Rules for dating a Royal Military Policeman's daughter.

We are definitely in agreement! But, you two would still have to break through the window... I'd probably let you in... probably. :D
I hope you are taking my application for your daughter under consideration, HighwayMan. I don't need your approval; it will be nice to meet her again. We know each other quite well, last time we.....never mind

You wish...

Stop day dreaming and get back here in line, buddy...? :-P
Here's the father in law come to visit!!!!


You mean you look like Jack Nicholson..... wow!
I was supposed to be lates 23, 24, 25 off 26, 27, 28. earlies 29,30,31 lates 1, 2, 3. This was fine as it meant I could see the kids opening their presents on Christmas day before going to work, a few days off to relax, off new years eve for a wee few drams. I change teams next week so I'm on earlies 23, 24, 25 lates 26, 27, 28 off 29, 30, 31 earlies 1, 2, 3. So I can't even see the new year in as I'll be in bed cos I'm up at 4 for work. :(

Oh dear, thats a shame... who did you pissed off that you ended with a real sh!tty schedule...

Thats like me working on my Eid Holidays, man... :rambo:
... *Begins hunting for a permanent residence in Canada at the thought of Highway Man being my father-in-law*
I'm skinny, I'll be able to fit through the bars, and then wave from the inside at you poor buggers still trying to pick the lock on the window.

Hawky... you in this too...?

MAn, the que is getting longer, and the competition is getting better...:smile:
Have some faith in the Frogmans sweet talking abilities my friend. I've honed my skills to near perfection over the years on many wimens of varying ages and nationalities.

Let me try and work my magic. If I can get her eating out of my hand, the sherbets are on me. ;)

Yeah, I've heard...

I was talking to a 88 year old cannibal woman from Papua New Guinea. She knows you, very well, indeed, as it would appear...

The only reason she did not eat you was she did not like Froglegs, you see... :-P
That's about right - with lipstick. ;)

The lipstick is a nice touch... :wink:

From what I heard, a pitbull terrier is a territorial and loyal companion to have, is this true... cannot have a better companion, don't you think so, Daaaaaad! :salute2:
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Sit! There's a good wifie *pats head* I'm sorry to disappoint all potential boyfriends, a suitable suitor has passed muster and she is engaged to be married. Thanks for all the interest now get off my lawn the lot of you before I get my shotgun and set the hounds on you. :p
Sit! There's a good wifie *pats head* I'm sorry to disappoint all potential boyfriends, a suitable suitor has passed muster and she is engaged to be married. Thanks for all the interest now get off my lawn the lot of you before I get my shotgun and set the hounds on you. :p

Potential boyfriends? :shock: I was making no commitments, I was looking for no strings se.... I mean fun. ;)

Have fun paying for the wedding! :p
Sit! There's a good wifie *pats head* I'm sorry to disappoint all potential boyfriends, a suitable suitor has passed muster and she is engaged to be married. Thanks for all the interest now get off my lawn the lot of you before I get my shotgun and set the hounds on you. :p

Its not the lawn hes worried about, its the beer he has to replenish for the whole lot...

So the little princess is engaged to be married...awwwwww, sob... sob... Does she knew the interest generated by her dad?

BTW, are there nieces or female relative you care to make known to us... just asking...:roll::jump:
I (when someone tries to make a move on my sister) just say "You know I don't mind going to jail."
And my Preference for women Is a 45. Caliber M1911.
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