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gladius said:You might have missed a little thing called Bliztkreig when the offensive forces has most of the advantages.
True, but the blitzkreig warefare has severel key weaknesses, it works well against an unprepared defense, but if the defense is dug in, like i stated, the blitzkreig is less then effective. I also hope you arent suggesting that the muslim world will try to blitzkreig us.
gladius said:It doesn't matter, how much damage to the US can 100,000 jihadist (in a population of 7 million Muslims thats less then 2%), alot . How may in the WTC, 19? Only 19? They may or may not do as much damage in proportion to those 19 guys, but it will significantly divert resources. You can not say this will not have a significant impact.
It depends on what they strike, and if they are equipped, and a lot of other factors. The WTC was a civilian target, and did nothing to divert our military. To sevearly divert our resources, they would need to strike a military target, otherwise police and civilian paramilitary groups can help repair/defend civilian targets, Again, im not saying that some men from the army would not be necissary, but not enough to affect a world-wide struggle.
gladius said:Read the first post again. Since when will the West have a an army to equal 200,000,000.
Neither does the middle east. Those 200,000,000 men are just islamic believers, not their actual military. By the same token we can raise an army as big, if not bigger then that. At the sametime, I doubt that the muslim world can properally equip 200,000,000 men. Now im not saying that we can, but i can say that our chances of doing so are much greater, and that we will out-equip them beyond a shadow of a doubt.
gladius said:The the in-country jihadist are just a part in the puzzle that are not the main part, they will merely help out.
I understand this, but at this point its the only true advantage they have over the western world. They cant raise as many men, they cant equip them as well as we can, we are much better positioned geographically then they are, and we are fighting defensively.We have a better navy and airforce, and they are already in striking position to the middle east. The in-country jihadists are the only advantage they have that we dont have better, and it looks like even that advantage is not enough to tip the balances.
gladius said:And are you going to have it organized the first day, no way. It will take at least a few weeks to have it going, in the meantime Army troops will have to do. Think about this situation in Europe at the same time an invasion is occuring.
Yes you will have it organized fast, especially when the police is concerned. To hinder us as much as your saying they would have to strike every city in the US, at the same time, in an entirely devestating way. This is completely impossible, especially with our current level of anti-terrorism alerts. Europe is about as well off as we are, except they will be facing less muslims.
gladius said:You still don't understand this do you. The oustide invasion, the in-country jihadist revolt will occur all at the same time.
First off, please do not insult my intelligence, I understand what you are saying, but I also understand that to move 200 million me from the middle east to europe, through severel non-muslim countries is impossible in one day, and even it was, it would be absolutly impossible to hide.
gladius said:This will create confusion, chaos, and mayhem, that will help the invaders. This will last a few weeks or maybe acuople of months giving the invaders a foothold into Europe. The in-country jihadist don't have to win merely buy time for the invaders.
Weeks and Months??? I think you overestimate their havic-creating capabilities. I also forgot to add, where are they going to be able to support a 200 million man army from? Those kind of numbers need food, water, ammunition, gas for vehicles, and many other logistic needs. The idea of middle-eastern countries fielding those kind of numbers, especially when they will be facing an embargo from every other modern nation in the world is absolutly ludacris.
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