How do you feel?

I feel like I want to drive back into the city, walk into my credit union and pour hot coffee on the man's lap that has taken care of my last two transactions.

Or should I say, has screwed up my last two transactions.

If this isn't cleared up in an hour I'm calling his supervisor.
Excited!!! My flight leaves in a bit......see you all next week!!!!!!!!!! lol..if I do ever come back here again, ;) lol
im pooped lol its been a looong day at competition. got 4th but came up 10 points from last weeks competition. we will slowly get better lol it wasnt to bad a run tho. just gotta work on marching techniques.
I feel like I wanna choke my youngest like homer does Bart in the Simpson's, he had all weekend to do a half page report and he "forgot" I informed him he is grounded for a week, and "I forgot" and " I don't know" is no longer acceptable in my house.

the oldest is next
I feel like I wanna choke my youngest like homer does Bart in the Simpson's, he had all weekend to do a half page report and he "forgot" I informed him he is grounded for a week, and "I forgot" and " I don't know" is no longer acceptable in my house.

the oldest is next
damn that totally sucks wolfen :( lol but i know the feeling i was once grounded for 3 months lol i hate it but i use that excuse all the time
Oh yea I used it too, I have the permanent memories in my mind of the snapping belt whenever I said that to my dad.
But I have another thing in store for both of the little long haired kids, one more E on the report card, or email from a teacher saying the homework wasn't turned in and I feel like their hair will be as short as mine
Oh yea I used it too, I have the permanent memories in my mind of the snapping belt whenever I said that to my dad.
But I have another thing in store for both of the little long haired kids, one more E on the report card, or email from a teacher saying the homework wasn't turned in and I feel like their hair will be as short as mine
haha lol yeah ive never had that problem lol but i remember getting the belt myself lol :)
Thanks!!!! Had a wonderful time!!!! Eventhough I got sick from the flying...I hate flying lol... Ekkkk!!! lol....The trip was too short though :( couple of days wasen't enough :(....
Take one Dramamine 30mins before you fly. It will be your friend. Promise.

...............I am feeling lonely.