The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe!

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To answer your question Sherman, I may have exaggerated a little when I said hundreds of millions. I was a little stressed out that night so I apologize, it is probably a third of a hundred million or something around that. I learned this from the Program Roots of 9/11 on Discovery Times. There are Al Queda cells all over the world, each with a population ranging from 10,000 to 3 million. I merely took an estimate of the numbers, so if I am off well, to err is human. If you have ever seen the History Channel Documentary targeted, you know the possibility that we could be caught in a Catch 22 with Bin Laden. If we kill him he becomes a martyr inspiring muslims all over the place into terror against the west and maybe even farther. If we catch him and hold him like Saddham, it could be even worse with attacks of desperation all over everywhere. It is my speclation that a political deciever will draw out a plan in order to get Al Queda to subside their tide of violence and begin building a certain country in the Middle East (Iraq/Iran/Syria) into a western utopia but still dominated by Muslim Ideas for the most part. Everything else is blahblahblah, it has been said already. You do not have to believe it, but just think about it.
Dar El Harb. The Muslim term for those countries not under Muslim rule. Lets have a little translation:

Dar- House/Tent.
El- Of.
Harb- Sword/War.

Osama and his friends are true fundamentalist followers of Islam. They stick to the original meanings of the Koran. They see any country not ruled by the Sharia(the Islamic Religious Laws) as a target that must be fought against. You cant negotiate with fanatics. This is kind of off-toppic.
Well, I can see this is going nowhere. :( What do you say Gladius, should we all just end this topic. I just can't see anyone else being converted, we'll just have to watch and wait.
Keep it open. I'm sure there are people who will want to comment every once in while. Yes we'll just have watch and wait, but it won't be for a while.

Around 20 years or so from now when this is actually happening people look back on today, and remember what they read here, most will even remember how they didn't believe it at that time. But by then it will be too late. Probably the same way nobody took Billy Mitchell seriuosly when he said 20 years earlier that the Japanese would bomb Pearl Harbor and expand throughout the Pacific. No one really took Japanese capabilities all too seriuosly, same as they are not taking seriuosly the capabilities of a future united Islamic empire.
Yes, all very true my friend. Actually, it could also occur after the polar shift and the beggining of the third ice age. But we will have many other things to consider as well, just a thought.
This thread kind of reminds me of the guy on the corner with the big"The End is Near" sign.
Any prophecy has to be taken with a grain of salt considering what the writer wanted to address in that time.
I wasn't basing this solely on prophecy alone. I was considering other realistic, economic, military and social factors as well. Considering alot of things in the Islamic world is ripe for an event such as this. Like I said before whether this is true or not, there are hundreds of millions of Muslims who believe this is true, and you can be sure first chance they get they will try to make it happen or force it to happen, whether it is actually a true prophecy or not. You have to admit if the Muslim extremist are able to spread their jihad on the level of having the whole Muslim world rise up then it would surely pose a threat, this is the one chance that will allow them to do this.

But one thing about the prophecies that get me is that you have three different independent sources, two of them have been proven reputable all pointing towards the same scenario.
Now Iraq looks more likely to fall into civil war. This is not good. Unless the US military is allowed to clean out places like Fallujha, the elections will be very chaotic.
Although I think our invasion of Iraq bought us some time maybe 5 or 10 years. My personal opinion on this is; whether ther will be war or peace it really won't matter. The main factor is the Mahdi ledgend, unless you can get rid of that, whatever the situation that happens in that region, as long as there are people willing to make it come true, regardless of the condition of the area, it will more or less take shape.

On a side note:
If you want to get an insight into this Mahdi phenomenon, there is a good movie you can rent called "Khartum" staring Charlton Heston. It has Chalrton Heston as Gordon Pasha versus the Mahdi. It is based on a true story of someone in the past who claimed to be the Mahdi, Muslims flocked to him in droves and he promptly started a war. Although this happened in the past, just imagine something similar happening in the future. Worth watching I think if you want to have an insight of the mindset that goes with this.
Think of it this way, remember the final battle at the Black Gate of Mordor in Return of the King. The massive horde of orcs charging at the last of the men from all sides, well that is kinda what it will look like. Everything will be about intimidation and swift strikes before anyone can see what hit them.
Imagine still how intimidating 3 million of those guys charging at you in all black robes and scarves over their faces. Some with swords and some with AK's (if you have that many people charging you might as well throw in a few guys swinging swords around and cutting heads off while carrying them around), some will have the classic bomb strapped to their chest.
Though there are people who will refuse to be intimidated and others who will fight their fear, the majority of westerners will run to find a hiding place leaving the valiant to fight their battles. The west will win in the end, but it will be a long road.
Doppleganger said:
gladius said:
Although I think our invasion of Iraq bought us some time maybe 5 or 10 years.

Why do you say this?

Just guessing, but by bringing somesort of democracy, and a strong US precense in there we may stabilize the area a bit. This may cause a temporary setback on radicalism, once a bit of prosperity comes in and ocupies the peoples minds. However after the democracy is established, and the return to the status-quo has happened, this will actually make it easier for a radical government or even the Mahdi to take over.
By the way things are, the only serious factors in a defense of Europe would be the US, UK and perhaps Germany.
You might as well forget about the French because they'll only get in the way. The Dutch are pretty good though. Not convinced about the Belgians one bit.
The Islamic forces probably cannot launch a conventional assault that's good enough to counter the European armies, no matter how lousy the European infantrymen might turn out to be.
The real war is behind the lines in the cities etc. and it is going on today and the results are rather mixed.
French because they'll only get in the way

Really? an country with houndreds of modern MBTs, a good Air-Force and one of the largest navys in the world will get in the way? The French may not have done well in WWII, but try and get through the Forieghn Legion or the French Carrier Task Groups, and see what youll get.
I don't know that he was referring to their military ability as much as their political history. Remember the Forgien Legion is well forgien their alligence is more to the legion than France.
Yes, and they will fight to death. Other than that, the French will fight along side europe.....They are not stupid.
It has more to do with their politics. During crisis situations, you need decisions made quick. They will make things slow down at least 3 times. I can see the Dutch, Germans, Brits and other players working together but throwing in the French I think it'd be a bureaucratic quagmire.

French because they'll only get in the way

Really? an country with houndreds of modern MBTs, a good Air-Force and one of the largest navys in the world will get in the way? The French may not have done well in WWII, but try and get through the Forieghn Legion or the French Carrier Task Groups, and see what youll get.
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