How is the weather like where you are now?!

FedEx it is. Of course, now its all melted so I'll have to head up to either Bogus or Brundage to get it for you.......

Its still cold and windy. BOOOOO!!!
No wind, no clouds, cold with 5 deg centigrade (for our measure), but it is still only 0900J and will raise to 12 during midday.

METAR LEPA 170800Z 00000KT 9999 FEW030 05/03 Q1025 NOSIG

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finally, spring coming in, to stay probably, and - as always here - it is almost *summer* suddenly within 24 hours:

METAR LEPA 181230Z 26003KT CAVOK 18/06 Q1018 NOSIG, probably 20 in two hours more...

Cold and rainy, here in Va we have 2 seasons, the Cold/Wet season and the hot/Dry season, on occoaision there is a sub season of the hot/dry, we call that season hot/wet