nothing I can do about that, it up to you, your certainly welcome to that oppinion.