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U.S is one of the most anti-semtic countries out there however its also run by Jews for a large part, both these things apart i see quite a large support for Palestine in U.S as well.
As for Europe? Europe supports Palestine ideologically but does not care enough to really interfere and its goverments wont do squat because Israel is good business.
U.S is one of the most anti-semetic countries out there? Hard to believe that, most people support Israel way more than Palestine for the reasons I said previously. Your saying so many Americans are anti-semetic yet at the same time is run by Jews? To say the U.S is "run by Jews" is in league with conspiracy theories, and is the reason people are even anti-semetic. I do not believe in conspiracies unless it has hard-core evidence.
If U.S was as anti-semetic as you said, it would not be run by Jews because people would keep those with any Pro-Israel thoughts/policies out of any political position. Unless of course you are exaggerating.
[David Bernstein, January 15, 2009 at 8:08pm] Trackbacks
More on Public Opinion on Israel/Gaza:Via Rosner's Domain, the Powerpoint presentation from respected pollsters Greenberg and Newhouse linked on this page has to be pretty sobering for the Juan Coles and Glen Greenwalds who think American public opinion is on their (anti- very hostile to Israel's policies vis-a-vis the Palestinians) side. For example, five times as many people blame only Palestinian leaders for the violence in Gaza as blame only Israeli leaders (55-11); almost ten times as many people (48-5) think only Israeli leaders want peace and are working towards it as think the same of Palestinian leaders; almost seven times as many people think only Israel has moral leaders who work to limit civilian casualties as think the same about the Palestinians (47-7); and, perhaps most tellingly, despite the images of Israeli bombs exploding in Gaza for the last two weeks, almost four times as many people blame the humanitarian crisis in Gaza on Hamas as blame Israel (66-17).
I'm not confusing public opinion with wisdom, though even stopped clocks are right twice a day. Rather, the incessant complaints from certain ideological outliers that American public opinion really agrees with them on Israel, but the "Israel lobby" prevents the politicians from doing anything about it, aren't consistent with reality the polling data.
(I wasn't sure if the link about would take you to it, so I pasted on here. If that goes against any rules tell me. If it didn't take you to it, you would be scrolling for a long time to find the article.)
If you disagree with these news article, I can find others that prove you wrong on how Americans feel about Israel. Do not mistake American opinions for Israeli actions and American opinions for Israel. This is what a lot of people that claims what you just said is getting confused with. Only people who believe in consipracies state the world or the U.S is controlled by Jews. Even if it was, so what? The people are the ones doing the electing, if they are electing Jews, then that is who they are choosing to lead them.
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