Democracy isn't going to work at all in Somalia right now. What they need is a dictatorship that knows how to bring wealth into Somalia and will actually do it. Hopefully a more secular dictatorship. But that's a tough call too. The only thing that really unites Somalis is religion.
No Democratic entity will have the strength to make a difference in Somalia.
Democracy has worked before in Somali in the first decade of its independence when the President was assassinated by thugs and the army headed by Siad Barre seized control 1969-1991. He instituted Scientific Socialism and modeled the country after China and early Soviet Union as as an example of how it is possible to take a third world country, institute nation wide development programs and bring it to developed standard, he wanted to create Somalia's own great leap forward.
Somalia has a history of both democracy and secular dictatorship, they just need a strong leader or group to rid the country from the warlords and pirates, the Somali people are tired of war and are ready to rebuild they are just being held hostage by these armed thugs. Somalia has proven in the past that they are capable of building a stable state and running it sufficiently, until these thugs overthrew the central government in 1991.
"In 1969, during the power vacuum that followed the assassination of Somalia's second president,
Abdirashid Ali Shermarke, the
military staged a
coup on October 21, 1969 (the day after Shermarke's funeral), and took over office. Barre was to rule the nation for the next twenty-two years." Wiki
"One of the earliest initiatives of Barre's regime was to introduce the
Somali language as the official language of education. All education in government schools now had to be conducted in Somali. This was necessary, as there was a growing rift between those who spoke the colonial languages, and those who did not. Many of the high ranking positions in the government were given to those people that spoke either Italian or English. To keep everyone on an even playing field, the Somali language was finally written down. The
Latin alphabet was selected as the means for writing the language. The establishment of the Somali language as a national language created a new confidence in the masses. In 1972, the second anniversary of the military government, all government employees were ordered to learn to write and read
Af Soomaali within six months." Wiki
"Siad Barre was a hands on leader from early on. Achievements included creating over two dozen factories of mass production such as mills in Balad, Marerey, sugar cane processing facilities, the first meat processing house for local consumption and exporting markets in addition to many other successful industrialization endeavors." Wiki
"Another notable massive public service campaign by the Barre government involved the resettlement of drought-affected people in the northern regions of Somalia. The drought, which occurred in 1974, was known as the
Abaartii Dabadheer, roughly translated as the
Lingering Drought. The
Soviet Union, which at the time maintained strategic relations with the Siad Barre government, had airlifted thousands of people from the devastated regions of
Hobyo and
Ainaba. New settlements of small villages were created in the
Lower Jubba and
Middle Jubba regions in such settlements as
Sablaale and
Kuntuwaareey. The Horogle settlement in Middle Jubba was later added. These new settlements were known as the
Danwadaagaha or
Collective Settlements. The transplanted families were introduced to farming, a change from their traditional
pastoralist lifestyle of livestock herding." Wiki