How is the weather like where you are now?!

In Australia, 34 degrees CELSIUS [Not farenheit, American friends, CELSIUS!!!], sunny and a very slight wind going North-east [I went outside so i could determine where the wind was blowing]
It's warmed up! It's 11:18 AM here, and the weather is now 19°F, (with the wind chill it's 10°F). There is still snow on the ground, although the road looks to have been cleared.

I believe I'll stay inside most (possibly all) of today! :coffee:
42 F right now, supposed to get cold enough to make "significant" snow fall over night, Schools on a one hour delay tomorrow, but if it stays 42 F I don't see how any snow will fall without turning into yet more rain.
He's in Virginia Beach. Its in the 20's now here. But on the upside, its supposed to make it all the way up to 36 tomorrow. Woohoo......