The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe!

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Let's put the case in plain words:

If there would be such a "M.E. SuperState" arise and goes to INVADE Europe, then WHOLE world (USA, RUSSIA, INDIA, CHINA, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA) will go to help beat this "SuperState", why?

If this "SuperState" dares and is capable to conquer Europe, then it will NEVER stop there, they will dare and be able to conquer Russia, then conquer India, then China, then Japan, then Australia, then USA, then we all can forget Pig Meat.

So END senario is so clear to other big nations, therefore they will UNITE and stop this INVASION happening. For me pesonally I would also take my gun (if I got one then) and fight for my right of Pork :twisted:
The Madhi, Jesus, Terminator, Nostradamus, Satan, Hilary, Hitler jr...
2 weeks ago they predicted a 7 pointer earthquake in Southern Cal...
WW1 was the last one and the Twin towers fell...
That is all good and interesting but most of the predictions never happened as told and only far stretched interpretations made it.

When they don't spend their time killing each other, Arabs had and still have an strong urge to invade, slaughter, rape and enslave...
It's OK...
They invaded Europe but eventually we stopped them at Poitier in 732, with spears and swords, Madhi or not.
The so called slow invasion through imported labor is not really an invasion because most of them adopt the local lifestyle, especially after one generation, and we banned the veil and other practices like excision...add to that a wake up call that happened in France in the 90ies when integrist islamist from Algeria tried to bomb the French public opinion into submission but only brought the army in the streets and got their French active cells sent to their virgin full heavens!
Remember: all the Arabs are not terrorists but most of the current active bloody terrorists are Arabs! Al Sadr and Bin Laden are not Madhis....just crazy envious morons hungry for total power over their people...
Just bring it on....I come from the first line of defense in the Mediterranean sea: the island of Corsica, where as was once said by a French president, people carry guns like British umbrellas...
The Corsican flag traced as far as 1258, is white with a chopped off black Moor head on it.
This is a great post Gladius. Most people are trashing this post before they even think about it. The possibility of a massive muslim empire is intriguing. Yes, the entire world would eventually jump in, but when. This world really will do anything nowadays to be at peace. Most nations are more likely to wait for the muslim army to come to them. They would eventually all, BUT AT WHAT COST! That is the whole point, does no one understand this point. As was explained, not all germans were Nazis but they got swept up in the moment. Sunnis and Shites would come together if the Madhi came, Catholics and Protestants do not get along in some areas of the world but if Christ came back they would all drop their guns and follow him. Bin Laden and Al Sadr are not up to the job of Madhi, But if they are caught, their armies will be leaderless. If a strong leader takes their place, anything can go wrong. By the way, so what if China has the capabilities of making a 200,000,000 man army, China no longer goes to war unless of coarse it involves Taiwan. I highly doubt that Russia and China will ever get together to take over the world, but a muslim world united under the Madhi is not unlikely
Thanks Lupos, you sumarized what I was trying to say.

People seem to keep posting how the world will beat the Mahdi, most likely yes I fully agree, I never said the Mahdi is going to win, but he certainly is going to try to win. He's not going to make it easy for everybody to stop him. The world will try to eventually stop him, but when, and at what cost? Most likely the cost will be very very high.

My point is NOT to prove whether he would win or lose, but to prove that is scenario is more than likely to happen. There are hundreds of millions of Muslims who believe the absolutness of this, to them they see only total victory that is why they are going see it through and more than willing to give their lives for it.

Besides, who ever steps up to take the position of the Mahdi will have to not only be ambitious, but also charismatic, crafty, and devious. Without these qualities he may not get past the first few rounds of scrutination. Does anyone really think that a person with such assets and to gain that position is going to be dumb enough to not make the best descisions possible in order to see that he wins. He may not win at the end, but whatever he descides may cost countless lives in order for it to be stopped, this is what I'm trying to point out.
The key factor would be deviousness. If the fellow cannot mask his ambitions with a pretense of good-will toward the rest of the world, then he's in for a messy ride.

If I were in that position, the first thing I would do was put a stop to all Muslim based global terrorism. I'd make peace with Israel and make absolutely everyone think that I'm the best and greatest of people. I'd get the world of Islam firmly united and technologically up-to-date. Since I don't have the numbers to conquer the world outright, I would need technology surpassing all other nations. The world would likely give me the Nobel Peace Prize for being such a schpiffty guy. From there, I'd build, consolidate and prepare. I'd put extremely well disguised terrorist sleeper cells everywhere possible. Once I have the resources and military might of sufficient strength, I'd coordinate all sleeper cells to activate and strike simultaneously. It would be a matter of catching the world completely off-guard, allowing the damage inflicted to be the greatest possible. Then and only then, would I be ready to launch a war of global conquest.

Pulling all of that off is dubious at best, so it would take one hell of a charismatic guy.
My only doubt in this theory is the "front", I think we ought to examine what it would be. I think they would have absolutely no chance in open ground, no chance. Urban warfare is the only way they could pull off anything resembling a true "fight". Even then, It's hard for me to imagine some middle-east version of stalingrad with fanatics rushing units and overrunning them or something. The opposing European and Israel armies have overwhelmingly superior MOUT training than a rag-tag bunch of jihadist punks. And perhaps you're thinking of the insuregencies in Iraq, well, that's a security war, with many restrictions because of civliians and structural damage. This theory is saying that this empire would declare war, and that it would be an all out war. Well then, the west/Isaelis aren't going to hold anything back. These little battles in Iraq are hardly a "show" of western capabilities. Every building, shrine, hospital, and perhaps even school will be blown if necessary. There is no peace to win in this war. Winning hearts is key in today's war, this is why it continues.

A lot of people are challenging this Mahdi military's capability to win, which is not the question, and it may seem I just answered that question. But no, my point was, that it couldn't do any significant damage to the opposeing side, maybe something in a offensive manuver, but it would end soon, any "blitzkrieg" they pull off would soon be met with a alarmed and ready enemy. And as others have pointed out, the world powers aren't going to standby and let them pour tanks, artillery, aircraft, and small-arms by the hundreds of thousands to the middle-east without stopping that little shin-dig, and I doubt the muslims will ever achieve that level of industrial capability.

These are the reasons why I seek to "alter" this theory, in that, I don't see huge armies clashing German-Russian style WWII, no, I see this as a very unconventional war, terror is the key. These terrorist have already shown they can influence countries, and I think they will continue to do so. Europe, I think, will slowly fall to terror. While we have brave countries like UK, Poland, and Italy, their civilian populous is a lot less gung-ho about helping the imperialist yankess in their crusade for oil and territory. You might be thinking of the euro's help in Afganistan? Well, it's true, they are helping some, some. I don't mean to downplay their help, because I really do appreciate our allies, but I'm talking about the future. I think the euros will totally isolate themselves from conflict with the muslims as much as possible, and only seek to get comfy with them. (The last part is primarily reserved for France) Anyways, this is when the bigger part of the great age of terror starts. They would have missed their chance to destroy/hinder the capaibilites of the Islamic extremist, and they would pay dearly for it. I don't know what exactly these terrorist attacks would be, but one way could be the current Iranian threat. With the world condemning America for It's "regime change" strategy, the Iranian threat could very well go unchecked. Our enemy is illusive, and will use trickery until it is too late to stop the damage.

If this empire will arise, it will be a empire of deceit. Not a material empire, nothing you can see, no official flag, no official military, no official buildings. The only proof of this empire will be the wreckage of our buildings, and the blood of our people. It will be a empire in the hearts of our enemies, and the minds of our allies.
Chocobo_Blitzer said:
If this empire will arise, it will be a empire of deceit. Not a material empire, nothing you can see, no official flag, no official military, no official buildings. The only proof of this empire will be the wreckage of our buildings, and the blood of our people. It will be a empire in the hearts of our enemies, and the minds of our allies.

Pretty much what I said to begin with, and what's already happening in Western Europe in the sense that muslim populations in almost every country are rising.

There's no way, no chance, never in a month of Sundays, not now or ever that a muslim superstate can win any kind of armed conflict with the rest of the world. What they CAN do though however is 'take-over' by virtue of continuing to have much bigger families and continue to export their culture wholesale to whichever country they emigrate to.

In an extreme scenario you will have a Western Europe that is mainly populated by muslim peoples and therefore they will have majority voting rights and overall influence in their respective countries. More muslim people = more muslim law = more muslim culture adopted as official national policy. So in a sense the invasion will have succeeded as Christianity will no longer be the dominant religion.

Islam doesn't need a Madhi to become dominant in Western Europe.

All they need is time...
The only 'Effective' military power in Europe is British, Britain have the best army, but one of the worst numbers. The French are 2nd to the brits and they aren't anywhere near as 'effective' or as influencial. So it could have been possible a few hundred years ago, if Britain wasn't the worlds super power and the French, Spanish, Italians, Germans etc didnt have an army lol.
OSEU said:
The only 'Effective' military power in Europe is British, Britain have the best army, but one of the worst numbers. The French are 2nd to the brits and they aren't anywhere near as 'effective' or as influencial. So it could have been possible a few hundred years ago, if Britain wasn't the worlds super power and the French, Spanish, Italians, Germans etc didnt have an army lol.

One of the reasons our Army (in particular our infantry) are so effective is because of our small numbers. We'd lose a bit of the professionalism if we were a lot bigger.
I think if the US is too busy somewhere to care about Europe.. Russia may seize the chance to invade Europe.

Afterall, Europe is a nice and sweet piece of meat to any hungry invader.

Middle East countries are too divided to invade Europe. See the war in 80s between Iraq and Iran? Islam does not really unite them. They are still separate countries with very different agenda.
future invasion of europe

Hi Gladius,
are there any signs that the Arab army is being assembled, any radio signals, do we have our spy satelites and inteligence in place? And when the Mahdi comes, would it be possible please to surgically wipe him out, like Sharon did with the very bad invalid 73 old Palistinian leader in his wheelchair? Nice idea, the United Moslim States, but I think it more possible that the Chinese invade the world. They don't need lines of supplies, there is a Chinese restaurant on practically every block in the whole wide world. And it is so hard to know what they're realy up to, speak any Chinese?
These countries will very well build themselves up in twenty years, especially if the west helps. If you have ever watched the program Targeted on the History channel, you would know that even though we are close to catching Usama Bin Laden we are also closest to chaos. When the US captures Bin Laden, Al Queda will do anything to free him. They will target all of Americas allies, and most of them will drop out and leave to protect themselves. Even worse is if the West kills Bin Laden, he will become a Martyr and a new legacy for Muslim power.
Al Queda has hundreds of millions of members all around the world, they can easily cause trouble all over the west in open war. Let us not forget, Usama Bin Laden and many of his subordinates were trained by the US. They still know quite enough to cause trouble and slaughter thousands in open war.
The west really does not care as much as many would think about each other. Even if Europe is invaded, many of the more powerful countries would back out knowing that they may be able to avoid losing their own. RUSSIA WILL NOT TRY TO INVADE EUROPE, THEY HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS WITH THEIR OWN COUNTRY! The only role Russia plays here is that they sell all the weapons to them.
Bottom line whether you want to believe it or not, the western world may face its greatest threat in almost a century soon. DO NOT DOUBT THE POWER ISLAM AND THE ANTI WEST PROPAGANDA OF THE MIDDLE EAST, IT WILL DESTROY US ALL IF WE DO NOT TAKE THE PRECAUTIONS.
This topic is getting a little strange again.

Lupos wrote:

hundreds of millions of members all around the world

Really? Where is that noumber from?Are you suggesting that almost 20%(the lowest ammount that is "hundreds of millions" is 200 million...) of all muslims are Al Queda members?! That is absurd. Yes, the Muslim Fundamentalist are dangerous, and yes, they must be taken care of....But they pose no major threat to the western democracys. They can kill, they can hurt the economy....But they cannot destroy a western country. Look at Israel. We are the only western country to deal with Fundamentalist and Arab-Nationalistic terror every day. And yet we stand. The economy is even showing signs of a turn-up.....There is no need to panick about Al Queda. There are many reasons to destroy it.
Some of you still don't get it, there are no Arab armies assembling right now, this will only happen after the Mahdi shows up, they themsleves will not do anything en mass without the Mahdi, please don't let me explain this over and over.

Like lupus said; "IT WILL DESTROY US ALL IF WE DO NOT TAKE THE PRECAUTIONS." This is what I'm trying to point out here that this is a future threat. And by the looks of a lot of the comments on this board most people in the West will take this lightly and underestimate them, and because of that, there will be hell to pay.

Again I'd like to point back to my question on Page 8 of this thread, Question to the readers of this thread.

godofthunder9010 said:
The key factor would be deviousness. If the fellow cannot mask his ambitions with a pretense of good-will toward the rest of the world, then he's in for a messy ride.

If I were in that position, the first thing I would do was put a stop to all Muslim based global terrorism. I'd make peace with Israel and make absolutely everyone think that I'm the best and greatest of people. I'd get the world of Islam firmly united and technologically up-to-date. Since I don't have the numbers to conquer the world outright, I would need technology surpassing all other nations. The world would likely give me the Nobel Peace Prize for being such a schpiffty guy. From there, I'd build, consolidate and prepare. I'd put extremely well disguised terrorist sleeper cells everywhere possible. Once I have the resources and military might of sufficient strength, I'd coordinate all sleeper cells to activate and strike simultaneously. It would be a matter of catching the world completely off-guard, allowing the damage inflicted to be the greatest possible. Then and only then, would I be ready to launch a war of global conquest.

This is probably what I would do, or along the lines of this.

But as far as the West is concerned I personally don't think I can equal their technology, but I will close the gap as much as I can, and certainly make up for what I can't with manpower, as far as attacking them is concerned.

Diplomacy is probably the most powerful tool you can use. I would make myself look a man of peace, like Nelson Mandela and Ghandi combined. I'm sure there are enough liberal peacenicks around the world who would eat this up. Almost the same way Neville Chamberlain and all those that wanted peace so much were blinded by Hitlers true intention.

Oil is also a leverage. I would give certain countries (like China) huge discounts on oil to make them solely dependant on me for their supply. So when the fightng starts they would be hesitant to join in against me.

I would also make sure that the large and growing Muslims populations in Europe puts enough political presure on the Europeans so they would not interfere with me until the very last second, when I first send my troops across their soil. And with the Europeans liberal sentiments and policies this would not be too difficult.

There are so much more you can do, these are some of the things I would given the position.

I urge more of you againto go to Page 8 and look at Question to the readers of this thread.

When you do, DON'T analyze this from the side of the West, its not going to work. You have to step into the opposite shoe and see what the West has in order to overcome it.

Your advantage is you know what the opposition has and its up to you to try and figure out how to beat it. After all armies don't really change their tactics which have given them victories in the past, they only change them if they start to get beat really bad.

In order to do this you may have to do some thinking outside the box.

Afterall Hitler and his generals would have never done what they did using the same old strategies. They thought outside the box.

Like I said before whoever ascends to the position of Mahdi is almost likely to have extraordinary qualities to get him to that position in the first place. I doubt he will be an idiot, in fact I think for him to get there he will have to posses some genius or near-genius qualities, like Hitler, Napoleon, Hanibal, Ghengis Khan, ect.

If me and a few other people on this board alone can answer my question on Page 8 successfully, how much more do you think the Mahdi will be able to answer it,
The reason I take it lightly is because I dont believe there is a Mahdi...I do realize the possible threat of the Muslim world uniting, bt those are proceses that would take years, and can then be reacted to....
Oil is also a leverage. I would give certain countries (like China) huge discounts on oil to make them solely dependant on me for their supply. So when the fightng starts they would be hesitant to join in against me.

1. China is the 5th Largest oil producer in the world, annually producing 200 million tons crude oil.
2. China itself is in the top 5 oil reserve countries.
3. China is "crying" for oil, for sure, but China's intention is to BUY oil instead of digging out own oil.

In Chinese offshores, we already discoverd over 50 billion tons oil and gas reserves, not counting the oil in Spratly Islands (South China Sea) yet.
The US also has tons of oil reserves, but they're not using it they're instead buying from the Middle East, same with China that's one of the reasons gas is so high right now because of Chinese demand.

If you make a country dependent on your own oil by making it cheaper to buy it from you instead of digging it from the ground then by the time they decide to switch it will take them some time to do so. Besides China is just an example, there are other countries this could be done to.

The reason I take it lightly is because I dont believe there is a Mahdi...I do realize the possible threat of the Muslim world uniting, bt those are proceses that would take years, and can then be reacted to....

Neither do most people, neither do I, at least I don't believe he is divinely guided.

But I already explained this before it does not matter if we believe it or not. It really doesn't. What matters is there are hundreds of millions of Muslims who believe this and they are more than willing to see this happen.

It doesn't matter if you believe this, but your neighbor does. When it does happen he is going to try to force the issue on you, whether you think it matters or not.
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