How is the weather like where you are now?!

It rains.

Does it really rain where you live?
Oh, it's a tad cool this morn'. ...74 degrees it was. Supposed to RAIN again! That's enough already!!!!!!!
For the first time in four days I feel better. No rain please!!!!!!! I want sunshine!
It's fall: starting to cool a bit, in the 60's during the day 40's at night. Rally not bad at all. can't complain, except when it rains.
Quite comfy up to the 80's during the day (50 to 60)s at night, degrees f of course. Although we have been getting an unusual amount of rain. We are having a lovely summer with lots of swimming and fishing.
Quite comfy up to the 80's during the day (50 to 60)s at night, degrees f of course. Although we have been getting an unusual amount of rain. We are having a lovely summer with lots of swimming and fishing.
80F is only 26c that is cold weather. :-P