How is the weather like where you are now?!

65 today, yet another fine day to sit outside and play cards at work while I wait for a truck so I can go do my job that I so desperately want to go do.
Cold, wet, miserable ... but typical ...

I am in the USA .. in Midland Michigan,

  • It's still the Winter season.
  • It's 1:46 in the morning.
  • The temperature is 49 degrees.
  • Most of the snow has frozen into ice.
  • - and-
  • We are receiving a moderate rainfall
  • * (it's been raining for most of the day).
As they say, don't like Michigan weather - wait 5 minutes .. it'll get worse.

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METAR LEPA 120700Z VRB02KT 9999 -RA FEW018 BKN040 08/05 Q1018 NOSIG

I am usually posting in the morning (0700Z) that is why temps are rather low (08/05), during the day they rise to about 15/07 currently. The "-" in front of the RA(in) is the designator for "light"

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Very hot at the moment around 35 to 40C but thankfully the high winds have died down.

We have a major fire on the Helderberg mountain which the high winds from yesterday fanned. Hopefully with the drop in wind, the fires will be under control.
METAR LEPA 131230Z 07010KT 040V110 9999 BKN030 11/05 Q1021 NOSIG

As you can see it is a bit warmer mid day (and at the sun you sweat even though it is 11).
