How do you feel?

I wonderful man, who is freaking awsome in every way ;) hehehehhee...and i do mean in "every way", lol.....I'll post some pics of us...:mrgreen:
OMGOD if I see pictures of you and Lunatik I'll tear your hair out!


Oh, and I forgot to post how I'm feeling...sad I guess, with a touch of confusion, worry and then annoyance at myself for being such a freak. I wish I was working, I don't need time to think and make up things in my head.
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I feel like :cens:

I cant seem to get these dark toughts out of my mind, and nobody knows about it, not my family, not my friends. Just one good friend knows whats really going on inside my mind, but he cant help me.
Hugs Mike.

I've been thinking about my actions all morning and all day today. I think I am going to be happy and relax and try to stop being a girl.... : )
Same here Mike. My whole week this week was 'dark.'

*Was an emotional basket case.* Hahaha. I'm over it though.

Oh, I feel weirder out.