*corrupt a wish*

I just ate one of his poison....whew...I almost died of it.

I wish LIBERTY shouldn't put the poison in my food.
The Cookie Man is Team Infidel, he stole all the drinks. heh...Just kidding, Major.

I wish I could be The Cookie Man. heh.
:type: Dear Cookie Man....Bring me cookies now and I'll let the boucy guy go. If you aren't here in five minutes, he gets it...:m16shoot: :jump: hehehe

I wish it was quitting time!!!!! :bored:
Don't we all? LOL But you have less.

I wish the brownies would hurry up so that the boys will leave me alone!!
The boys are bugging you still....even if the brownie done.

I wish I'm a cop, so, I can arrest a person that doing wrong. heh.
you live on the island Robinson Crusoe got stuck on. Be ware of Cannibals.

I wish I had a swift sturdy boat or ship that would sail me through this entire globe