How is the weather like where you are now?!

Its been reasonably nice and warm today in the mid 70s, I got my lawns mowed and edged and the paths cleaned. The guinea pigs tunnels were cleaned out and they and the rabbits have been out all day. New guinea hutch is getting built tomorrow if the weather remains nice. ;)
Very cold and foggy and now I have discovered a small leak in the newly built section of the roof.
Not happy.
Sorry to hear that's hot here again as usual and it's gonna get worse before it gets better. Summertime and the livin' aint' so easy in the good ole' south.

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Its supposed to hit 15C today, yea and my bums a kipper. I detest winter with a passion.:cen:

Me too, I have already told the woman it is time we got a summer place which was a huge mistake as now we are looking at homes in Arizona.

Now I like Arizona in the summer but being next door neighbours to the in-laws makes me want to look for homes in Mogadishu.
I'd gladly take 15 C in the winter we are usually well below 0 C in winter, with -15 C not at all unusual.
However we are presently in the middle of our wonderful summer and it ranges with highs from (20 to 32) C. Plenty of fishing and swimming to be done.
Lucky you.....

I wish that I could grow wings and fly somewhere cool. It's too hot here.
99 degrees and it feels like 103..according to the weather man..

But it feels like 110 to me.... once you hit 100, it 's just HOT.
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The weather was quite nice yesterday, I was able to take a walk on my property in the sun and sit for a while. Its still quite cold at night and during the mornings. I can't wait for summer.
The weather was quite nice yesterday, I was able to take a walk on my property in the sun and sit for a while. Its still quite cold at night and during the mornings. I can't wait for summer.
Make sure you wear a vest, we don't want you getting ill again...
Lucky you.....

I wish that I could grow wings and fly somewhere cool. It's too hot here.
99 degrees and it feels like 103.. according to the weather man..

But it feels like 110 to me.... once you hit 100, it 's just HOT.

I know how ya feel!!!!!