*corrupt a wish*

It floods, then snows, then rains some more...

I wish my dad would take down the Christmas lights before planes start landing in the front yard...
You have me. I'm more entertaining anyway. Oh that sounds bad, Sevens....

I wish my arm would stop hurting!!!!
it dropped to negative 25 degrees because you're complain.

I wish I could see the snow in Texas.
Its not. Trust me. It will suck worse than today did.

I wish my arm would stop hurting so that I can get some sleep.
Trade ya. I'll go there and you can go home.

I wish my arm really would fall off. It hurts!! :crybaby:
It doesnt fall off but instead becomes gangrenous and you pass out from the sepsis and die slowly whilest maggots consume the flesh that has died and the whole apartment begins to smell of fetid cheese... oops, did I say that outloud... sorry.

I wish I could work from home when I have no classes.
You got stuck in the classes, the chinese kids are bugging you.

I wish I could go to Las Vegas.
You go, but you had a boob job and work as a showgirl.

I wish the media would work as the 4th pillar of democracy.