Nice bite Ollie, just a great pity that it ain't true in this case. When one does it to honour a pre-existing agreement between countries, and does it after having given fair warning of the consequences of the offending country's actions before declaring war, it's called honouring your obligations.
I seem to have been down this track before??
No wonder Del Boy makes a few spelling mistakes (another war crime no doubt), you have made him dizzy with your constant going around over the same old material. A well known tactic to frustrate those whose arguments you can't deny.
Thank you kindly Senojekips. However, please note that I do not , in fact, make spelling mistakes, only typing errors, through working so fast.
My spelling is indeed very good indeed, but Olliegarchy and Doppleganger have tried to carry out a continual campaign of ridicule, all ,of course, nonsense. They have both questioned my education, my grammar, my spelling, my comprehension etc., in a manner I have never seen on a forum before. None of this has any honest basis, and arises from their inability to counter the points I make. Olligarchy has described me as someone 'without an education'. All this is, of course, the refuge of the weak and those without genuine response available. Each time I bring attention to lies, which is often, they are not addressed, but bring on bouts of character asassination of myself or Churchill.
Well, they may fool the gullible.
It is none of their business, but for the sake of the record I will repeat that my education was conducted in one of the very greatest Guild schools, founded in 1535 on the side of the Thames, where a scholarship took me. Among its many outstanding headmasters was the Bishop of Winchester, in the early 17th century. My education included the LAMDA.
My distinctions were British political, social and military history (1760-1945), Shakespeare and Thomas Hardy.
Throughout military service, I was released from the necessity of ever taking education examinations for promotion, and I worked always from front-line to Infantry Records directly. So the results of my work still stands. My children have achieved high reputations throughout the world in their fields, for both excellence and integrity, including Arabia, USA at the VERY top levels, and Russia. I enjoy convivial e-mail friendships with the likes of assistant attorney-generals.
Sorry about that having to salvage my reputation from the dogs by
spelling out irrelevant information here, but I keep being challenged on the subject. I need viewers not to be mislead by my credibility being questioned to nullify my opinions.
Thank you once again. I will take up the pen once more and challenge Olliegarchy on the subject of the strength of his towering intellect.