Israel, Heroes or Terrorists.

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two sides to every story

False Israeli "Massacre" Story Resurrected

Did Israeli forces massacre hundreds of Egyptian POW's during the Six Day War? According to Israeli press reports a new documentary, "Ruah Shaked," broadcast on Israel's Channel 1 alleges that such a massacre did take place, and attributes the killings to the elite Shaked reconaissance unit, then led by Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, the Labor MK and retired General who heads the National Infrastructures Ministry (for details see Egypt wants probe into 'IDF massacre'.)

But this particular massacre charge was first reported – and then thoroughly debunked – more than 10 years ago.

In followup reports, Ran Ederlist, the documentary producer, claims he never charged a massacre. According to Ha'aretz: "He said the dead were not Egyptian POWs, but Palestinian fedayoun fighters, and that they were killed in battle, not executed." The Jerusalem Post quotes him saying: "During this battle, you could say there was excessive use of force, (but) it was all in the context of war - not prisoners, not prisoner-of-war camps, not people who put their hands up." Click here for these updated stories in the Jerusalem Post and Ha'aretz. In a further update on March 8th the Jerusalem Post reported that poor editing and an inaccurate choice of photos could have led viewers to falsely believe that unarmed fighters were killed by IDF soldiers.
The facts of the incident, in brief, are as follows. After initial stories alleging a massacre ran in 1995, the Jerusalem Post reported that “transcripts of orders from the Six Day War … clearly indicate that the alleged mass murder of Egyptian POWs near El-Arish never occurred …” Instead, what actually happened according to the Post was a full-fledged battle between armed combatants:

... several hundred armed Palestinian soldiers, in Egyptian Army uniforms, were trying to escape from the Gaza Strip towards Port Said – not knowing that the area was already under IDF control – on the last day of the war [with Egypt]. They exchanged fire with Nahal soldiers and most were later killed by soldiers from the Shaked reconnaissance unit. (August 17, 1995)

In addition, Israeli journalist Gabi Bron, who was serving with the IDF near El Arish at the time, and who is sometimes cited in reports as a witness to a massacre, has stated publicly that no massacre took place. Asked about the issue by Israeli historian Michael Oren, Bron replied:

The one hundred and fifty POWs were not shot, and there were no mass murders... In fact, we helped prisoners, gave them water, and in most cases just sent them in the direction of the Suez Canal. (New Republic, July 23, 2001)

Another supposed source for these massacre stories, according to press reports (including the Ha'aretz article cited above), is Israeli historian Aryeh Yitzhaki. But he too has denied that any such massacre took place; this is how Oren recounted their correspondence:

"In no case did Israel initiate massacres," Yitzhaki wrote me. "On the contrary, it did everything it could to prevent them." Yitzhaki admits that hundreds of Palestinian commandos were killed around El Arish. But that was in combat, he says, after they ambushed the IDF supply columns.

Supporting these statements by Bron and Yitzhaki is a 1967 account from the New York Times, which reported battles, but no massacres. Datelined El-Arish, June 7, 1967, the Times article reported that:

... pockets of Egyptian troops in Sinai and Palestinian troops in the Gaza Strip continued desperate resistance...

The army base here was also in Israeli hands yesterday evening after a three hour battle. Heavy casualties were inflicted, more than a thousand prisoners surrendered and some Egyptian soldiers fled into the desert.

At dawn today an Egyptian commando company struck back. An officer told reporters that the enemy had stormed the camp at daybreak with submachine guns blazing. They inflicted casualties, but were gunned down.

Later this morning, when a battalion commander went toward the home of the governor to arrange for a formal surrender, fire was opened from several houses in the town. The Israelis withdrew, and orders were given to subdue the enemy by shelling.

Brief and sporadic bursts of machinegun fire were heard between mortar blasts. Reporters were told that Egyptians were being flushed out of stone-lined trenches around the town. (New York Times, June 8, 1967; emphasis added)

Perhaps as important as the corroborating details offered by this account, is the affirmation that in El Arish on June 7th Israeli forces were accompanied by reporters who evidently neither saw nor heard even a hint of any alleged massacre.

And not just reporters; photographers also accompanied the Israeli troops throughout their advance into the Sinai. Indeed, an American photographer for Life Magazine, Paul Schutzer, was killed while riding with Israeli troops in a half-track that came under Egyptian attack. Despite the dangers, these news photographers, both Israeli and foreign, filed numerous battle images, as well as photos of the war’s immediate aftermath, such as Israeli soldiers dealing with Arab POWs in El Arish during the very time that some now charge an ongoing slaughter:

June 7, 1967: Egyptian POWs being rounded up outside El Arish (Shabtai Tal) June 7, 1967: Israeli soldier guards Egyptian POW's at El Arish (Shabtai Tal)
The photographers also recorded Israeli doctors tending to wounded POWs. Why the Israelis would bother to provide advanced medical care to POWs while they were at the same time slaughtering them is unclear:

June 26, 1967: Wounded POW receives care at the hospital in the Atlit POW compound in Israel. (Moshe Pridan)
Some of the wounded Egyptian POWs bade a friendly goodbye as they were being repatriated to Egypt:

July 31, 1967: After Israeli treatment wounded Egyptian POWs are carried to a Red Cross ambulance plane for the trip to Cairo. July 31, 1967: In Red Cross ambulance plane a wounded Egyptian POW says goodbye to an Israeli.
(For further details on these massacre allegations click here and here.)

The bottom line is that charges of Israeli wrongdoing – such as this alleged massacre – often take on a life of their own, and no matter how discredited, many are eventually resurrected and reported again, with the facts that disproved them conveniently forgotten, or at least ignored.
sorry, but before you spit your utter diatribe, check your facts.

Haaretz said:
"We are still finding mass graves of Egyptian soldiers, and two months ago we extracted the remains of unarmed Egyptian soldiers and civilians from Sinai."

Reports of wartime executions in the Sinai peninsula have surfaced before. In 1995, a retired IDF officer told a newspaper of the killing of 49 Egyptian prisoners of war during the 1956 Sinai Campaign. An Israeli inquiry concluded that both Egyptian and IDF troops had killed prisoners.

IDF historian Arieh Yitzhaki said more than a decade ago that his research showed Israeli troops killed 300 Egyptian prisoners of war in 1967. Israel said soldiers on both sides committed atrocities. Source:Haaretz
So, it appears that these executions have been denied, (what else) but never disproven.

Plus we already have shown that it is an Israeli policy to shoot prisoners as reported by an Israeli journalist

Bron reported that he saw about 150 Egyptian POWs being held at the El Arish airport where they were sitting on the ground, densely crowded together with their hands held on the back of their necks. Every few minutes, Bron writes, Israeli soldiers would escort an Egyptian POW from the group to a hearing conducted by two men in Israeli army uniforms. Then the man would be taken away, given a spade, and forced to dig his own grave.

"I watched as (one) man dug a hole for about 15 minutes,?Bron wrote. afterwards, the (Israeli military) policeman told him to throw the shovel away, and then one of them leveled an Uzi at him and shot two short bursts, each of three or four bullets.?

Bron says he witnessed about ten such executions, until the grave was filled. Then an Israeli Colonel threatened him with a revolver, forcing him to leave the area.

As these executions were underway, America's most sophisticated intelligence platform, USS Liberty, was less than 13 miles from El Arish. Source:
The trouble is that so many of the israelis have admitted these crimes took place, no amount of diplomacy, word juggling and lies will excuse you.

hmmm....why are we bothering to treat pows with medical care if we just slaughter them?
The oldest trick in the book,.... propaganda. A five year old would not fall for that, and propaganda is usually perpetrated to cover up something.
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sorry joe, but YOUR propaganda fails YOU again

The facts of the incident, in brief, are as follows. After initial stories alleging a massacre ran in 1995, the Jerusalem Post reported that “transcripts of orders from the Six Day War … clearly indicate that the alleged mass murder of Egyptian POWs near El-Arish never occurred …” Instead, what actually happened according to the Post was a full-fledged battle between armed combatants:

... several hundred armed Palestinian soldiers, in Egyptian Army uniforms, were trying to escape from the Gaza Strip towards Port Said – not knowing that the area was already under IDF control – on the last day of the war [with Egypt]. They exchanged fire with Nahal soldiers and most were later killed by soldiers from the Shaked reconnaissance unit. (August 17, 1995)

In addition, Israeli journalist Gabi Bron, who was serving with the IDF near El Arish at the time, and who is sometimes cited in reports as a witness to a massacre, has stated publicly that no massacre took place. Asked about the issue by Israeli historian Michael Oren, Bron replied:

The one hundred and fifty POWs were not shot, and there were no mass murders... In fact, we helped prisoners, gave them water, and in most cases just sent them in the direction of the Suez Canal. (New Republic, July 23, 2001)

Another supposed source for these massacre stories, according to press reports (including the Ha'aretz article cited above), is Israeli historian Aryeh Yitzhaki. But he too has denied that any such massacre took place; this is how Oren recounted their correspondence:

"In no case did Israel initiate massacres," Yitzhaki wrote me. "On the contrary, it did everything it could to prevent them." Yitzhaki admits that hundreds of Palestinian commandos were killed around El Arish. But that was in combat, he says, after they ambushed the IDF supply columns.
maybe you should spend less time trying to demonize israel and open your eyes...the jewish state is not the fourth reich as you so much want it to be.

I'm not going to call you an anti semite or anything of that sort, but i really do wonder why you put so much energy into despising israel, a free democratic, liberal, pluralistic state that VALUES human rights.

sure israel messes up like every other state, but by your standards, if israel is so bad that it is the nazi state you believe it is, then most other states in the world would be nazi states as well, including the country you call your home.
maybe you should spend less time trying to demonize israel and open your eyes...the Jewish state is not the fourth reich as you so much want it to be.
You can run and you can hide, but you will never be able to outrun the truth. It always catches up with you. I don't have to demonise Israel, as they are doing a far better job of it than I ever could.

I'm not going to call you an anti semite or anything of that sort, but i really do wonder why you put so much energy into despising israel, a free democratic, liberal, pluralistic state that VALUES human rights.
You can call me what you like, as lies mean nothing to me, nor the rest of the civilised world, who are fast becoming sickened by Israels bloody war against those who merely want their own country back.

Twenty years ago, no one would have disagreed with you, ... me included, so Israel took this as acceptance and ramped up their inhuman acts of aggression and gratuitous murder. Even this went largely un-reported until the arrival of two things, the cell phone camera, and the advent of easily accessible methods to spread these movies around the world like YouTube, when just about anybody could document this campaign of thuggery, beatings and state sponsored murder of innocent women and children and put it where it could be seen by the world, without Israeli censorship or confiscation. Like pandora's box, the truth is now out and it can never be stopped.

It was so bad that even Israeli organisations like B'Tselem, started buying these cameras and giving them to the Palestinians to document the state sanctioned atrocities with photographic evidence. The Israeli state could no longer hide the truth, their lies were uncovered and it is this dawning of the truth that is making people look again at things like the USS Liberty affair and many other atrocities that had previously been conveniently buried by politicians trying to protect their jobs from the Zionist Lobby in the US.

sure israel messes up like every other state, but by your standards, if israel is so bad that it is the nazi state you believe it is, then most other states in the world would be nazi states as well, including the country you call your home.
They not only "mess up", but they try to rub the world's noses in their mess, keeping the world in a constant state of near war, inflaming the muslims of the world with their atrocities that until now have been largely overlooked or ignored by the US.

Just look at the recent answer that Israel gave to the US request for them to stop stealing land and building "settlements" on Palestinian Land.

The truth is that Israel hates the US for interfering in their internal dirty work, and once they have what they want they will completely ignore them.

Now,.. Tell me of Australias Nazi acts, I'm sure that it will be interesting. Don't bother repeating the stupid claims of Greg2K as they have already been answered, more than once.
Israel are neither heroes nor terrorists. Its an international conflict with religious dimensions to make it more complex. We can't just judge Israel as good or bad, by seeing photos or one side of the coin.

But yes, Israel has blood on its hands. It has massacred Palestines without any tolerance
by using the 'pre-emptive strike' strategy.

Well, I would like to draw a stark contrast between how India operates against terrorism and how Israel operates against Terrorism. India reacts to a terrorist threat and tolerates the enemy (Best example is that India did not declare war on Pakistan after 26/11 Mumbai hotel attacks by Pakistani state sponsored terrorists, though Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was under great pressure to declare war, he chose the right path of peace considering Pakistani civilian casualties that would be the price of the war).

Contrast to this, Israel gives no consideration to Human rights of the civilians when it comes to 'defending their country', they should be pressurized to become more moderate state than a aggressor.
Israel are neither heroes nor terrorists. Its an international conflict with religious dimensions to make it more complex. We can't just judge Israel as good or bad, by seeing photos or one side of the coin.
There is no way that one can escape seeing both sides of the coin, all that is needed is an even hand and an unbiased eye.

Twenty years ago i was an unapologetic supporter of Israel, and still have several of my not too far distant family living there, or who have served there and returned to Australia.

Gradually the excesses of Israel and their constant aggressive actions against the people who actually own the country turned my head and made me look more closely at what is really going on. Illegal occupation and repression of a people who did nothing to deserve this treatment. Since the advent of cell phone cameras, it has become very obvious who is doing what.

Any other country committing such human rights abuses would find themselves under constant pressure to reform, but Israel for some reason gets very preferential treatment. One does not have to be Albert Einstein to work out why.
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moreover once again, i respond to your propaganda with facts and you run back to your standard response....the whole world sees how the jews are nazis...its so plain for everyone to see...those jews have control over he entire u.s. government etc. etc.

one last question: do you believe israel was behind 9/11, cuz the wonderful, factual websites you quote do.
Ben, stop flaming the bored pensioner or I'll report you to the admins!
Let him express himself :<

radarsonar thanks for the joke of the day, usually seno bring them, but lately he is out of shape :<
"though Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was under great pressure to declare war, he chose the right path of peace considering Pakistani civilian casualties that would be the price of the war)."
LOL, remind me what kind of weapons pakistan and india posses? Pakistani civilian casualties, how noble. pakistani nukes don't bite?
joe does the genocide of the aboriginals ring a bell? :sorry:
So you should be sorry, you should have done just a little research into your subject before putting your foot in your mouth.

The Australian yearbook for 1998 (the latest one I have) states that the average amount of aid to aboriginals per capita was 2.1 times that spent on whites, their average income was 1.7 times that of white Australians on Government assistance. Virtually all medical and health care is free to them. I have no doubt that this amount has increased markedly since that time.

Tell me that the Israelis do the same for the Palestinians.

Those unseen and unreported Aboriginals who do well for themselves have almost without exception done so because they have accepted the white style of living, and those that are seen in litter strewn camps around towns are only that way because they elect to be.

That is how they wish to live. They have houses exactly the same as those built for whites by the Housing trust built for them free of charge, and then they live in the carport with an open fire, eating bush kill and sleeping on the dirt under humpy made from a piece of heavy reinforcing mesh with blankets draped over it. The house is soon a wreck with all the windows broken and the doors ripped off their hinges and burnt. For the same reason, these houses all have concrete floors as previously the occupants used the timber floors as firewood. the toilrets are used and never flushed until they overflow, and then never used again.

We white Australians stopped shooting savage aboriginals 150 years ago. unlike the Israelis who still shoot children for throwing stones at 50 ton tanks.
still you took their land!

they are surely the rightful owners.

australia should be handed over to them. it should be their state.

if you say this by israel how can you not by australia? :-D
and the israelis do provide the palestinians with water, food, medicine should do some research into that my friend.
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