
Legalize it or not

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Canadian Sergeant said:
4-20 as In National Pot-smoking day for Canadians

No shit, we got that down here in Ohio too. I was relating to the fact that my sinuses prevented any sort of "fun"; Also by the other meaning of fun, just remember that Natural Light is a cheap beer.
I asked my cousin about it and she said that a lot of people in her Bio 30 class came to school stoned out of their minds. According to her, it was pretty bad.
4-20 is supposed to be a day of where you can chill out, smoke Pot, and have the munchies all day. I honestly think it is all a waste of time, but back when I was her age, (16 and 17. I am 21 now) I know that it seemed like the "IN" thing to do. Now it is just another way for people to find things to argue about. I am not going to confirm nor deny that i have ever done it, but I am going to say that I will never repeat the mistake again.
i really don't understand why it's on 4-20, that's hitler's b-day and damned if i know why they coincide on the same day. Just know that a lot of people say they're gonna get high, but never do around here.
Canadian Sergeant said:
I asked my cousin about it and she said that a lot of people in her Bio 30 class came to school stoned out of their minds. According to her, it was pretty bad.
4-20 is supposed to be a day of where you can chill out, smoke Pot, and have the munchies all day. I honestly think it is all a waste of time, but back when I was her age, (16 and 17. I am 21 now) I know that it seemed like the "IN" thing to do. Now it is just another way for people to find things to argue about. I am not going to confirm nor deny that i have ever done it, but I am going to say that I will never repeat the mistake again.

Why was it a mistake?
I found out that 420 is just the time a bunch of smokers got together to get high at a high school. 4:20 pm, and somehow over the years this turned into the day to smoke. Weird but true.
It has to do with the fact that I was at a party and a friend of mine passed me what i thought was a smoke and i ended up greening out pretty bad. I went to the hospital and I didnt know where I was, who i was or what was happening to me. That is why I say that it was a mistake.
Nope, nothing even close. I've had to pass out in the garage before from drinking because when I got home my parents were awake, but that's about it. Plus alcohol poisoning. But thats a different story.
Obvously marijuana/hash are drugs. I do not see them more dangerous or adictive than alcohol. You can die of drinking alcohol but not from smoking marijuana.
I quited smoking hash a year ago. I smoked during 10 years every day, for the moment there is no brain damage ;) . I was not that hard to quit. I had more problems with cigarretes.
Yeah, I know that one, I have been smoking cigar's ever since my solo flight when I was a cadet. It just happens when I am drinking now.
HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!! You know what that would do to the communities and the government. I know the effects of that stuff from my cousin which is the biggest pothead around.
Xm.8 said:
I know the effects of that stuff from my cousin which is the biggest pothead around.

Well,there is a difference btw use and abuse, just like with alcohol, it is not the same drinking a couple beers a week than drinking a bottle of bourbon every evening.
staurofilakes said:
Well,there is a difference btw use and abuse, just like with alcohol, it is not the same drinking a couple beers a week than drinking a bottle of bourbon every evening.

You have a point but I believe that if the government makes it legal countless people would abuse it just like my cousin.
Xm 8 said:
staurofilakes said:
Well,there is a difference btw use and abuse, just like with alcohol, it is not the same drinking a couple beers a week than drinking a bottle of bourbon every evening.

You have a point but I believe that if the government makes it legal countless people would abuse it just like my cousin.

Well, here in Europe we have the example of Holland. The use of marihuana/hash there is lower that in other countries where it is illigal, such as England, Spain or France.
other points for making it legal:

- it will not be adulterated any more

- the goverment will put a tax on it a get many profits

- the international drugdealing mafia won`t have a bussines anymore

- eliminate the stigma of the users

And probably many more...
Legalize it, I say.

I know one person who smokes it. He doesn't care that everyone knows it.

And not ALL democrats are pot smokers and hippies.

They're BOTH! :P

Joking, of course.

If people want to destoy themselves, let them do it.

Natural selection strikes again...