Here's another for you all to laugh about!

A man found a bottle in his garden, picked it up and cleaned it, when out of the bottle jumped a Genie. The Genie said, ''I grant you one wish, what will it be''. The man said, ''I have relatives in the USA, could you build a bridge to America so I can drive to see them''. The Genie says "Do you realise the enormous job that would be, millions of tons of concrete, railings, etc etc, sorry, too bigger job, think of something else''. The man said, ''Find me the perfect woman then'', the Genie replied, ''How soon do you want this bridge''.
I decided to show my kids how to make a burger from scratch.

They burst into tears and refused to eat.

I don't know what the fuss is about, it was a stupid name for a cat.
Kids are a great way of meeting women.

It's fantastic. I've got my daughter a cute, little pink top that says, 'My mummy's dead'.
You bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad man!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: