You criticize the Shaw of Iran, but embrace the Ayatollahs who were at least as murderous as the Shaw ever was. You embrace the so called red revolutions saying where the US helped to install these murderous governments to counter these leftist. How many millions died – killed by N Korea. How many more would have died if they got their murderous hands on the south. How many were killed by the Columbian guerillas in their reign of terror. What about Grenada, Haiti, west and central Africa. At least the US tried in Somali what did New Zealand do? Have you no sense of balance man.
Besides,most of the world population is not enthusiastic about basic freedoms (which is an American invention) .And even in the US people would give up basic freedoms to have law and order and to have basic material needs satisfied .
For the majority of the world population basic freedoms are a luxury they can not afford .
In other words, because you say so...
I'd love for you to come and try to take some of my "basic" freedoms...I'd love for you to try to impose your vision of how I should would be the very last thing you ever did.
In other words, because you say so...
I'd love for you to come and try to take some of my "basic" freedoms...I'd love for you to try to impose your vision of how I should would be the very last thing you ever did.
Says the man who is convinced that the whole world wants to follow the exemple of the US and who tries to impose by force his ideals on those who refuse to adopt the exemple of the US .
Says the man who hides the fact that the majority of the American voters are not interested in politics and remain at home every 4 years at the first tuesday after the first monday of november .
Your basic freedoms are a luxury most people can't afford and most people are not interested in or are hostile to .
Now he will pontificate indignantly about all those millions who emigrated to the US,forgetting (better :refusing to admit) that most of them did not came to the US to have basic freedoms,but to have a better material live .
And,interested readers will observe that he has not yet produced his list of basic freedoms (probably because he is not able to do it) .
That's a red herring : before the war most Europeans lived in a dictatorial regime and most Belgians were partisan of a more authoritarian regime .
Why should it be the business of the US if the Syrians, the Libyans, the North Koreans preferred their own dictator ? As long as these dictators are no threat for the US,the only sensible policy is to leave them alone and to do business with them .
But a lot of people in the US are still imbued by the words of Lincoln who said (wrongly of course) that the US could not survive half free ans half slave and they are convinced (wrongly) that the world can not survive half slave and half free :the world trend has always been that the world was swarming with dictators and that democracies were exceptions .
Says the man who is convinced that the whole world wants to follow the exemple of the US and who tries to impose by force his ideals on those who refuse to adopt the exemple of the US .
Says the man who hides the fact that the majority of the American voters are not interested in politics and remain at home every 4 years at the first tuesday after the first monday of november .
Your basic freedoms are a luxury most people can't afford and most people are not interested in or are hostile to .
Now he will pontificate indignantly about all those millions who emigrated to the US,forgetting (better :refusing to admit) that most of them did not came to the US to have basic freedoms,but to have a better material live .
And,interested readers will observe that he has not yet produced his list of basic freedoms (probably because he is not able to do it) .
Oddly enough I 'sort' of agree with him, in recent years there has been a move towards security as a priority over everything else you only have to look at the lukewarm reaction to Snowden's revelations as an example.
I think had he been around in the late 1990s you would have seen a far different reaction to the information he released.
So I tend to think that "basic freedoms" have been steadily eroded since 2001 throughout the western world.
You have seriously misdiagnosed what you think I believe and where I stand...of course, if you actually read what I have written on here you would have seen that I have NEVER been the one who believed the US should impose our will on anyone EVER unless it follows the principles of legal, moral, and ethical. Which is a criteria that hasn't been fulfilled for some time in our force projection.
I agree with the fact basic freedoms HAVE been eroded and I am appalled at this.
Does that make it right? Do you really think the people of N Korea are happy with millions dying of starvation and 10’s of thousands being executed?
They have chosen their dictator and are indifferent to what happens to their neighbours .
Thus, I also do not care about what happens to them .I don't care if they are happy or not : as the Germans they are responsible for their situation and must suffer the consequences .
Besides,the elimination of the dictator of NK would be very bad for the world .
And about Lincoln : He was wrong . US was born as half slave and half free,and in 1860 there was no reason at all why it could not last half slave and half free .
They have chosen their dictator, say what? Guess again their dictator has been appointed for them. They had no say what so ever in the process. It has been under the Stalinist thumb of the Kim dynasty since WW2. Even the slightest show of defiance to the regime is punished with death or the gulag-torture. It would be wonderful to eliminate this wildcard -murderous regime.
What is wrong with you to mock one of histories greatest figures president Lincoln. You claim to enslave the people of color was correct? Perhaps you should be sent to N Korea and be made a gulag slave.
Just curious what you agree to? The Russians are unlikely to engage large scale land forces against ISIS. Do you prefer an Iranian dominated ME. Even if the west were to allow it? Kind of exchanging one terrorist organization for another. The Syrian rebels are not a powerful military option but at least they like the Kurds are freedom fighters.
Unfortunately Turkey (and Iran I might add) will never support an independent Kurdistan since the Kurdistan also extends into Iran and Turkey.
However I have the humility to admit that I’m no authority on the ME, who is.
Hezbollah and ISIS are both terrorists, but not the same type of terrorist.
I'd go with the Iranian option myself. First of all Iran is Shiite not Sunni (and
the most violent groups are Sunni), secondly while Iran does support groups like Hezbollah its (and Hezbollahs) ultimate goals are political not religious.
This is important because it denotes a certain amount of reason, politics can always be negotiated, unlike the real Jihadist movements which will not negotiate with anybody on anything.
Hezbollah is anti-Israeli occupation, but it has no wider ambitions than that. They are also a lot more tolerant, (I'm not saying they are boy scouts) they are not the ones to cut your head off because you aren't one of them.