gladius said:Revelation 8:8
The second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood,
Century 1, Quatrain 69
The great mountain round of seven stadia
Afterwards peace, war, famine, flood,
It will roll away sinking great countries
Even antiquities and great foundation.
godofthunder9010 said:If someone can motivate a united Muslim Empire, I have no doubt they'd be very dangerous. Before they could be fully effective, they'd have to drag the Muslim nations of the world into the 21st century economically and technologically. That part would require a lot of work.
Nothing takes long time. Look at the rise of NAZI party in Germany and what a motivated Hitler did in WWIIPyro said:godofthunder9010 said:If someone can motivate a united Muslim Empire, I have no doubt they'd be very dangerous. Before they could be fully effective, they'd have to drag the Muslim nations of the world into the 21st century economically and technologically. That part would require a lot of work.
and it would take a long time
Quite interesting fact friendgodofthunder9010 said:"We can't predict the future" is the truest statement that can be made about these sorts of scenarios.
What the world of Islam currently lacks right now is unity and motivation. Germany had plenty of that. Ancient Islam did too, so it will be interesting to see what happens next in modern day Islam.
Paddster said:Hmm, I think people forget that A) the European Union has a population of 460 Million, and Europe itself has 600 Million +. We have small militaries at the moment, but with the equipment and a better trained army, we would defeat them.
I apologise for how basic my staement is, I'm tired lol. I just find it ridiculous the way that some people believe Europe would be taken over easily by this Islamic Coalition.
And the European ''Pacifist'' policy. What policy? Just because most European countries did not go into Iraq does not mean we are pacifists.
I'm too tired to go into an argument, but I hope people understand what I'm getting at here.
Thanks, Pad.
If you read through the entire thread (I know, who has the time?), you'd have run accross my counterpoint to this. A future Islamic Superstate has several big problem if they want to invade Europe:TBA_PAKI said:--> Winning a war involves many factors (political implications, public support, military might, Intelligence etc)
--> If any party lacks anyone of those advantages then war will not be successful for long.
--> The total population of Europe does not indicate the number of those who are capable of fighting in War like scenarios. Believe me that such people are always short in number (and this case is for anyone)!
--> And if such war occurs then Europe will be totally destroyed and the invaders will also suffer greatly. Thus there would be no victory for any side. Thus END OF STORY!
godofthunder9010 said:What the world of Islam currently lacks right now is unity and motivation. Germany had plenty of that. Ancient Islam did too, so it will be interesting to see what happens next in modern day Islam.
3.) The Strait of Gibraltar and the route through Turkey are choke points. Since Russia is likely to be the Islamic States primary arms dealer, it is unlikely that they would go around. If the Islamic State cannot control the seas (that is would more likekly be the case), they have to invade through those two chokepoints.
If I had command of European forces and was outnumbered 5 to 1, I promise you I can beat back the invasion indefinitely. Any decent commander could.
Paddster said:Hmm, I think people forget that A) the European Union has a population of 460 Million, and Europe itself has 600 Million +. We have small militaries at the moment, but with the equipment and a better trained army, we would defeat them.
I apologise for how basic my staement is, I'm tired lol. I just find it ridiculous the way that some people believe Europe would be taken over easily by this Islamic Coalition.
And the European ''Pacifist'' policy. What policy? Just because most European countries did not go into Iraq does not mean we are pacifists.
I'm too tired to go into an argument, but I hope people understand what I'm getting at here.
Thanks, Pad.
I agree that Hitler was significant in motivating Germany, but you are overlooking that Germany was very motivated and driven to excel long before Adolf was born. One dilema that a unifying leader must have an answer for is this: A HUGE segment of your population is not driven nor motivated. How do you turn the whole of Islam into one of the most industrious, scientifically advance and motivated peoples on the planet?? Things can change quickly, but remember, old habits die hard.gladius said:Germany had that unity in Adolph Hitler.godofthunder9010 said:What the world of Islam currently lacks right now is unity and motivation. Germany had plenty of that. Ancient Islam did too, so it will be interesting to see what happens next in modern day Islam.
Remember the most important factor in all this, the man who will unite this empire, he will be Emperor, Dictator, Holyman all in one. His word will be comparable to an edict from heaven. Hitler will have nothing on him. This one man will be the unity and motivation that starts all this.
What do you suggest that they might do in the Mediterranean? If Europe has an sense at all, they would have their naval power and anti-aircraft setup to rip anything coming that route to sheds. How are you suggesting that the Islamic Superstate would manage to control the Med? No, I wouldn't consider Nostradomis as a valid and reliable source, so I'm not responding to that part.The open oceans they will be hoplessly outclassed. But in a small enclosed sea like the Mediterranean, they may have a chance.
Give them a few generations and Islam might be able to come up with 20 to 1 odds but the numbers ain't there yet! Not by a long shot! And even when they have 20 to 1, a HUGE chunk of that dies in the process of wiping out Inida ... if they even CAN wipe out India.godofthunder said:If I had command of European forces and was outnumbered 5 to 1, I promise you I can beat back the invasion indefinitely. Any decent commander could.
I agree here any Any decent commander could beat back a foe a 5 to 1, especially with superior tech. What about 20 to 1?
All of this is based on the false belief that Islam HAS massive overwhelming numbers. They don't. Population translates directly into divisions in a time of total war. Europe has approximately 600 million people (Leaving out all former USSR), so you need Islam to hit 6 Billion in population before your estimate adds up right.I'm guestimating that a United Europe, even with help form the USA will be able to field some 250 to 300 division for war time emergency.
I believe that when the time comes (given my population estimate at first post of this thread) the Islamic empire will field between 2000 and 4000 motorized or mechanized divisions.
With this massive army attacking Europe the sheer weight of numbers will be a factor. Constant pressure will be felt all along the front, any breakthroughs will be explioted by enemy division large enough to make up army groups. With the pressure along all along the front the Europeans will be hard pressed to have spare divisions to launch a counter attacks. Even with superior technology fighting an enemy this numerous and this massive may take its toll.
Not only this, Europe will have to worry about those attacking from within at the same time. Even if Europe beats them back you can see the cost to stop this invasion will be very high.
godofthunder9010 said:Gladius, I know you are just ecstatic and all giggly inside to see this thread constantly reviving. :lol: :lol:
godofthunder9010 said:I agree that Hitler was significant in motivating Germany, but you are overlooking that Germany was very motivated and driven to excel long before Adolf was born. One dilema that a unifying leader must have an answer for is this: A HUGE segment of your population is not driven nor motivated. How do you turn the whole of Islam into one of the most industrious, scientifically advance and motivated peoples on the planet?? Things can change quickly, but remember, old habits die hard.
On the matter of uniting peoples, Germany's people had been driving for generations for a united Germany long before Bismarck made that a reality. "Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles", the German national anthem, was written when they were still divided into hundreds of kingdoms and it was written with the vision of one day uniting Germany. The drive to be united was there long before Hitler was born.
What do you suggest that they might do in the Mediterranean? If Europe has an sense at all, they would have their naval power and anti-aircraft setup to rip anything coming that route to sheds. How are you suggesting that the Islamic Superstate would manage to control the Med? No, I wouldn't consider Nostradomis as a valid and reliable source, so I'm not responding to that part.
Give them a few generations and Islam might be able to come up with 20 to 1 odds but the numbers ain't there yet! Not by a long shot! And even when they have 20 to 1, a HUGE chunk of that dies in the process of wiping out Inida ... if they even CAN wipe out India.![]()
All of this is based on the false belief that Islam HAS massive overwhelming numbers. They don't. Population translates directly into divisions in a time of total war. Europe has approximately 600 million people (Leaving out all former USSR), so you need Islam to hit 6 Billion in population before your estimate adds up right.
Lastly, as previously pointed out, a very very large chunk of what they DO have is inaccessible until they deal with India, one way or another. Even then, Indonesia may very well be completely cut off and be unable to assist ... and there goes 300,000,000 right there.
gladius said:Think this not possible? Well consider this, while Europe's population is growing older, meaning less people going into the work force than coming out of it. Islamic countries have a population explotion, with very young populations, with an estimated 50% under the age of 18. This is very significant, since this would mean they would be able to recruit large numbers of military age personnel without taking people out of their existing infrastructure or work force which would put a severe strain on their economic output, not so with Europe. In fact if Europe were to recruit say about 30-40 million soldiers for war time emergency, not only would it drain their work force, but it would push the economy to the breaking point. The Islamic empire with around a 700 million pool of young people can recruit about 200 million without too much stress on their economy.
godofthunder9010 said:Gladius, I know you are just ecstatic and all giggly inside to see this thread constantly reviving. :lol: :lol:
I agree that Hitler was significant in motivating Germany, but you are overlooking that Germany was very motivated and driven to excel long before Adolf was born. One dilema that a unifying leader must have an answer for is this: A HUGE segment of your population is not driven nor motivated. How do you turn the whole of Islam into one of the most industrious, scientifically advance and motivated peoples on the planet?? Things can change quickly, but remember, old habits die hard.gladius said:Germany had that unity in Adolph Hitler.godofthunder9010 said:What the world of Islam currently lacks right now is unity and motivation. Germany had plenty of that. Ancient Islam did too, so it will be interesting to see what happens next in modern day Islam.
Remember the most important factor in all this, the man who will unite this empire, he will be Emperor, Dictator, Holyman all in one. His word will be comparable to an edict from heaven. Hitler will have nothing on him. This one man will be the unity and motivation that starts all this.
On the matter of uniting peoples, Germany's people had been driving for generations for a united Germany long before Bismarck made that a reality. "Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles", the German national anthem, was written when they were still divided into hundreds of kingdoms and it was written with the vision of one day uniting Germany. The drive to be united was there long before Hitler was born.
What do you suggest that they might do in the Mediterranean? If Europe has an sense at all, they would have their naval power and anti-aircraft setup to rip anything coming that route to sheds. How are you suggesting that the Islamic Superstate would manage to control the Med? No, I wouldn't consider Nostradomis as a valid and reliable source, so I'm not responding to that part.The open oceans they will be hoplessly outclassed. But in a small enclosed sea like the Mediterranean, they may have a chance.
Give them a few generations and Islam might be able to come up with 20 to 1 odds but the numbers ain't there yet! Not by a long shot! And even when they have 20 to 1, a HUGE chunk of that dies in the process of wiping out Inida ... if they even CAN wipe out India.godofthunder said:If I had command of European forces and was outnumbered 5 to 1, I promise you I can beat back the invasion indefinitely. Any decent commander could.
I agree here any Any decent commander could beat back a foe a 5 to 1, especially with superior tech. What about 20 to 1?![]()
All of this is based on the false belief that Islam HAS massive overwhelming numbers. They don't. Population translates directly into divisions in a time of total war. Europe has approximately 600 million people (Leaving out all former USSR), so you need Islam to hit 6 Billion in population before your estimate adds up right.I'm guestimating that a United Europe, even with help form the USA will be able to field some 250 to 300 division for war time emergency.
I believe that when the time comes (given my population estimate at first post of this thread) the Islamic empire will field between 2000 and 4000 motorized or mechanized divisions.
With this massive army attacking Europe the sheer weight of numbers will be a factor. Constant pressure will be felt all along the front, any breakthroughs will be explioted by enemy division large enough to make up army groups. With the pressure along all along the front the Europeans will be hard pressed to have spare divisions to launch a counter attacks. Even with superior technology fighting an enemy this numerous and this massive may take its toll.
Not only this, Europe will have to worry about those attacking from within at the same time. Even if Europe beats them back you can see the cost to stop this invasion will be very high.
Lastly, as previously pointed out, a very very large chunk of what they DO have is inaccessible until they deal with India, one way or another. Even then, Indonesia may very well be completely cut off and be unable to assist ... and there goes 300,000,000 right there.
TBA_PAKI said:And talking about India to save Europe is one big mistake. Do you really think that they will be so stupid to put themselves in path of destruction by saving Europe from an invasion. Thats the most un-reliable point. India did ammassed a big army on border with Pakistan in 2002 but finally realizing that this conflict will only bring death and destruction on both sides, simply backed off (the first time in history)!
If EU comes to consencion and indeed this shit happens you'll be waving (happily )a blue flag with 12 gold stars in Islamabad at the end.
rOk said:TBA_PAKI said:And talking about India to save Europe is one big mistake. Do you really think that they will be so stupid to put themselves in path of destruction by saving Europe from an invasion. Thats the most un-reliable point. India did ammassed a big army on border with Pakistan in 2002 but finally realizing that this conflict will only bring death and destruction on both sides, simply backed off (the first time in history)!
Dude, we don't need Indians.Get real...
If EU comes to consencion and indeed this shit happens you'll be waving (happily)a blue flag with 12 gold stars in Islamabad at the end. :rambo:
You can never again hope that Islam will spread like it did in are weak, disorganised, leaderless, without any true goals....almost like the EU with a difference that we have goals, we have friends, we have don't.
Doc.S said:European soldiers are great warriors but they are constant balance with soft politician point of a knife in the back syndrome. Cheers: