
Legalize it or not

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well i'm i couldn't decide what to pick......but i just decided the second one because i don't do it. so yeah, lol
Redleg said:
godofthunder9010 said:
Didn't say that smoking pot was going to be a very good plan Red. I just think that if you're going to make it policy to Save People From Harming Themselves then there should be no half-assing it. .

I don't really care if people drinks brake fluid or smokes their socks, as long as they are only harming themselves.. :)

But the point in my previous post was that you are more likely to harm others by using substances like Marijuhana (how the heck do you spell that.. :lol: ) and cannabis, than you are with tobacco and alcohol..

What about the harm that is done to others because of the actions of the pot users? That is part of the reason smoking (tobacco) is now looked on in the USA with such disfavor or in some places banned.
I vote for keeping it Illegal.
tomtom22 said:
What about the harm that is done to others because of the actions of the pot users? That is part of the reason smoking (tobacco) is now looked on iin the USA with such disfavor or in some places banned.
I vote for keeping it Illegal.

I agree. I've seen co-workers who were regular users lose their jobs, causing financial strain on their families. They have a very difficult time getting another job that paid well too, because most notable employers drug-test these days. Those who use regularly seem to lack any shred of motivation or ambition.
as a 15 year old teen, that never done drugs or drank, or even light up a smoke...

i want to be a cop, ever science i was 5 so im pretty much one sided on this topic im agenst it unless! its a medical use in witch case i still dont like it but if you have to :?: :o
remember the vietnam's era quote that said :
"MARIJUANA" is not a good thing for health and other living things...

never smoked it in the past, don't want to try in the future
i hate hippies and junkies

I'm reviving this thread since there are many more new users since this thread started and since I never got to state my opinion on the matter :)

I do believe it should be legal (to an extent)

Now, I havent planned out this post like I should so im just typing as I think. I've consumed a fair share of cannabis, in fact i used to smoke/eat it everyday a few months ago. Now I only do it occasionaly. And no, I'm not a shaggy haired liberal hippy. I dont wear tie dyed t-shirts. I support the war in Iraq and all that. Ok. It does impair your senses and memory only while your high/coming off of one I can't stress that enough. Now i've read the above posts about how cannabis has ruined their friends/families lives and school grades but thats just utter crap (to say the least). Its the individuals choices that they make that affects there lives. Sure, if you get high right before a big test/event, you will most likely do poorly. But that is your choice to do that, its not the marijuana that screwed up your life, its you! It's your fault you that you chose to do a psychoactive drug when you had something important to do. But when consumed responsibly, like you would alcohol, I can see no problem in that.

When I say "legal to an extent" I mean you should not drive or operate heavy machinery, you should be on your own property (not wandering the streets), and you should not be allowed to join the military of course if you are gonna smoke all the time.

I think its really stupid that alcohol and tobacco are legal but not cannabis. And when people that say cannabis is a "gateway drug" are completely ignorant. No one that I know of (and I know a lot of stoners) shoots up heroin or does cocaine. The chances are that if someone is inclined to do hard drugs, they would have even if they didnt smoke cannabis. Also, anyone who says that cannabis makes you crazy, violent, and stupid obviously has never tried it. Anyone that has done it knows that it makes you passive and laid back.

As for health effects, I can only think of one and that is the fact that smoking anything is bad for your lungs. But other than that, there really is nothing wrong with it. I know none of you are going to believe that because its a "drug" but thats the truth. Most of those facts you hear about how it affects your motor skills and speach and all that jazz applies to when you are on the drug, those arent permanant effects.

As a matter of fact, cannabis has a number of health benefits . It reduces nausea in chemotherapy patients and at the same time it allows them and people who have AIDs to eat!

Marijuana has many possible medical uses. Positive effects are claimed for ailments such as cancer, AIDS, and glaucoma. AIDS can cause a loss of appetite known as the "wasting syndrome" which can lead to drastic weight loss and weakness. Chemotherapy used in the treatment of cancer causes nausea resulting in an inability to keep down food. Marijuana's healing nature for these two illnesses is a result of it's ability to increase a person's appetite as well as relieving nausea allowing a patient to regain weight. Marijuana reportedly helps glaucoma patients by reducing occular pressure which can cause damage to the eye.

I just dont see why it is still illegal when there are so many other drugs sold via prescription that have terrible side-effects when cannabis has very little.

Now, you may be surprised to know that I am in fact high right now. Sure it took me three times as long and probably is filled with errors and such but I think I did a good job. I anxiously await your responses. :)
Dont legalize it "ever"!

It's a dead end road!

it will ruin your life
it will stop you from doing things you should
it will ruin relationships
it will numb you from reality
it will harm you physically (if it is laced especially)
it will make you eat more food than u need
it will be a main focus if you are hooked
it will help you join the wrong crowd
it will lead to other drugs
it will dampen your enthusiasm
it will cause accidents
it will give a don't care attitude
it will eat a hole in your pocket book
it will give satan a foothold in your life (it will)
it will ruin families
it will just be another way to make money at expense of someone else
it will stop you from growing up

How is this list looking to you?

Everything on this list "I have experienced from the effect of Pot"

My Grandparents raised me from the age of 7 basically but when I was 13
I flew to Texas where my Mom,brother,and stepdad lived to stay for the
To make a long story short My stepdad while watching tv handed me my
first joint. Thinking I should look up to him I smoked it.

Needless to say I left before school started and came back to Iowa.
The problem was I was hooked on it already,and peer pressure had got me.

For the next 18 plus years I smoked Pot on and off.With stepdad,Mom,
Uncle,brother,friends,coworkers,people I just met whoever!

It stopped me from entering the Army when I was a senior in school to a
certain point.
Now it plays a role in me entering now 5 years after I smashed that pipe!
and kicked the habit along with cigarettes,along with the need for Alcohol
(another killer)

I give God the glory for releasing me from that pit.I am born again Christian
along with my Wife.

So for anyone smoking it or thinking about it one word of advice "Don't"
Don't give Satan the glory of holding you in any kind of bondage.Because that is what he's
doing diverting you from the path you should be traveling.

I hope this statement does not befriend anyone from me.But I hope it helps
someone reading.

Your past dictates your future
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jaz-do said:
It's a dead end road!

it will ruin your life
it will stop you from doing things you should
it will ruin relationships
it will numb you from reality
it will harm you physically (if it is laced especially)
it will make you eat more food than u need
it will be a main focus if you are hooked
it will help you join the wrong crowd
it will lead to other drugs
it will dampen your enthusiasm
it will cause accidents
it will give a don't care attitude
it will eat a hole in your pocket book
it will give satan a foothold in your life (it will)
it will ruin families
it will just be another way to make money at expense of someone else
it will stop you from growing up

Hahahahahahahaahahahahaha christ almighty Jazz-do! Can I ask how old you are? I have met Satan in many other things too..... in fact, most rotten things in daily life "will dampen my enthusiasm"! I have had girlfriends "ruin relationships" because they liked another man better. In fact...this list makes me wonder on what planet you live mate. It will stop me from growing up?
Just a quick example; do you know what the percentage is for divorces? These things definatly ruin families, erlationships, dampen enthusiam, eat a hole in any mans pocket book and so forth! So should we forbid divorce... why not? The people were probably sober when they vowed before God to stay together!

We could also turn it around too. I have smoked it, I still have a job, I am enthousiastic, on a whole: I can say I life a good life! Oh yes, I am not divorced either and love the boy in me.....
Like the warnings on the TV, it's a choice that is completely yours and yours alone. I, personally would not hire anyone who has used in the past five years. We are subject to random a whiz quiz, if it's dirty, you're gone.
Smoking pot shows what kind of character you really have. You need pot to make you passive and laid back to relax and have fun. If this is the case, that you need a substance to make you laid back, you are indeed a very weak person. You are showing that you have absolutely no intestinal fortitude.
The Cooler King said:
Smoking pot shows what kind of character you really have. You need pot to make you passive and laid back to relax and have fun. If this is the case, that you need a substance to make you laid back, you are indeed a very weak person. You are showing that you have absolutely no intestinal fortitude.

So the same goes for someone on anti-psychotic medicication? Or someone who needs anti-depressants to function normally? I dont need it to make me me passive and laid back, I already am all those things so I dont understand your point.
Ted Yes Satan can and will decieve you in any part of life that he can!

Marijuana for me was a escape from reality. Sometimes I used the excuse
of physical pain for using it. Other times just partying with friends. There
is no legite reason for using it.

My marriage almost ended from using. My Wife gave me a choice either quit
or I am leaving you. She had every right to ,we had children and I was
putting us at a big risk.

Kids today have a hard enough time today with enthusiasm the last thing
they need is to be able to smoke a joint and forget about issues at hand!
and be able to legally.

I have had relationships end and seen them end bacuse someone got a bad
bag or a short bag.
I have had friends die because of drug use.

I have injured myself not seriously but because I was stoned.

At 50 bucks a bag that takes meat off the table buddy.

Do you still use? If so I would worry about my job security

Quitting shows what you really care about and what you will do to get the
things in life that are important on the table and dealt with. Addiction comes in many forms . And none are good.

I am 35 drug free American prouder of my country and Family more than
ever.And am joining the Military in October to serve my Country.

I hope I have helped someone out there.
FutureDevilDog said:
So the same goes for someone on anti-psychotic medicication? Or someone who needs anti-depressants to function normally? I dont need it to make me me passive and laid back, I already am all those things so I dont understand your point.

That is a completely different case. Those people have chemical imbalances.

FutureDevilDog said:
I dont need it to make me me passive and laid back, I already am all those things so I dont understand your point.

Why do you do it then?
Why do I do it? Well I really need to gain weight and since smoking it makes you hungry, also because of the euphoria of it all its just down right awesome but that doesnt mean I need it to enjoy life. Its hard to explain to someone why they do it to someone whos never experienced it.

And to jaz-do, of course you and your friends are going to injure yourselves if you do stupid things.

I have had friends die because of drug use.

You cant overdose on cannabis so either you're talking about a different drug or not telling the whole story. And the rest of your post is irrelevant. The fact that your wife didnt want you to or the fact that you cant afford it has nothing to do with anything. And no, cannabis is not addicting so stop misinforming people.
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Future Devil Dog let me ask you how you started. No you can't overdose on it ,but you can get
some that is laced with something that can kill you or make you sick. Bottom line is you don't
ever know what may be on it if you get it from someone else!
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jaz-do said:
Future Devil Dog let me ask you how you started.

I started because I read about it on and it seemed interesting and also my friends were using it so I decided why not.

Well the person I get it from a guy that grows his own and hes one of my best friends so I dont think hes gonna be putting pcp or cocaine in it or anything
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I know the euphoria you talk of. But do you plan on entering the Military. Let me tell you what
friends you have today could be gone tomorrow. If someone starts cutting it or lacing for some
reason financial or addicted to another drug etc.. I am not saying it will happen but the chance
is risky. What if you are there when the place gets raided. You seem level headed and I don't
wan't some of the things I have experienced to creep up on you. But they will eventually.
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Then why not stop using it now. Prepare for your future with the Military.

The Army knows I have used it I have been honest with them. The drunk
driving charge also. Both along with debt may cost me the chance of Intell
job or anything with security clearance. That is a bunch of jobs lost that I
qualified for.

Another buddy and I were going to go Airborne right out of High School. The
difference was that he did and I didn't. I had nothing to stop me except my
self and friends that I partied with.

Do what you feel is right it's your choice.
the bottom line is smoking weed isnt going to single handedly ruin your life. everything in moderation. weed effects different people in defferent ways. if you are responsible about it, it is a good way to kick back and have a good time. if you arent, then you can have some serious problems(dui, depression, etc.). this is the same with everything. if you are responsible, go ahead, if not, dont.