It is always the same with you...circles...circles...circles.
1. Stalin killed more people than Hitler. According to your logic, Stalin was worse than Hitler.
2. I never called Hitler "good". That is your projection.
3. Beschloss' highest degree is an MBA from Harvard Business School. That explains his subservience to executive power. And that he is not an historian. Would you want an astronomer to give you a triple bypass?
4. I never attacked Rummel. I simply stated that the Wiesenthal Center, Yad Vashem and other historians disagree with his methods of classification. They set the figure of civilian deaths (all causes) attributable to Hitler at around 11 million. If we count the number of indigenous peoples slaughtered by the British in the 19th and 20th Centuries, the deaths caused by the slave trade, the crushing of dissent in the Empire, punitive actions like forced starvation in China, etc. the number would be horrifically high...probably the highest of them all.
5. East Prussia was destroyed. Look at maps.
6. Eisenhowever did not make American foreign policy. His point of view was unimportant and not asked for.
In any case, you have not explained why Britain attacked Germany in September 1939 and started WWII.
Let me say that you provide misinformation again.
I will deal with the first few as examples.
1. An absolute lie once more. This was YOUR logic, which I accused you of many times.
2. No you did worse. You claimed specifically that Hitler was not EVIL, that he was only a LITTLE BIT Evil. that he was NOT AS Evil AS STALIN.
3. Anyone is free to find Beschloss's credentials of the net. I need say no more.
3. I never claimed that you attacked Rummel. You dismissed him as an irrelevence.
4. I asked you to explain your claim. NIL I see.
5. I asked you to show proof of the claim you made against Eisenhower. Instead you suddenly change your tack. Have you withdrawn your accusation?
6. I have explained it clearly many times. Churchill's report was accurate and clear. You claim Churchill was an irrelevence, you bam-pot.
I will waste no more time on you. You are the irrelevence. I have bigger fish to fry. I have given you more than enough of my time.
I would recommend anyone considering any statement of yours goes carefully back through the posts.
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