How is the weather like where you are now?!

38 and believe it or not we had snow this afternoon, just enough to make all the kids think it would actually stick LMAO, all it stuck to was my 11 year olds hand for an instant. You should have seen the look on his face when it melted :)
Was warm this morning, now it might snow, if the front goes this way, if the front goes the other way it will be a major blizzard, if it goes this other way its gonna be a cold rain for three days, but if it goes this far off the coast its never gonna rain ever and ever again.
thats official from the weather lady BTW.
Cold, rain, spoda snow, might not, but might, could possibly be cold enough to snow, but might not, the pocket of dry air might move over us so it doesn't Snow, but it might move away and let the snow that might fall on us fall on us but not make it to the ground because its too dry at 50k feet................

God I can't believe she said that without even stopping once to breathe.