Der Alte
Nein, nur im Westen.Hallo Opa, waren Sie am Ostfront?
Nein, nur im Westen.Hallo Opa, waren Sie am Ostfront?
I never understood why after attacking Poland (the casus belli for the allies), Finland, Romania, Lithuania, etc, financing Hitler in 1939, 40 and half of 41, Churchill & Roosevelt ran to Stalin's help as soon as the USSR was invaded. They should have left the two gigantic tyrants bleed each other for years.
I also think that had the US given priority to the Pacific and fought on only one front (like Stalin always did), it could have defeated Japan by early 1943 (not demanding unconditional surrender but asking Japan to join the fight against the USSR) and used 10 million Indian, Chinese & Japanese troops to invade the USSR through Iran, rapidly capturing its oilfields and then the Romanian oilfields. By 1944 both German and Soviet troops and economies would have been exhausted and the troops surrendered by the million to the Anglo armies that would treat them fairly, causing Stalin & Hitler to collapse.
Yes, some have to portray the bad guys so the good guys can be heroes. :wink:
Many of the old WWII veterans were furious when the movie Inglorious Bastards premiered in Germany.
As usual,Sam is making a fool of himself .My point is that on June 22 Germany with 80 million people at war with Britain, India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the USSR (over 500 million people) and with limited natural resources (oil, chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, manganese, tin, rubber, etc,) was a much smaller threat than the USSR.
It made sense to help Finland with 4 million people and no armament, but helping an aggressor that started the war with 28,000 tanks and 21,000 planes, 170 million people, huge resources and an almost endless territory to conquer in lousy weather and with an incredibly bad road system, makes little sense. If Churchill and Roosevelt thought that the USSR was going to collapse despite its huge resources, a little help would not make any difference, it would probably be wasted anyway.
Even if the Germans had taken Moscow and Leningrad in 1941, as long as the Japs didn't attack the USSR, the Soviets could have continued to withdraw, extending the German supply lines and leaving more partisans behind their lines to disrupt their supplies. The idea that Stalin merited or could even use efficiently any help (he made better equipment than the British tanks and Hurricanes he received in 1941 and 42, by the time he started receiving a lot of help from the US he had already won the war) is absurd. The Germans simply could not defeat the USSR but only continue expanding the occupied territory, requiring ever more men to control it.
By the time of an Anglo-Asian invasion through Iran the German army would have been over extended and very vulnerable and a Soviet army without American trucks, fuel, planes, explosives, steel, boots, food, trains, etc, would have been very weak. And the US being able to use all its pilots, troops, etc, and with a powerful RAF would have been able to finish off the Soviet and German airforces and then their armies.
The fact that the Angloes controlled most of the food supply (including South America, etc,) would have been decisive, since without food neither the German nor Soviet armies could have fought for a long time. Like Napoleon said, an army moves on its belly. There were 500 million Chinese and 378 million Indians (as well as Filipinos, Indonesians, etc,) in near starvation conditions, so it would not have been difficult to raise and train a powerful army with these people.
As for Japan attacking the USSR, that was the original Imperial army's plan (conditiond on Moscow falling to the Germans), which was scrapped only because Roosevelt embargoed oil and scrap iron because the Japs occupied French Indochina. Japan facing the US alone would have soon realized that the only possible way to save face and survive would be to comply with the Americans and perhaps even gain some territory from the USSR in doing so.
I knew very well that the Jews were persecuted; after all it was no big secret since it took place in full public.Opa.
I would like to ask you a question. Something I've often thought about but never had the courage to ask. I hope that you don´t find it offensive.
What did you know about jew persecution, extermination and concentration camps and what was your position on this?
A victim, perhaps. But also a willing victim.
I have often wondered if I would have gassed and burned Jews if I had ended up in such a place. The more I reflect, the more sure I am on the answer. The shocking truth is yes.
This will sound extremely negative, but is it a worse crime to kill 65 million people in WW II or to allow 7 billion people to reproduce at will, so that the poorest, most ignorant people have billions of starving children?
What we often fail to aknowledge is the fact that concentration camps wasn't just a war-time phenomenon, in fact Dachau concentration camp was started in 1933 and contained mostly communists and criminals.
I suppose there was no distinct difference between communists and criminals in those days, or at least people was lead to believe that it wasn't.
Now, if we consider the concentration camp/labour camp system as well incorporated, the camp prisoners deemed criminal/enemy of the state, and the Jews declared criminal or enemies of the state halfway through that process.....would anyone raise an eyebrow if the Jews was sendt to concentration camps?
And if we face our own mirror reflection, can we say for sure that we are any better?
We all know what happened on Balkan during the end of the last century, the Serbian, Croat, and Bosnian people wasn't considered primitive and brutal savages prior to that...
There's an ongoing conflict in the Middle-East, and both sides claim that the other is trying to exterminate them, violation of human rights is standard procedure.
Guantanamo.....need I say more?
My country have a bleak history regarding the treatment of gypsies, travellers, and mentally deranged people, up into the late 1950's at least, and that was well beyond the point when we all knew what happened in the German concentration camps.
And still we kept on doing it.
Ladies and gentlemen, given the specific circumstances and a totally different setting than the one we live in, would we be any better than the nazi's?
What this shows is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, personally I would like to think we would be better and had learnt from the past the sad reality is though that we haven't.
With regards to the holocaust specifically I don't believe Western nations have a shared responsibility in this, it is one German must carry pretty much alone but I do believe it is time they stopped apologising every 5 minutes for it and moved on, it is possible to acknowledge a wrong without letting it over ride a national identity.
I strongly object to the mentioning of Guantanamo in a thread about concentration camps :at Guantanamo,nobody was beaten to death,nobody was tortured,nobody was murdered,etc.And,those who were at Guantanamo,mostlt deserved to be there .What we often fail to aknowledge is the fact that concentration camps wasn't just a war-time phenomenon, in fact Dachau concentration camp was started in 1933 and contained mostly communists and criminals.
I suppose there was no distinct difference between communists and criminals in those days, or at least people was lead to believe that it wasn't.
Now, if we consider the concentration camp/labour camp system as well incorporated, the camp prisoners deemed criminal/enemy of the state, and the Jews declared criminal or enemies of the state halfway through that process.....would anyone raise an eyebrow if the Jews was sendt to concentration camps?
And if we face our own mirror reflection, can we say for sure that we are any better?
We all know what happened on Balkan during the end of the last century, the Serbian, Croat, and Bosnian people wasn't considered primitive and brutal savages prior to that...
There's an ongoing conflict in the Middle-East, and both sides claim that the other is trying to exterminate them, violation of human rights is standard procedure.
Guantanamo.....need I say more?
My country have a bleak history regarding the treatment of gypsies, travellers, and mentally deranged people, up into the late 1950's at least, and that was well beyond the point when we all knew what happened in the German concentration camps.
And still we kept on doing it.
Ladies and gentlemen, given the specific circumstances and a totally different setting than the one we live in, would we be any better than the nazi's?