
Legalize it or not

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battery said:
RL have you done it before?

If I've tried it or not before doesn't mean anything, but No, I haven't and I don't intend to try it either..

My posts is not based on personal experience, but on scientific evidence.
Cannabis, Marijuana (and similar drugs) stays in your body much longer than alcohol, and it affects your senses much longer, even if you don't notice anything yourself...

And that's the dangerous part of it!
You may think that you're ok the day after, and that you can safely drive a car, but in reality you are not...
Heroine is the only drug that comes anywhere close to being as adictive as Nicotine. Marajuana is not inherently addictive except on a psychological level -- i.e. Stoner Bob liked what it did to him. Nicotine and Heroine both have a chemical side that, in the case of heroine, can cause the body to go into shock when a user stop using. Nicotine doesn't necessarily throw the human body into a state of shock, but there is a much more chemical side to being addicted than most addictions.
Redleg said:
battery said:
RL have you done it before?

If I've tried it or not before doesn't mean anything, but No, I haven't and I don't intend to try it either..

My posts is not based on personal experience, but on scientific evidence.
Cannabis, Marijuana (and similar drugs) stays in your body much longer than alcohol, and it affects your senses much longer, even if you don't notice anything yourself...

And that's the dangerous part of it!
You may think that you're ok the day after, and that you can safely drive a car, but in reality you are not...

Hey man, I take it because it makes me very calm. Maybe off-topic(?) but I smoked a eigth before I took a drug test a month ago and passed it... RL I know what you mean and everything but through my personal experiences it's never "messed" with my senses. :roll:
I used to smoked it until recently, from when I was 15 to when I finished university. I think it should be legalised here in Britain.
It messed me up a few times, when I smoked some bad weed, but it hasn't had a negative effect on me, my friends who smoke it, or the purple goblin that follows me everywhere.
wow...thats quite a lot on that subject.

Let me relate something on the personal level.

before i joined the service..i was a heavy user of marijuana. so when it came time to join the service..after my first wife divorced me..i knew that she would just absolutely make my security life in the military miserable. so when i went to enlist in the air force..i told them the 100% truth. Told them all about the drug use. made them put it on all of my enlistment papers. on the application. in short, on every piece of offical documentation that went in.

Now, it did knock me out of some very unusual career choices like tail gunner on a B-52 and all nuclear weapons jobs..but I still got in. the only stipulation was..that for the four year enlistment..and each subsequent more drug use. while i was in. at all. never never never.

Every frigging month that the bottle call went out...i was selected. through out my whole i guess they have a true piss record on me that wont quit. But Redlegs right. The marijuana i used..came out of my body fat and protein for years. oh it wasn't to an amount that would have put me out of the service..but it came out and was measurable. for twenty freaking years. I guess thats why they used they had had a good estimate of usage and just wanted to see what would happen.

If you are considering taking any type of drug..please be aware that there are some things that just cant be explained.
Damn, that's a long time for traces to still be showing up!

It seems there's the Scientific Evidence side of the story -- which tends to be pretty precise.

Then there's the side for users of ol' Mary Jane that believe its not hurting them -- Their evidence? "I can swear to you its hasn't affected me." Since human beings are not very good judges of how a thing is or isn't affecting them, it's pretty poor evidence. They also have nothing to compare to in order to be objective. They do not have a "never used marajuana" clone of themselves to verify whether its having an affect or not.

I still say that alchohol CAN be worse. Consider the favored past-time in my old hometown in Wyoming. Go drink your limit at as many bars as you can without passing out. Many enthusiasts of this tradition come home and finish off the evening by beating the living shit out of the wife (and kids if there are any). Yet those are people who, when sober, would never think of doing any such thing.
Ah drinking, it's like a national sport here in Australia.

As for marijuana, the penalty here should be tougher. We are way too lenient, it should remain criminal, and it should incure a jail sentance, not just a slap on the wrist fine. Here you get fined $50 for personal use amounts, and you can have 3 plants if they are under a certain height and not grown hydro. What kind of a message does that send. It's totally stupid.
AussieNick said:
Ah drinking, it's like a national sport here in Australia.

As for marijuana, the penalty here should be tougher. We are way too lenient, it should remain criminal, and it should incure a jail sentance, not just a slap on the wrist fine. Here you get fined $50 for personal use amounts, and you can have 3 plants if they are under a certain height and not grown hydro. What kind of a message does that send. It's totally stupid.

Australia rules. :lol:
godofthunder9010 said:
My opinion on the matter isn't listed. I believe that the world of "what is legal and what is not" needs to be more definite. Should marajuana be legalized? This question doesn't truly address the underlying issue:

Should the law prohibit/allow drugs of anykind? Alcohol and Tobacco should fall under the same category as Marajuana, Cocaine, Amphetamines, Meth, LSD, etc. They are all drugs that, if used excessively, can severely damage a person's health and shorten their life. Government ought make the REAL decision - "Is it the responsibility of the government to enforce the prohibition of activities where an individual is likely to severely jeprodize their own health and life? Is it their obligation to save us from ourselves?" If the answer to that question is "Yes", then it follows that Tobacco and Alcohol should be legally banned as well. If the answer is "No", then all drugs that are currently illegal should be legalized.

Dont forget about Advil, IBProphen, Tylenol, Caffine, Chocolate, etc.

A drug is anything that has an effect on the natural order of how your brain functions. If I'm wrong, then ill need to get my money back from my Sociology teacher

Like it or not, Tobacco and Alcohol are drugs just like any painkiller. If they are legal so should marajuana and all that other crap; they just need to be controlled like everything else -- people are acting like if we legalize this stuff there would be NO restrictions AT ALL

The issue here is not about usage affects, its about legalization. If a pilot wanted to toke up before a flight they would have done it, just like they would drink if they wanted.. It may be illegal but its not impossible to get; Hell, im not of drinking age yet and behind me is a case of Vodka (yumm)

Double standards...if drugs are legal, regardless of how they effect you, then drugs should be legal (remember: advil/painkillers, caffine, chocolate, etc. are drugs too...just like tobacco)

I agree that some drugs should not be legal, but then again it will most likely kill off the population that uses them so its not all bad; Hell, if all drugs are legal they would have less market value and drug dealers would be out of business if you can go to save-mart and grab an 1/8th of Opium..
My take on it is this
If (hypothetically) there were to be a law protecting the rights of those that use M.J (not Michael Jackson :lol: ) then there would be less people using it.
take for example, the rate of people who not only sold, but produced their own alchol during prohibition. Because of the fact that it was prohibited, then people wanted to do it. If the govt hadn't put a prohibition on it, then there wouldn't have been any reason for them to make it right?
There is allot of truth to the above statement. My fiancee and I have been arguing for some time about whether we should support people who choose to smoke up or to condem them for their actions. My mother was one of the few Canadians to have a license to smoke pot (she had bone cancer but has fully recovered, thanks in part to today's medicine) and had she not had the medicinal pot, I don't think she would be alive today.
That just goes to show you that you have to take into consideration for those people who do not have a choice whether or not they choose to smoke up.
If you made it Legal, people would have to do another drug to be 'bad' and then our Children will be debating weather or not we should legalise Cocaine...... So we shouldent legalise it.
The fact that some posts speak of over imbibing in alcohol tells me that the same would be true for drugs. The kick that most drug users get out of their drug of choice usually dulls over time and they spice it up a little until they're hooked on "H" or cocaine. Then they become a drag on society and raise our insurance rates. Regardless of how a person abuses theirself, we pay for their care with tax money.

Don't try to get a job in the defense industry if you are a user or have used and your position calls for a secret or above clearance. Even machine shops are screening and I think the reason for that is obvious.
My opinion: Legalize it

When someting is legal it's not all that interesting to buy or do drugs. And no it aint exactly legal in the Netherlands, it's allowed, thats all ;)