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I am asking this question because we discuss very serious things,we discauss War Crimes and Vilolation of the Human Rights.So...what we have now....Why do you ask such a thing?
There is absolutely no correlation between the graph, and War Crimes or contraventions of the UDHR, it is merely an indication of how many have died on either side.
We have a situation ,that for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict everything was clear to you who is a quilty party,in the case of WWII it was not so you or maybe it was also clear did not give an answer.And this is the whole point.The charts are the same....right.They are talking about killed people.Regarding one chart you are quick with answer,with another chart you are not. So...after this I hope we will not try to compare israeli -palestinian conflict to WWII and nazis again.If you do, I will remind you about this Post 81
OK...lets talk about Israel and democracy.
Post 56
Post 68What you be talkin 'bout!!!
The Palestinians you call Arabs(YORDIM)have extra "PRIVLIDGES" in Israel:
-Extra Judicial execution
-arrest without trial
-home demolition
-land confiscation
-limited water access
-yellow licence plates
-banned from "Jewish Only" roads
Jonathan Cook,British Journalist based in Nazereth has extensively documented Israeli Apartheid.
1.I am not aware of any extra judiciaty execution in Israel.If you know these cases,we can discuss them.Fact,... Israel is not democratic,...
(1) Arabic Israeli citizens cannot buy state owned land in Israel.
The [Israeli] state under colour of law effectively prevents any non-Jew from leasing or holding any rights ... to 90 percent of the land in Israel. We also know that after many complaints Israel made several small "token exceptions" to silence critics but by and large the law stands.
(2)Israel's law of return is discriminatory because it gives Jews from anywhere in the world the right to live in Israel while Palestinians cannot enter their own country.
(3)Israeli ID documents must show whether the holder is Arabic or Jewish. Can you imagine the outcry if we Australian's made Aborigines or migrants have specially marked documentation?
Need I go on,....... there are literally hundreds of these discriminatory laws, NO! Israel is not democratic unless you are Jewish.
2.I am not aware of arrests without trial in Israel.
3.Torture...could be,please provide the known fact what happened about torture in Israel and we will discuss this on case by case basis.
4.Home demolition...well yes there are cases of home demolition..jewish homes,arab homes,illegal homes,old homes...etc,the list can be big.If there is a problem with demolition. 5.Deportation..I dont know any cases of deportation of israeli citizens from the country.
6.Land confiscation...I did not hear cases of land confiscation in Israel...,please clarify what you mean.
7.Limited water whom?to the jews?to the arabs? not clear.Clarify and provide facts of limited access..
8.Yellow license plates...As far as i know all motor vechicles in Israel have israeli plates with i guess same color.If i am wrong..correct me with information.
9.Banned from 'Jewish Only'' Roads...Well...if in the state of Israel these roads exist,this alone would make Israel apartheid state,i dont know about existance such roads only for jews on the terrotory of the jewish state.
10.Arab and jewish citizens of Israel have same rights with the question of land in Israel.If i am wrong provide information that this is not so.
11.Israel is a jewish state,and israeli Government establish the Law of Immigration,like the governments in many countries in the World.
12.Israeli ID doesn't specifically indicate the nationality of a person.If you have other information you can provide it.
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