Well great! On-topic views. No propaganda, no objections from me.
command the future, conquer the past.
Well great! On-topic views. No propaganda, no objections from me.
command the future, conquer the past.
Lets say Germany invaded the USSR with 4 Million men in 1940. That includes the extra German Divisons made available, but it also subtracts some of allies such as the Norwegians, that it really did have in 1941. Thats an extra 1 Million men. -Thats probably too generous but we will use it for sake of argument.
You are forgetting the sheer size of the USSR. In order to pacify the country the Germans would have had to have left at least half that number in order to control it. Put it to you this way, During one point of the Vietnam war, the US had 500,000 men in an area the size of Israel (just to deal with Guerrillas). Furthermore, the Germans even if they had won, they would have taken very heavy losses, probably irreplaceable.
The idea to use 2nd Echelon troops didn't work during the occupation of France, I cannot see how it would have worked in the USSR. In almost every front they were stationed (including quiet ones) they proved ineffective -usually having to be bailed out by German units. The Partisan war in Russia would have required the use of German troops and lots of them.
In short, Even if victorious, The Germans would have had to taken a long breather to rebuild its strength before it could contemplate a push west.
In the meantime, the allies would have been taking precautions...
Already in 1940 the French Army was better than the German one except in organization and leadership. They outnumbered the Germans (over 200 Divisions) and they were better equipped. The French already had a Heavy Tank in production, the Char I-Bis. It also had the S-35 Somua. These were better than the Pz I-III and early versions of the IV. I agree that that the Germans would have had Tigers but not Panthers (they came later). But its fair to assume that the French-British would not have compensated for this by building a 'Tiger'-Killer of their own. They certainly would have had the time to do so.
The Blitzkrieg of Russia would have illustrated the weakness of the Ardennes and the French would have extended the Maginot line to it. I have visited the Maginot Line, the idea was sound (just not the location). Its system of concrete bunkers and retractable Heavy Gun emplacements plus its underground train system allowing troops and supplies to be moved up and down the line would have made a frontal assault like Blitzkrieg a very dangerous affair especially, as you said, they were expected.
The Germans would have had the advantage in experience and they would be better led. Air superiority would be a test. The Germans better pilots, the allies better planes and more of them. That would slightly help the Germans, but it would be close. The French and RAF pilots were not the green pilots the Germans would have faced in Russia.
Ollie Garchy;). [B said:My point[/b]: "German operational effectiveness made the Wehrmacht look bigger than it was...even with "Ultra". German units in 1939-1942 popped up everywhere with frightening speed. And, in order to explain defeat, the French and British leaned heavily on the myth that
(1) they had been unprepared for war in 1939,
(2) and that the Germans had armed themselves to the teeth.
These ideas formed a core of the later appeasement fantasy, the Hitler remilitarization myth and the world conspiracy illusion. They also helped rationalize the initial decision for a preventive war. And all of this fed a curious dynamic that was used by Churchill to bamboozle his own countrymen in 1939 and 1940."
very good military post from MM and good one from olliegarchy.
That is, right until "HIS POINT "at the last paragraph quoted here, where he moves into propaganda fantasy again. He just cannot to establish his conspiracy theories regarding Churchill. This is where his campaign collapses. Churchill's work for peace stands out, factually , throughout the 1930s. He is consistant and accurate, and I am quite happy to keep showing examples of his Hansard recorded speeches in House of Commons debate. There is no question of passing responsibility for WW11 to anyone other than Hitler, often against the advice of his entourage. His points one and two are wishful thinking on his part.
Churchill's work for peace? Don't me make me laugh. Churchill was only slightly less bloodthirsty than Genghis Khan. At least the Great Khan was more honest about his intentions. Churchill aspired to be a great military leader but often cloaked his intentions with the veil of the politician.Churchill's work for peace stands out, factually , throughout the 1930s.
Folks, just when I start to get interested in the facts and better quality arguments here ( honest statement) I see someone posting artwork of questionable quality and calling names. I feel that I am living between a Kindergarten and a University. Don't get so personal and the thread will enjoy the longevity it deserves.
Churchill's work for peace? Don't me make me laugh. Churchill was only slightly less bloodthirsty than Genghis Khan. At least the Great Khan was more honest about his intentions. Churchill aspired to be a great military leader but often cloaked his intentions with the veil of the politician.
That's what we have the "report post" button for!!After being called a nazi a million times, being ridiculed and defamed in the worst manner, and after having everything that I write rejected out of hand, do you not think that a little tolerance for poor Ollie is in order? Poor, poor Ollie.![]()
you obviously are unable to read and absorb TRUTH.
""And you clearly did not read anything that I posted previously regarding Churchill. Like I said, there's no use in just quoting what Churchill said. What someone says and what someone wants are often two entirely different things.
Delboy Quiz: "Who was acclaimed as the greatest electrical engineer in America at turn of the 19th/20th century"?
I am bored, so I will answer Delboy's pop quiz.
ANSWER: Nikola Tesla. And the rest of your questions are answered at http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla.
As far as the Department of State is concerned, google would not spit out a floor plan of the Harry S. Truman Building. On second thought, I won't try again. I don't want the CIA showing up tomorrow.
None of this is intelligence, Delboy. And trivia has nothing to do with WWII origins. And Tesla had nothing to do with the start of war either. And please don't start talking about ray guns.
Really Del Boy you can be so melodramatic at times. It is so utterly obvious (and backed up by numerous sources) that Churchill was a man in his element when involved in war and wartime. This isn't slander of the man, simply what even the most ardent of supporters would admit. Why should a man like this seek peace when peace does not suit him?On this matter you act with dishonour. I really see no point in responding to your posts.
1. Your answer is nowhere close
2. Now I would ask you to try to stay on topic and not use this thread for the benefit of what amounts to Nazi propaganda.
Really Del Boy you can be so melodramatic at times. It is so utterly obvious (and backed up by numerous sources) that Churchill was a man in his element when involved in war and wartime. This isn't slander of the man, simply what even the most ardent of supporters would admit. Why should a man like this seek peace when peace does not suit him?
“ GOOD DEFENCES ALONE WOULD NEVER ENABLE US BY THEMSELVES to survive in the modern grim gigantic world. There must be added to those defences the sovereign power of generous motives and of high ideals, in fact, that cause of freedom, moral and intellectual, which I have endeavoured to describe. We must trust something to the power of enlightened ideas. We must trust much to our resolve not to be impatient or quarrelsome or arrogant. We seek peace. We long for peace. We pray for peace. We seek no territory. We aim at no invidious monopoly of raw materials. Our hearts are clean. We have no old scores to repay. We submit ourselves wholeheartedly, nay proudly, to the Covenant of the League of Nations. We desire faithfully and fairly to bear our part in building up a true collective security which shall not only lighten the burden of the toiling millions, but also provide the means by which the grievances of great dissatisfied nations, if well-founded, can be peacefully adjusted.
Another Great War would extinguish what is left of the civilization of the world, and the glory of Europe would sink for uncounted generations into the darl abyss. We wish to prevent this war.”