Some of you still don't get it, there are no Arab armies assembling right now, this will only happen after the Mahdi shows up, they themsleves will not do anything en mass without the Mahdi, please don't let me explain this over and over.
Like lupus said; "IT WILL DESTROY US ALL IF WE DO NOT TAKE THE PRECAUTIONS." This is what I'm trying to point out here that this is a future threat. And by the looks of a lot of the comments on this board most people in the West will take this lightly and underestimate them, and because of that, there will be hell to pay.
Again I'd like to point back to my question on Page 8 of this thread,
Question to the readers of this thread.
godofthunder9010 said:
The key factor would be deviousness. If the fellow cannot mask his ambitions with a pretense of good-will toward the rest of the world, then he's in for a messy ride.
If I were in that position, the first thing I would do was put a stop to all Muslim based global terrorism. I'd make peace with Israel and make absolutely everyone think that I'm the best and greatest of people. I'd get the world of Islam firmly united and technologically up-to-date. Since I don't have the numbers to conquer the world outright, I would need technology surpassing all other nations. The world would likely give me the Nobel Peace Prize for being such a schpiffty guy. From there, I'd build, consolidate and prepare. I'd put extremely well disguised terrorist sleeper cells everywhere possible. Once I have the resources and military might of sufficient strength, I'd coordinate all sleeper cells to activate and strike simultaneously. It would be a matter of catching the world completely off-guard, allowing the damage inflicted to be the greatest possible. Then and only then, would I be ready to launch a war of global conquest.
This is probably what I would do, or along the lines of this.
But as far as the West is concerned I personally don't think I can equal their technology, but I will close the gap as much as I can, and certainly make up for what I can't with manpower, as far as attacking them is concerned.
Diplomacy is probably the most powerful tool you can use. I would make myself look a man of peace, like Nelson Mandela and Ghandi combined. I'm sure there are enough liberal peacenicks around the world who would eat this up. Almost the same way Neville Chamberlain and all those that wanted peace so much were blinded by Hitlers true intention.
Oil is also a leverage. I would give certain countries (like China) huge discounts on oil to make them solely dependant on me for their supply. So when the fightng starts they would be hesitant to join in against me.
I would also make sure that the large and growing Muslims populations in Europe puts enough political presure on the Europeans so they would not interfere with me until the very last second, when I first send my troops across their soil. And with the Europeans liberal sentiments and policies this would not be too difficult.
There are so much more you can do, these are some of the things I would given the position.
I urge more of you againto go to Page 8 and look at
Question to the readers of this thread.
When you do, DON'T analyze this from the side of the West, its not going to work. You have to step into the opposite shoe and see what the West has in order to overcome it.
Your advantage is you know what the opposition has and its up to you to try and figure out how to beat it. After all armies don't really change their tactics which have given them victories in the past, they only change them if they start to get beat really bad.
In order to do this you may have to do some thinking outside the box.
Afterall Hitler and his generals would have never done what they did using the same old strategies. They thought outside the box.
Like I said before whoever ascends to the position of Mahdi is almost likely to have extraordinary qualities to get him to that position in the first place. I doubt he will be an idiot, in fact I think for him to get there he will have to posses some genius or near-genius qualities, like Hitler, Napoleon, Hanibal, Ghengis Khan, ect.
If me and a few other people on this board alone can answer my question on Page 8 successfully, how much more do you think the Mahdi will be able to answer it,