*corrupt a wish*

They never would let you to pick anything. Listen to the Marine officers. OORAH?

I wish Sevens wouldn't say OORAH.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooorah!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL And no!! I will not listen to these two brats!! Just because they can boss their men around doesn't mean they can tell me what to do!!! Or that's what I keep telling myself as I do everything for them...*sigh* LOL

I wish it was Halloween. I want CANDY!!!!!!!!
You slept on Halloween Day. And you miss it, don't worry, Thanksgiving is coming up.

I wish Sevens won't do what the Marine officers tell her to do.
Me, too. *sigh* But alas, they have me well trained these brats do. Hey do I have the authority to demote them? :mrgreen:

I wish it wasn't bedtime because I'm really not that tired...
Date older women. They don't play head games. Well most of them...LOL

Oh and girls NEVER tell you what they want from you. Its against the Code of Girly Things. We must always be vague and noncommittal...

I wish I wasn't so tired...
Your back is hurting cause Giants are winning.

I wish I could to do something that I can but I can't.
Well you can't so get back to worshipping me. :pray: hehehe J/k!!!!

I wish the boys would settle down because I'm getting tired and want to go to bed. Stupid, bratty Marines!!!! Not all of you Marines out there...Just these two. :mrgreen:
You stayed in the outer space so, come to Earth. Earth has the only oxygen that we have known for billion years.

I wish I could breath underwater.
you breath above water

I wish I had a nice little quiet hut in the countryside



ahh, people have nothing to do with me, and i have nothing to do with people. Serenity!
You do but you got bite by venomous snake and the nearest hospital is 100 miles away. Good luck.

I wish Mighty could go to hospital while I care of his countryside hut.