*corrupt a wish*

I'm not me, I'm my evil twin. Or am I the good twin? I can never remember...I'll have to ask my sister again.

I wish I could think of something to wish for, then I wish it would come true.
But it wouldnt be your wish it would be the wish of your evil twin.

I wish I could eliminate "celebrity news".
Sadly, you can't. Because they're more important than anything else going on in the world, doncha know?...

I wish I could skip over the next three days.
You do, only to discover that you died on the second day in a preventable accident.

I wish I could watch my teen-age years on video from someone else's perspective.
You do and realize you were a total goober.

I really, really, really, really wish I could go somewhere else till Friday evening.
You go to purgatory and realise Friday will never come now.

I know I was a goober.

I wish I could understand calculus.
You dont and now NASA revokes their job offer.

I wish I could elevate the mean intelligence of everyone on the planet.
Don't we all. Oh! I mean you can't. Instead you lower it and everyone is now at a "you have two IQ points and it takes three to grunt" level.

I wish my head didn't hurt.
Your hand is chopped off by Janet's fiance who shares her wish.

I wish I could stop with the morbid thoughts.