I'm reviving this thread since there are many more new users since this thread started and since I never got to state my opinion on the matter
I do believe it should be
legal (to an extent)
Now, I havent planned out this post like I should so im just typing as I think.
I've consumed a fair share of cannabis, in fact i used to smoke/eat it everyday a few months ago. Now I only do it occasionaly. And no, I'm not a shaggy haired liberal hippy. I dont wear tie dyed t-shirts. I support the war in Iraq and all that. Ok. I
t does impair your senses and memory only while your high/coming off of one I can't stress that enough. Now i've read the above posts about how cannabis has ruined their friends/families lives and school grades but thats just utter crap (to say the least). Its the individuals choices that they make that affects there lives. Sure, if you get high right before a big test/event, you will most likely do poorly. But that is your choice to do that, its not the marijuana that screwed up your life, its you! It's your fault you that you chose to do a psychoactive drug when you had something important to do. But when consumed responsibly, like you would alcohol, I can see no problem in that.
When I say "legal to an extent" I mean you should not drive or operate heavy machinery, you should be on your own property (not wandering the streets), and you should not be allowed to join the military of course if you are gonna smoke all the time.
I think its really stupid that alcohol and tobacco are legal but not cannabis. And when people that say cannabis is a "gateway drug" are completely ignorant. No one that I know of (and I know
a lot of stoners) shoots up heroin or does cocaine. The chances are that if someone is inclined to do hard drugs, they would have even if they didnt smoke cannabis. Also, anyone who says that cannabis makes you crazy, violent, and stupid obviously has never tried it. Anyone that has done it knows that it makes you passive and laid back.
As for health effects, I can only think of one and that is the fact that smoking anything is bad for your lungs. But other than that, there really is nothing wrong with it. I know none of you are going to believe that because its a "drug" but thats the truth. Most of those facts you hear about how it affects your motor skills and speach and all that jazz applies to
when you are on the drug, those arent permanant effects.
As a matter of fact, cannabis has a number of
health benefits . It reduces nausea in chemotherapy patients and at the same time it allows them and people who have AIDs to eat!
Marijuana has many possible medical uses. Positive effects are claimed for ailments such as cancer, AIDS, and glaucoma. AIDS can cause a loss of appetite known as the "wasting syndrome" which can lead to drastic weight loss and weakness. Chemotherapy used in the treatment of cancer causes nausea resulting in an inability to keep down food. Marijuana's healing nature for these two illnesses is a result of it's ability to increase a person's appetite as well as relieving nausea allowing a patient to regain weight. Marijuana reportedly helps glaucoma patients by reducing occular pressure which can cause damage to the eye.
I just dont see why it is still illegal when there are so many other drugs sold via prescription that have terrible side-effects when cannabis has very little.
Now, you may be surprised to know that I am in fact high right now. Sure it took me three times as long and probably is filled with errors and such but I think I did a good job. I anxiously await your responses.