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About the myth of the 6 powerfull German PzD in France on DDay:
1SSPzD on 6 june :understrenght,undertrained,lacking in equipment :report on 15 may :the division is not combat ready .
Besides on 6 june,the LSSAH wat at Beverlo (near Antwerp),and it was out of the question it could be engaged on 6 june in Normandy (it took a month for the division to be present in Normandy)
2 SSPzd on 20 may,it claimed to be operational wth regard to training,but there was a severe shortage in transport;whatever,being in the South West of France,the division could not be engaged in Normandy at 6 june
12 SSPzD:considered operational for attack,but,missed its Panzerjägers,and the abilities of its leaders were doubtfull:there was an enormous shortage of officers,and,worse,of NCO
116 PzD :not operational(Afaics,it only was committed in august)
21 PzD :its tanks (French conversions) were second rate and outdated
PzLehr:a unit which never fulfilled the hopes put in it,it lacked its armoured artillery in the beginning .On 16 june,its CO(Bayerlein) wrote that lacking any more traiing possibilities,the level gained could not be bettered.
2 PzD :the only which was in good shape.
Source :Feldgrau:viewtopic.php?=45&t= 7858
The 3 SSPzD had a total of 321 tanks,1 and 2 SS had a total of 118 AG .
I would agree with this as the SS Panzer Corps had been heavily mauled in operations around the Cherkassy-Korsun pocket and during the relief of the 1st Panzer Army in the Kamenetz-Podolsk Pocket in late March which included elements of Liebstandate and Das Riech, Liebstandarte had suffered so many casualties that on the 6th of March 1944 the Division was down to 5 Panthers, 1 Tiger and 3 Assault guns.
Also as pointed out Liebstandarte did not leave Belgium until the 17th of June and began assembling in the Foret de Cinglais (between Calais and Falaise) between the 23rd of June and the 6th of July.
The fact is that most of the Panzer Divisions in France on D-Day were not in a fit state to repell an invasion.
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