The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe!

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Doc.S, We have the same problem in all Europe, may be in

Sweden is bigger. The problem is that they come here and they do not wanna integrete.
In Spain every day arrive nearly 200 people from Morrocco. Now we have 1 million people from Morocco, most of them unemployed. In many parts of southern spain we have the same problem that you described.

There have been some popular riots(El Ejido) due to rapes, agressions and insults coming from muslims.
They usally get drunk and start saying that they are gonna behead us when they conquer Al-Andalus once again.

I think that the invasion of Europe has already began, we have the "fifth column" inside.
staurofilakes said:
Doc.S, We have the same problem in all Europe, may be in

Sweden is bigger. The problem is that they come here and they do not wanna integrete.
In Spain every day arrive nearly 200 people from Morrocco. Now we have 1 million people from Morocco, most of them unemployed. In many parts of southern spain we have the same problem that you described.

There have been some popular riots(El Ejido) due to rapes, agressions and insults coming from muslims.
They usally get drunk and start saying that they are gonna behead us when they conquer Al-Andalus once again.

I think that the invasion of Europe has already began, we have the "fifth column" inside.

Yes, it's began already in a sense with economic immigration that started in the 1950s. Now in most Western European countries you have native born Muslims and because Muslim families tend to have more kids than Christian ones the % of Muslims per head of population is going to go up and up. In 50 years times you may find that Islam will be the majority in some states within countries. That is the 'invasion' if any is ever going to occur, not some huge military conquest that belongs in another age.
Yes, but the migraty invasion would make things lots easier for a military invasion, if some time occurs...
Concerning Spain: Morocco wants Ceuta, Melilla and the Canary Islands for them. We had problems a couple years ago with The Perejil Island, and problems will happen again.
Re-The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe

I think that the invasion of Europe has already began, we have the "fifth column" inside.

I don't believe... I know it has, problem is to find more ppl that may agree with me, ppl with the power to say enough is enough without getting extreme far right nazis or something like that. I am in no hurry. If they choose not to see the obvious and serious problem with this "fifth" column security breach than it`s their problem. I have stoped trying to save this world from itself, I will get my butt out from Europe when the fat-lady sings, to a nation that still thinks and not duck or hide of today and future problems, that is how simple it really is. I want my children to grow up in a safe enviroment, not in a terror state that doesn`t cheer my values of human respect as I have been taught. 8)

Better flee then badly fence with swords...

Re-The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe

Well there is only one place in this world that so many other countrys enviously watch. The land of the free... The land of the Brave... Where you can carry a gun without being a criminal. Where you can protect your own home without getting arrested for doing so. Where you can hunt and live in symbiosis with so many other human beings without having a finger pointed at you hence you may look different. 8)

Where there is a constitution for the ppl living there. Where the police Protects and Serves. Where the eagle flys high, and where you can drink bear at a football match. The United States of America. The best country in this world. It has not always been that way but I can accept the hard reality. I think the U.S is the last country to fall if the Mahdi would turn up. People over there still think, and protect their rights, and they can tell their gov that they suck if they want to. Freedom of Speech! :lol:

That is if not to many rounds of competition is won by the democrats that is.... Then it`s soon not to far from what we already has, and that is F.U.B.A.R!

Re: Re-The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Eu

Doc.S said:
Well there is only one place in this world that so many other countrys enviously watch. The land of the free... The land of the Brave... Where you can carry a gun without being a criminal. Where you can protect your own home without getting arrested for doing so. Where you can hunt and live in symbiosis with so many other human beings without having a finger pointed at you hence you may look different. 8)

Where there is a constitution for the ppl living there. Where the police Protects and Serves. Where the eagle flys high, and where you can drink bear at a football match. The United States of America. The best country in this world. It has not always been that way but I can accept the hard reality. I think the U.S is the last country to fall if the Mahdi would turn up. People over there still think, and protect their rights, and they can tell their gov that they suck if they want to. Freedom of Speech! :lol:


Well, I can do all those things in Spain as well. Except carring a gun in the street, unless I have been threaten.
The only problem is that in an hypotetical invasion,we will be the first country in fail, we are to close to them.
There is some new information that I came across recently that may make this senario more than possible.

In light of this, it makes the outcome even worse, than even I imagained.

Those that have doubted the possibility of how this Empire may even have a chance against the West may change your minds after I present this new information.

However I'm still researching and doing my homework before I present the facts (I'll try to do it soon). But like I said some of you may change your minds about how this Empire is going to take on a technologically superior NATO, its that much of a factor.
Re-The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe

I'm looking forward to see this scenario gladius ;)

"Should I consider to pack my bags immediate?" :D

Best Regards:
Lol. No, not anytime soon at least. The time table is still about the same.

What I'm talking about is an equalizer of sorts, at least a temporary one that will negate the West dependance on technolgy, allowing a more "primitive" society to be on equal footing for at least a certain period of time, long enough to get a solid foothold into Europe. Right now I'm still studying the effects, countermeasures, ect, of this (I'll try to post soon). But let me say this is the one single thing that will have the most devastating effect as to allow an invasion to happen.
I hope that "they" wont bomb us with primitive e-bombs or something similar and send us to the Middle Age....that will make things lots easier to "them"
I am expecting to see your post.....
Re-The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe


I'm sure its worth waiting for!

E-mail bombs would be a "new one, maybe loaded with Quantum/Mechanic Fysics anthrax viruses?" I think I`ll wait for gladius "report" on this new scenario, before getting all worked up and packing my bags for this worlds fastest evacuation in living memory. :lol:


Some of you have doubted whether this invasion is possible or not. Mainly because of the West advanced techonolgy that would be able to handle even a massive military invasion by tens of millions.

There is however something that has come to light that may put this Empire on equal footing with the West, at least temporarily. Enough to give them a good foothold into mainland Europe. Not only will it hamper the West dependence on tech, but the fact that they are "primitive" compared to Western stardards goes in their favor.

What I am talking about is a weapon/tactic combination called EMP blast. EMP stands for: Electro Magnectic Pulse.

The effect of an EMP blast is to knock out, or fry ALL electronic circuitry. Meaning all power grids, computers, electronic gadgets and equipment (unless thouroghly sheilded) will be rendered useless by the overloading or surge of electrical power through their circuits.

An EMP blast is acheived by denonating a nuclear weapon high in the atmosphere. Once detonated it will produce an electromagnetic pulse traveling downward at the speed of light. If detonated at the right altitude the blast will cover a continent sized area, so only one nuke may be enough to do the job. One nuke can cover all of Europe, or the United States. No one will die directly from the blast, so you can see how someone may get away with this without starting a nuclear war.

Senator Jon Kyl, who chairs the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology, and Homeland Security, wrote the following about the EMP threat;

An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack on the American homeland, said one of the distinguished scientists who testified at the hearing, is one of only a few ways that the United States could be defeated by its enemies -- terrorist or otherwise.

"Depending on the location and size of the blast, the effect would be to knock out already stressed power grids and other electrical systems across much or even all of the continental United States, for months if not years."

"Few if any people would die right away. But the loss of power would have a cascading effect on all aspects of US society. Communication would be largely impossible. Lack of refrigeration would leave food rotting in warehouses, exacerbated by a lack of transportation..."

"American society has grown so dependent on computer and other electrical systems that we have created our own Achilles' heel of vulnerability..."

Iran has surprised intelligence analysts by describing the mid-flight detonations of missiles fired from ships on the Caspian Sea as "successful" tests.


Iran right now is in hot pursuit of the kind of system that can deliver this.

This has some worrying right now about Iran. I don't know whether Iran plans to use it against the US. If they do, it will mean total and all out war against the US, one which they cannot win. IMHO it would be stupid of them to use to use such a weapon at this time, (but you never know).

My assesment on this is---this weapon delivery system when it is developed, will NOT be used at the present time against the USA. One country against a super power will not stand a chance. It will however be used in the future against Europe, by a whole Empire, at the time it gets ready to invade. Allowing them to strike a massively powerful first blow.

In the advent of an invasion, a simultaneous hit to both Europe and the US will be most likely. The first for the invasion itself, the second to delay the full might of the US entry into the war.

Here is a basic outline of what to expect within Europe in the advent of such an attack:

Power grids and electricy- The EMP blast will take out most power grids, leaving a continetal wide blackout. The are some power stations that have some sort of sheilding (such as faraday cages), however they are not specifically shielded for EMP attack, they are sheilded for other types of electronic interferance. How much these stations can withstand against such an attack is not quite clear. Most stations however are not sheilded. Therefore you can expect around 70-90% of all power grids to be taken out. This will result in total blackout for around 3 days. The futher compounding effect of other events will make this even longer. Realisticly a total blackout of around 2 weeks or more should be expected.

Computers, appliances, industrial and household equipement- The pulse will fry most, if not all of such items. Only the ones with some sort of sheilding or that are turned off at the time of the blast may have a chance of surviving. However items with internal batteries such as computers, TV's, DVD players, may still be affected even if they are turned off, due to the active current inside them. Although computers have some sort of sheilding due to the grounded metal case and surge protecting power bars, which affords them a chance of surviving, it is not known if they will for sure. Even if they do, no doubt data will be corrupted. Even if power is later restored, the stove, refrigerators, TV's other items will not be working.

Communications- All cell nodes, cell phone, and satelite phones that are turned on or on standby will be shorted by the blast. Even if communications are later restored most cell phones will be useless. So not only is there a power blackout but a communications blackout as well.

Transportation- The Emp pulse will cause all traffic currectly on road to stop dead, by frying their electric ignition systems. All major roadways be effectively blocked by dead vehicles. Any vehicles still left running will find it almost impossible to use any major highways, due to said vehicles. Even if they were to travel the gasoline with are pumped with electricity will not be available. Also the European train sytem which runs on electricity will stop on its tracks, literally. What is not factored are the accidents that will be caused by this.

Public Utilities- Most if not all public utilities such as water, will start to shut down, since it takes electricity to pump it. This will result in sanitation problems, not mention lack of drinking water. Also the lack of power regulations may cause some gas lines to blow up, but I can't say for sure.

Finance & Banking facilities- Most of these facilities unless they keep hard copies or store back up disk at the end of each day will have their data corrupted, which may result of records of people savings and bussiness transactions being lost. Which will add to an economy already in total shambles.

Public Buildings- Most building such as government and hospital buildings have their own back-up generators. However most electronic equipment such as x-ray machines and life monitors will have their circuits blown and rendered useless.

Passenger Airlines- It is hard to say if civilian airliners can withstand a nuclear EMP blast. They may have comercial type shielding in place but whether it is enough is not clear, probably not, since they are not military. Regardless most air to ground transponders and communications will be knocked out. Its fair to asses that many crashes will happen. This will result in fires and other catastrophese.

Basicly ALL civillian sectors from top to bottom will be affected. Few will be able to escape it. Not only that, the problem will compound itself. As fires and other disasters break out, there will be no means of communication to reach emergency personel. If by some mean they are reached, with most of the roads blocked they simply will not be able to pass to put out fires and other things. Not to mention they could become targets for jihadist.

Terrorist populace- Most likely the most radical in-country Islamic elements will strike at the same time as the blast. With all communication out, Europeans will suddenly find themselves all of a sudden being attack and killed by fanatical Muslims. Once words spreads of the Muslims attacks, the Europeans will form mobs and attack the any Muslim they see. This will have a cascading effect, since even those Muslims who didn't want to join will be forced to defend themselves and fight. The result will be massive street fighting by large disorganized mobs killing each other with makeshift weapons. Elements of the police and military will eventualy restore order but not before (with the scale of what is occuring) possibly hundreds of thousands or even millions are dead.

Militrary- The question now is whether our high-tech Western military equipement can take a nuclear EMP blast and survive intact and operational.

I tried to do as much homework on this as possible, as far as what or if any EMP defences that come with our current military equipement. This was the hardest to pinpoint. But gathering info from other sites, forums, and weblogs, (due to the buzz created by Irans pursuit of this) the majority concencus from those who seem to know what they are talking about is this;

>>>There is very little military equipment designed to shield specifically against an EMP blast.<<<

Most of our military equipement however have RF sheilding, this maybe enough, but it is not designed for EMP specifically. So basicly it may or may not work, but there is a possibility that it will work, but its not a guaranteed one.

There are hardened electronic chips that will withstand EMP, however the cost for widespead use is prohibitive, and the technology lags far behind in processing speed against non-hardened chips, another reason they are not in wide use.

So what this basicly means is even our high-tech military gear could very well be vunerable to EMP effects. If say a quarter of our high tech gear redered useless, this could me little or a lot, I wouldn't know how to calculate the strain this will cause when it comes to the fighting on the front. But with a quarter of our soldiers equipment which they rely on not working, this may have an affect on morale . Or in a worst case scenario, most of our technology is negated, and everyone goes back to manual cranking & sighting---WWII style.

Even if little or none of our military systems are affected the havoc created in the civilian sector will delay full military mobilization & gearing the economy for war, for weeks or even months. This will the allow the Islamic Empire to out attrition the hard-pressed NATO units fighting at the front.

The West could retaliate with their own EMP blast over the Middle East, it will centrainly affect them, but nowhere close to the degree it affects us, since their society is not totaly dependent of technology. The fact that they are "primitive" by our standards actually works in their favor.

Like I said if you were not convinced before, this new information may now convince you to the absolute possibility of this.

Even if adequate steps are taken that do harden the majority of our power grids and equipment against EMP blasts, the effects will still be widespread.

Although I did believe a coming invasion is possible, my previous assement was that the West would be able to regroup and have a good chance of halting the invasion before it got absolutely out of hand, albiet at great cost. Now with this new information it is a whole new ball game. If no steps are taken to guard against such an EMP attack, I believe this will be a titanic life and death struggle, with the very fate of Western Civilzation if not the world hanging in the balance.
Interesting piece of information there gladius, like I said before that we are talking about future scenario and IMAM MEDHI will come in future world so by then lots of achievements might already be in place to make muslims countries very powerful as we can see that many muslim nations are arming themselves with latest American, European and Chinese/Russian weaponry. Not to forget that many European nations do not have massive militaries to make an impact!

Pakistan currently for example has a potent ballistic missile technology and is slowly entering space age. Agosta submarines (through cooperation of French) can now be indigeneously build here, Al-Khalid MBT induction (better then T-90S of Russia), F-16 deal in place with US and development of JF-17 Thunder Aircraft with induction process beginning in 2006. Many other items from various European countries are being offered as well.

Anyways lets hope for peace over a devastating war. Take Iraq as an example, people including US soldiers are dying there daily. Not to forget the cost of war (exceeded 120 Billion US dollars with only 150,000 troops in 2 just years of occupation) and massive loss in military vehicles as well.

Also not to forget about many Geo-political situations that will happen with the passage of time. Like there is talk of reduction of US troops in Europe as Rumsfield realizes that they need some more military gear to out-weigh tougher enemies in combat!
staurofilakes said:
I hope that "they" wont bomb us with primitive e-bombs or something similar and send us to the Middle Age....that will make things lots easier to "them"
I am expecting to see your post.....

Then I was right ;) . But it would have to be a really massive attack with electromagnetic-bombs to affect all Europe. However, I do not know wich is the distance affected after a e-bomb blast, I guess that they will need thousands....but if they hit a strategic a nuclear plant.... :? Who kows....
staurofilakes said:
staurofilakes said:
I hope that "they" wont bomb us with primitive e-bombs or something similar and send us to the Middle Age....that will make things lots easier to "them"
I am expecting to see your post.....

Then I was right ;) .

Close enough. Good Guess!

I guess that they will need thousands....but if they hit a strategic a nuclear plant.... :? Who kows....

They will only need ONE.

Like I explained one nuclear blast at the right altitude, will produce an EMP charge to cover most of Europe.
gladius said:
Like I explained one nuclear blast at the right altitude, will produce an EMP charge to cover most of Europe.
The right altitude for such a blast would not be wise because the prevailing winds will cause most of the radioactive fallout to land on Arab countries. Also exploding a nuke over any of U.S. allies will cause the U.S. to nuke that country.
doomshot said:
The right altitude for such a blast would not be wise because the prevailing winds will cause most of the radioactive fallout to land on Arab countries. Also exploding a nuke over any of U.S. allies will cause the U.S. to nuke that country.

Like I outlined no one will die from the blast.

"Few if any people would die right away" ---this is from the scientist who testified in the congressional hearing.

This type of nuclear explosion is NOT meant to do direct damage.

Some of you need to read my entire post on this subject, so that way you can make more informed comments.

If any people were to die it will be from cancer a decade later (if that), but simply taking Potassium Iodide tablets will protect people from this type of radiation.

Here is additional information from a website on nuclear weapons effects;

A nuclear bomb detonated at that altitude will not damage living tissue, will not cause significant radiation fallout and is not a health threat to the population.

The purpose of this explosion is to damage critical electrical circuitry in our retaliatory defense weapons and our military communications capabilities.

TBA_PAKI said:
Anyways lets hope for peace over a devastating war.
Believe it or not, I am hoping for peace too.

But I think you and I both know (let's not kid ourselves here), if the Mahdi shows up then we can kiss peace goodbye.
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