*corrupt a wish*

They won't. cause they love to picking on you.

I wish her "brats" would continuing picking on her until I die. haha.
You wish it is what?? Well it doesn't matter because whatever you wish it is, its not. LOL

I wish someone would do my laundry for me.
well the clothes fly by themselves, but you thought they were gohsts and freaked out. You become madly insane and end up in a mental hospital.

I wish I wasnt scared of big dark coloured things under the deep water
she complains about your grave lol

I wish my internet connection umm.. I wish.. no wait.. I wish the internet connection wouldnt disconnect.. I wish the intrenet connection.. umm . . forget it.
I wish I was able to say what I have in mind :cry:

You finally how to cure it but you have to die next day.

I wish I could be rich after I discovered Mighty's cure headache. lol