The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe!

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="Borat Sagdiyev"]

Not due to religious differences couse i´m not a very religious person, but i consider my self a Catholic. But for example in Morocco I heard many things such us we will behead you when we conqueor you again and stuff like that, however i met wonderful people also. To have negative experience you have to be in their ambient, they are very careful to say it here...
In Spain confrontations are usual, due to rapes, murders and so on...., I think that spanish muslims are less intregreted than swedish muslims (now i Live in sweeden), there have benn some popular riots against muslims.
Not due to religious differences couse i´m not a very religious person, but i consider my self a Catholic. But for example in Morocco I heard many things such us we will behead you when we conqueor you again and stuff like that, however i met wonderful people also. To have negative experience you have to be in their ambient, they are very careful to say it here...
In Spain confrontations are usual, due to rapes, murders and so on...., I think that spanish muslims are less intregreted than swedish muslims (now i Live in sweeden), there have benn some popular riots against muslims.
Borat Sagdiyev said:
Call me a liberal or whatnot, but I don't believe more than 0.01% of European muslims would risk their lives for such a looney cause.

The reason you believe they won't, is because you are liberal.

You are trying to percieve what the Muslims are thinking from a secular point of view, thats not going to work, and you are dead wrong.

You are saying they wont follow what they earnestly believe in. Sure they won't. :roll:

You totally underestimate their belief in their own religion. What is looney to you, is truth to them. When this guy comes most of them will drop everything to follow him.

These points appear somewhat valid but everything is sketchy at best...then again, so is most hypothetical stuff?

If they are somewhat valid, then it can happen. With a billion Muslims wanting it to happen there is a good chance it will.

Biggest proof? Unfortunately I' m not the Supreme Commander of EU armed forces (although my avatar depicts the GLA Leader from the game Command & Comquer Generals, the GLA being one of the three world powers in the game). If I was, I would certainly attempt to implement some EMP countermeasures and I'd try to push politicians to also have civilian emergency EMP procedures. But I still don't believe an attack such as the one you describe is probable at all.

Even if you were commander, here you are, and you are mocking this and you say you are going to impliment it. Yeah sure.

For you to impliment this, you will first have to take this threat seriously, and you don't. You are contradicting yourself by saying you will implement this.

Muslim countries don't have as many of the latest generation western battletanks (e.g. M1, Leclerc, Leo2) as Europe does. Germany alone has over 2000 Leo2 (they are also employed by Sweden and the Netherlands), France has several hundred Leclerc and I think Britain has over 1000 Challenger 2 and Italy has a few hundred C1.

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have a few hundred Abrams, Oman or Qatar or both have some Leclercs. The other western battletanks they have are obsolete, like Leo1 or M60 tanks.

Britain only has about 200 chalengers, from last I heard. Even if those numbers are true, that doesn't mean this Empire won't be buying more in the future. What they have now is no indication of what they can buy later. They will buy as much Western tanks as they can get their hands on, which may end up to equal that of the West.

Only if you believe in prophesies that have been written down over 1000 years ago by someone who was having an acid trip (or whatever hallucinogenic they had at the time), which I don't.

I don't believe them either. Are you surprised?

But the Muslims believe them.

What I beleive is their belief to see that this comes true.

So it doesn't matter what you or I believe. Its what they believe that will make this happen.

1. Mohammed lived 1400 years ago. Whatever he said is pretty outdated.

2. Read my point above.

3. Not all muslim men regard women as totally inferior and stuff. For that they wouldn't risk a war against a power like Europe which isn't even threatening them that seriously.

4. I thought the "Christian Arch enemy" was mainly the USA.

To most all Muslims it is not outdated.

No wonder you have absolutely no understanding of this, you are considering what they believe form your point of view.

Its like 4 foot guy talking to a 6 foot guy on the phone about a 5 foot guy. The 4 foot guy tells the 6 foot guy to look for a guy who is tall. The 6 foot guy looks and looks but doesn't find him because the 5 foot guy is shorter than the 6 foot guy. But to the 4 foot guy the 5 foot guy is tall. You are basicly doing the same thing, their point of view is not the same as yours.

It is traditional for Muslims in a jihad to take the women they capture as wives or slaves. Not only that, they still hold the crusades against the West.

Okay let's make a deal. If this kind of attack doesn't happen within the next 20 years, I get to laugh at you on this message board and if it does....well let's say I won't have access to a working computer for you to laff at me. So I win either way :P

If it doesn't happen you can laugh at me here, but I won't mind, because I don't want this to happen, but I'm pretty sure it will.

But if I'm right---You won't win either way.

You'll either be dead, fighting in foxhole with mud up to your eyeballs, or you'll be forced to bow down and kiss the dirt towards Mecca five times a day.
Mod Edit: Forum staff will decide when to lock a thread, not you.

Wow, not only is a comment added to my post, which is cool with me, but the entire post gets deleted. Thanks a lot, forum staff. :o

Mod edit: You're lucky that's all that's happened.
The enemy forces will be massed at the border (they havent crossed yet).

Right before attack across the border begins, the EMP is launched.

After the EMP is detonated, the enemy will start their vehicles, and at a pre-determined time a coordinated assualt is launched across the border.

Hmm so the "Europeans" are not going to notice 1000 divisions of "Muslims" massing on their borders, I am assuming because they are all camoflaged as camels to avoid detection?.

You dont think this is getting a little far fetched do you, your prophecy will suffer major logistical problems long before it ever could become fact.
Re-The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe

Borat SSagdiyevwrote:

One Muslim holy man is not going to unify the muslim world and you know it.

Call me a liberal or whatnot, but I don't believe more than 0.01% of European muslims would risk their lives for such a looney cause.

I don't agree with you Borat that is all... You make this sound so easy in my ears. Well I can show you how easy it really is to unify large parts of the muslim world without even a Mhadi. I don't say you have to convince me to forget all this about mr Mhadi. And on the other hand I am not trying to convince you to belive that this Mhadi stuff is only a prophecy and not a self fulfil prophecy. I belive however that gladius are right about the time-line even if it begin to look bad already. Let´s see how easy it is to make Islam unify even without their domesday prophet. 8)

Friday, May 13, 2005



LINK The Moscow

LINK AljazeeraNet:

We can not forget that the Islam has always been the traditional enemy of Europe. In Spain we have this recorded in our mental background. They do not attack us because they are not powerful enough, in their eyes we are infiels. I never liked this leftist politically correct language. It seems that european people have to be always kind, let everybody get in our land, change our costumes,accept their costumes without complaining scared of being called racist.

sstaturofliakes Yes.... You are right here.... But try to find a better muzzle then all this - You racist? Are you filled with hate towards muslims or foreigners? You are a far right nazi if you so spit on the sidewalk over here. You are effective halted to express any non political correct opinion towards something that may have something to do with a possible danger over here. It doesn`t matter if it is true or not. As long as the leftist politically correct language is not damaged goods. ;)

But you learn to live with all these threats and laws against your rights to express yourself. Freedom of speech for some ppl. But in a liberal and leftist socialist country. You can forget to express yourself on the streets if it may point out flaws that may hurt for an example their integration policy or their view of Cuba. Mhadi is a bomb that will not get out in our radio stations or up on our TV-screens that is a fact. The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe is nothing that will be discussed over here until our radio stations are calling all citizens towards the local mosque. :lol:

The government discussed immigration policies and the threat in the future against our culture and future after the murder of that Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh in Brussel. But nothing of what they talked about there was in our local newspapers... NOTHING! But on tele a short comment from our Integration Minister was sent and that was not on the best broadcast time I tell you. :lol:

So ppl may wonder why this subject is of high interest for ppl living in sweden. Well here you get your answer. We have not chosen to look at all this with suspicious eyes. Some of us just got this traditional enemy of Europe in our backbones, unfortunately years and years of goverment brainwashing have made ppl blind towards sensitive issues that may make our country look a bit less democratic then it shows the outside world. Few of us still have the ability to think for ourselves, and that makes leftists feel good because they know there are very few of us. :roll:

Because they don't have to defend themself all the time around to get their point of view shown in the open as ppl like you and me sstaturofliakes has to do everytime we may question the political correct issues from a different point of view. The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe is a great post with an subject that would make fingers itch for allot of ppl to be honest that want to see this subject shut down! Thanks to a great forum staff this thread is still running. Thanks to glaudius there is still a great subject to discuss on this forum. :D

I did run a test this winter on my work of how many that had heard anything about Mr Mhadi and the prophecy? Out of 13 ppl there was 1 that had heard about Mr Mhadi. My co-worker a former Iraqi now a swedish citizen and a Shia Muslim. Well try that on the local streets back home or at work see how many that have heard about the Mhadi prophecy. My co-worker did tell me this. If he comes we will unite and you will soon do as I do. Turn your head towards mecca five times a-day and subject yourself to Allah on the correct times or you will go to hell. "That statement almost made me a true believer" 8)

woops! and some ppl may look at Doc.S and call him a nutcase! :lol:

I think this politically correct leftist language comes from some kind of complex of the european people due to the colonialist time, the word "racist" is used too often and to define ways of thinking that do not have anything to do with racism....The concept of actual european democracy sucks, at least from my point of view. I just can not find any reasonable reason to let millions of potential enemies into our land. If the answer is to give them a better life then I would suggest to help them develop their countries and remove their corrupt/dictatorial/teocratic political sistems.

There is something I do not understand, why our goverments do not see this emergent danger? Is not that difficult...may be they are blind, may be they are stupid or may be they have some kind of sinister interest...

Right now is taking place the cultural invasion...when all this millions of people with all their mothers, fathers, daughters, sisters, cousins, nephews and brothers in law are stablished here....then will come the militar invasion.
Re-The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe

There is something I do not understand, why our goverments do not see this emergent danger? Is not that difficult...may be they are blind, may be they are stupid or may be they have some kind of sinister interest...

I think that they know that they have crossed a line where there is no return. What should have been a humanitarian effort has runned of tracks and there is no way to stop this without bloodshed. Europe will fall as Uzbekistan is doing right now. As with Indonesia and other countrys their tactics have worked just fine in the past and in the present, why change it? Move in and get as many of your own believers in to the country and convert as many you can - your voice will be the one that counts in the end. Military efforts and Police efforts are no options when the "majority" of the ppl with one faith storm public and governmental or state buildings, letting prisoners and others out on the streets, building human shields with their familys and friends while their rampage continues, destroying the last of what once was your culture or homeland.

If military or police attempts to intervene the lack of training and equipment in those development countrys as we see on TV as with Uzbekistan panics - shoot first and ask questions later-. Almost as with a chime Human Watch and Rights are there to condemn those governments that has no other options then to shoot first and ask questions later, what we are watching in Uzbekistan are the last desperate attempts of a fallen èra. IMHO those organizations are nothing more then well greased leftist propaganda machinerys that knows that if a government falls and they are under extreme Islamist control, there will be no capitalists running around there and making terms for them.

This is a dirty war that will finally find its way to Europe with this "Invasion". Who knows it may already have started - A kick off that will send a message strong enough for this Mhadi to step out from his cave and prepare the final takeover. Everybody should know that, that will be the end of democratic and free elections, and the end of the society governed by law and order. The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe can be this we are watching today. Still the effects in Europe we may not see until as gladius writes - 15-20 years. Ill be 48 years old then. :lol:

It is an inevitable development
When I hear fear in Ms. Condoleezza Rice`s voice, the security advisor
to the US President I open my eyes and sharpen my ears.

I do not know you guys, but I see a lot of similarities btw the fall of the Roman Empire and the future fall of Europe. The difference is that instead of barbarians know we have muslims. I think that the preocess will be similar:

-First they arrive. Then come the relatives..., they they start reproducing their selfs lots faster than we do.

-After a while they will have many positions in the power. Just like happened in the Roman Empire. May be even in our armies :( , just like in the Roman Empire....

-Then will come the war, done from the outside & inside.

Some preocess as in the ancient Roman Empire, quite scary!

Doc.S, you are right, It was scary to ear the voice of Mrs. Rice concerning the issue of the koran profanation..., they know that a really big muslim riot could have huge effects, and this kind of acts(profanation against koran), the only thing they do is make easier the unition of muslims against the evil west. Really scary....
MontyB said:
Hmm so the "Europeans" are not going to notice 1000 divisions of "Muslims" massing on their borders, I am assuming because they are all camoflaged as camels to avoid detection?.

Hmm when did I say they were going to avoid detection? In fact heres a quote from myself;
Gladius said:
And I never said Muslim troops would go unoticed. How are you going to hide several Army groups?
In fact I pointed this out twice in the last few pages.

MontyB said:
You dont think this is getting a little far fetched do you, your prophecy will suffer major logistical problems long before it ever could become fact.

Secondly, this is not my prophecy. (I also pointed this out several times throughout this tread)

Not my prophecy, but the Muslims prophecy. They are the ones wo are waiting to make this happen. With a billion of them probably willing to sacrifice their lives for this, first chance they get, you can bet they'll take it.

Before you say this is farfetched or step on your own toes again by making comments I already answered several times, you might want to read the post I made on the effects of EMP on page 24.

Doc.S said:
My co-worker a former Iraqi now a swedish citizen and a Shia Muslim..... My co-worker did tell me this. If he comes we will unite and you will soon do as I do. Turn your head towards mecca five times a-day and subject yourself to Allah on the correct times or you will go to h**l.

That's a powerful statement. That was coming from a Muslim who not only lives in works in Europe, but is also a citizen.

If any of you still doubt the Muslims already living in Europe will not stage an uprising before the Mahdi invades, you are most likely wrong.

Missileer said:
Let's get something cleared up about electromagnetic pulses. Equipment does not have to be on to be destroyed. That is a movie stunt. Electromagnetism uses it's field strength to induce voltages high enough to destroy electronic devices. The only way to survive a large EMP is to have circuitry in enough magnetic shielding to attenuate or short out the magnetic field. That is going to take one h**l of a Mu metal faraday cage. The pulse will be gone in a matter of milliseconds but "cat whiskers" in semiconductors are so small that they will fuse in micro or even picoseconds. They are made of the purest gold for low resistances and melt or fuse quickly.

Most of the effects of EMP that I have been reading are conflicting, each one saying different things about what will be affected.

If the pulse is strong enough, from what you are saying you maybe right. It won't matter whether anything is "on" or "off". If so then we maybe looking at a worst case scenario here, I certainly hope not.

After the EMP hits Nato is going to have to develop or modify equipment to make it resistant or immune to EMP---and fast---if they want to have any chance of survival.

staurofilakes said:
-After a while they will have many positions in the power. Just like happened in the Roman Empire. May be even in our armies :(

Next to the EMP this is the second biggest threat.
In college, I slept through most of Magnetics but we did learn that even a straight wire passed through a magnetic field has a current induced in it which, since Voltage is produced across the wire because of current flow is equal to the strength of the magnetic field, the higher the magnetic field, the more current and voltage. As long as the field is increasing, a current flows linearly. The pulse then collapses which induces a reverse current flow producing a reverse voltage just as strong as the first increase. In other words, you get hit with a double whammy. The current arcs across junctions such as air or any other non conductor like open switches or even two conductors in the same zip code. Just think of everything near enough to the blast becoming a large spark plug.
ReThe rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe!

I found out that Iran probably got the capacity to deliver nuclear warheads today. I took the articles so you guys can read for yourself. IF the EMP bomb ever gets done (if it`s not is already that is) they will probably be launched with X-55 air to ground missiles. The aircraft supposed to be used regarding to both Russian and Ukrainian sources on the NET- The strategic bomber plane Tu-160.

(Supposed dismantled plane - also se Ukraine Probes Sales of Missiles to Iran, China article)
After the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine kept a number of Tu-160 aircraft, which were deployed along with their AS-15 missiles. Some of the planes, and nearly 600 missiles, were returned to Russia and the rest were dismantled in 2001 under the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. Under the treaty, Ukraine also returned all its nuclear warheads. Grigory Omelchenko, deputy of the Ukrainian parliament and a former SBU officer, said that the treaty required Ukraine to dismantle the missiles or return them to Russia.

But the armed forces had forged reports and held some missiles in stock, he claimed.

This plane is capable of flying at low altitudes wich makes it harder to Intercept by both radar and other systems such as early warning aircrafts and other variations of surveillance. The Tu-160 can drop a bomb on the right altitude to deliver a devastating EMP-shock that probably would knock out all Europe if the EMP theory correspond. IF the information about the X-55 and Tu-160 agree, then you have a pretty advanced weapon range in the wrong hands for sure. I am not so sure about the satellite protection we got. Iraq for god sake managed to hide massive tank forces of obsolete equipment in the desert, imagine what kinds of weapons you can hide or move if you only learn to move when satellites are in the "twilight zone."

After a EMP bomb you are probably pretty blinded as an result from this strategic bomber raid. So Europe can forget to have any reliable intelligence if the attack is well concealed. Something I also have learned is that Iran is experts togheter with North Korea to hide things from the public eye. Even with C.I.A operatives and all their networks and our state-of-the-art surveillance equipment I say we are pretty vulnerable to this type of possible future attack. :shock:




I don't think we will be able to stop a missile EMP attack, there is no reliable missle defense system in place, even if there was, its a hit or miss thing, and all it will take is one EMP, its simply to hard to guard against this.

The only sure way to guard against this is to develop relaible sheilding and or back-up manual systems, at least for the military sector.

But for this to actualy happen they will have to take this threat seriuosly. Right now there are a few senators in Washington trying to raise awareness of this, as usual the desenting voices are coming from the liberal side (Left Wing) saying this is simply hyperbol to get us all hyped up about Iran. So we'll see hopefully something gets done, at least for the most important military hardware. As far as Europe goes, they don't seem to take this seriuosly enough to develope shielding for their military.

Even if proper shielding is developed the EMP will hamper all radio communication in order to coordinate a proper defense. So basicly it will be each unit acting on its own, with little or no overall command and control. This will mean no one will be able to call for artillery or air support, or bring large forces to counter attack or plug up defenses in the line.

As for the civilian sector I don't think there will be adequate sheilding at all, it simply cost too much and is not practical.

And also...(on another subject) ...if anybody still doesn't believe the Muslims will not unite under the Mahdi, all you have to do is turn on the news and see all the Muslim going crazy over one person descrating the Koran, they will take any little excuse to rage against the USA, and or the West. Just think when the Mahdi shows up they will no longer have a little excuse but a mandate of all their prophetic aspirations. ( Doc.S, You where right to point this out ealier, the protest are getting worse by the day. It may eventually die down but its a good example of how easy it is to get those people enraged at us.) People who act this seriuosly about the koran don't see Mohammed 1400 years old sayings as outdated.
According to these prophecy, Mahdi will:

-Be from among the family of Prophet(SAW), among the descendants of Fatima(RA);

-Have a broad forehead and pointed noise;

-Appear in one night;

-Appear just before the day of judgment;

-Have same name as hazrat Muhammad(SAW);

-Escape from Madina to Makkah where people will pledge allegiance to him;

-Receive pledge and help of Iraqi people;
Fight in battles;

-Rule over the Arabs for seven years according to Sunnah;

-Spread justice and equity on earth;

-Eradicate tyranny and oppression;

-Lead a prayer in Mekkah which Jesus(pbuh) will follow in;

-NOT be the same individual as the Promised Messiah (Jesus).

Is Ben-Laden our the Mahdi???
Bin-Laden, the Mahdi, not a chance. He's in hiding or dead, not the ruler o a people. And if he would ever show up and rule the Arabs, well, we'd have something to say, in the package of a nice little bomb dropped from a liitle plane thousands of feet in the air. He could not and is not the ruler of a people. :rambo:
I've heard this along time ago (in fact i posted it here a while back) about Bin Laden trying to be the Mahdi. I knew right away that it wasn't going to work.

A funny story about this though....
Someone I knew who also ask me this question; "Could Osama be the Mahdi?" Well I explain to him that, no he can't be the Mahdi. I explained that the Muslims won't accept him as such, due to many factors ---one of which the prophecied Mahdi will have a crook on his nose.
"A crook on his nose" he said, "what if someone punches Osama on the nose, could he become the Mahdi?" lol. Hahahaha.

staurofilakes said:

Actually it was a very intresting link. Some of you may want to consider it. It was written by Profesor of Islamic History (a westerner with a doctorate), someone who might know what they are talking about.

Even though most of it was about specualtions of Bin Laden being the Mahdi, there are some important points he made, here are some of them:

...Whatever Americans, Westerners, and the elites in the Muslim world might think of such a claim, the expectation of the Mahdi is a very real one in the Muslim world, Sunni as well as Shi‘ite...

...Even so, the spread of Mahdist belief in the contemporary Sunni Muslim ethos, wedded to resentment against dire socioeconomic conditions, repressive political regimes, and Western and Christian global dominance, practically ensures that Mahdism will at some point erupt. When it does, it will threaten not only the Islamic world, but very possibly the entire world. This is an eventuality for which the United States would do well to prepare.
Re-The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe

( Doc.S, You where right to point this out ealier, the protest are getting worse by the day. It may eventually die down but its a good example of how easy it is to get those people enraged at us.) People who act this seriuosly about the koran don't see Mohammed 1400 years old sayings as outdated.

"Extremist Islamists are not the majority of the Muslim world". And there evolution to a more modern way to interpret the Quran has not changed under the last 1400 years that it has been out there. "Conclusion - the Muslim holy book, the Quran - When it is correct interpreted it is dangerous for health and life. Over here in the West we got a weak form of faith that the Islamists acknowledge first thing when they arrive. "Christians" and Christians dispute about who is a good Christian? WHO is the "nutcase Christian?" It seems like the western christianity has been severely milked of its more serious parts to be honest.

Our belief system here in sweden - We are Protestants is more like - Okey we got funerals ok we got weddings ok we got baptism and the kids are sent to summer vaccation after singing in the local church. The church over here is then not much of a Christian church if you look at the holy book and our law system. Priests goe`s to jail if they Interprent the Bible political incorrect etc.etc.

Something did change. The holy book did change. So our extremists and no extremists was instead massing in to smaller so called free-churches where a whole varrarity of different Christian values and interpretations of the holy book is made. The only thing we don`t have is the KKK.

Nevertheless our modern liberal western lifestyle has made us soft to be honest. I have great respect towards the Muslim population. I have great respect for their religion. But over here in Sweden I find it almost like ppl with religious attachments are made fun of.

They more or less mock our protestant religion rather then visiting the church. Very few so called Svenssons >>> The lemming Civilians >>> are going to church or believing in any god. They belive in something but not the holy book or god as they portray him.

My point with this is that westerners in other countrys such as the U.S seems to hunt these christian religious ppl rather then support them. As with the sweeds they get names as the Far right Church the Right Church the Waco Churchers I belive you understand what I am trying to say.

While outside religions are ok our own churches seems to be dangerous places? My problem is that I can`t get the equation worked out. Christians in western eyes = Bad or Crazy ppl. Muslims = Nothing mentioned but you can see their mosques all over the place if you visit a bigger town.

What kind of War are we looking at here? Christianity vs Islam? Well if Islam would like to take over the show in sweden there would not be any problems at all more then perhaps some ppl will resist because they don`t want to belive in any god or higher power at all. This war is what I understand not necessarily "Christians" vs Muslims, it is more like a crusade if I understand this Mhadi prophecy correct?

If someone would burn a Bible in sweden a great deal of the ppl would not give a damn to be honest. But if someone desecrating the Muslim holy book, the Quran it is like kicking on an earth wasp nest and jump around on it. Today I can hear the classic statements - It was not the desecrating of the Quran that made ppl go crazy in Uzbekistan. It was the dictatorial government they were attacking, and News Week did go out and excuse themeselves for their bad source that made this riots and demonstrations to explode all over the world. Including sweden where Iranian demonstrators could be found on our streets in Stockholm.

Well I scratch my forehead and looks at the world map on my wall. "Interrogators at Guantanamo Bay Cuba, desecrating the Muslim holy book" demonstrations/riots = Jalalabad Afghanistan + Pakistan + Uzbekistan, Stockholm Sweden etc.etc. Seriously who are they trying to fool? Not even a child would belive in such propaganda.

It is crystal clear to me that the smallest thing can trigger a wave of Islamist aggression. A so call minority grows to a majority over a couple of minutes in front of Aljazeera for god sake. And News Week should be proud. They have proven for me that my theory when it comes to this future crusade has been right from the first time. No one believed in my theory a couple of months ago. Today it is different.

I can say this direct - Usama Bin Ladin will never be Mhadi, he will not be found until someone tells someone to find him and have serious intentions. The link however was great staurofilakes. ;)

Well, I guess that people does not need Osama showing up to follow him.
We live in a globalizated world, I guess that showing up a couple times a month in a video would be enough. Or showing him self to the correct people and spred the notice.

What about this...., imagine just for a second that he reconciliates with the Arabian Royal family after a withdraw of the american troops from the Holy Land, or, even better, the Arabian Royal family falls and he goes back to his land. If the US attacks Arabia Saudi, what would happen? All the muslims will unite to defend the holy land
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