How is the weather like where you are now?!

Thanks Brit...The days are getting longer here. I had a fire going a few days ago and today it's mid to upper sixties*F (can't find that tiny circle..:roll:) so we're seeing some beautiful weather lately except for the few rainy days which I enjoy from time to time. I especially enjoy thunderstorms at night. For some reason, I sleep better.

I believe we've seen the last of "winter". We really didn't have a bad one this year. It was below freezing a few days and that's (below freezing) a BIG deal in Texas but we've been through worse. Summers are the worst and I have a feeling this one will be a hot one again. :firedevi:.. maybe worse than last year. :eek:
Its bright and sunny, quite a nice autumn day except for the high winds.

Its been blowing almost Gale Force all night and this morning, hopefully the wind will drop.

Sara, SO glad you're sleeping better!! Good to hear from you woman.

Gee whiz, it's gonna be about 80 F today (60 at night)..
Cold and dry.
I think It's gonna rain soon. Thankfully I never leave without a jacket on. No matter how hot it is!