hi every body..
im a 15 years old girl..
im not in the military or any thing.. i just wanted 2 edit somethings that u think about muslims...
i didnt inturduce my self in the welcoming center..
i wanted 2 start here i guess its because every body has 2 come past here..and i wanted every body 2 read this its really important..
im not very good in english i hope u under stand me...
most of the muslims r really upset about the terrorism that happend from people who represent islam and we r relly sorry that they do..they gave all the people a bad picture about muslims.. i mean i dont know what were they thinking killing inesent people.. thats not what islam orderd us 2 do...we were orderd 2 respect other religions...its just that when they went 2 afghanstan they gave them a brain wash and sent them back 2 start planing bad plans and killing them selves(by the way commiteng suicide is restrected in our religion) and other people who dont disirve 2 dye.. i mean i wish i could find those terrorist and get rid of them all... they really shouldnt do that...
i have lots of friends from Italy from England and from America that i really love and not just me almost all of the muslims like people from other religons and even movie stars..i mean i love Brad Pitt i'v got pictures of him all over my room
.. and i try 2 catch on all of his movies..
and once again not just me even other muslims who like other movies stars who r not muslims...
so in our socity we dont count those terrorist as muslims..
we call them people who r wearing a muslims clothes and under stood islam in a wrong way absoulitlly diffrient from how islam really is ..
and trying 2 give a bad picture of islam..
i mean i really get upset when people say bad things about islam... it really is a great religion its a fair religion and gives everybody its rights
its a religion that calls 4 harmony between other religons and other socity i relly dont know were the got the idea of killing poeple who r not muslims...
we r relly ashamed from them..
we just hope that u 2 dont count them as muslims just as we dont...
well... good luck under standing what i said ....
and sorry 4 the bad spelling...