How do you feel?

Actually, it was a woman.... Tired of doing all of her housework and coming back a day later and things are a mess again.

You need to say something fast"...........People are like that, they dont care....the more you do for them, the more they take advantage....
I feel feet hurt....I rub would be nice :)...I'm so proud of myself though...I work lots,....Im so freaking independent its not funny lol :mrgreen:
Very was soooooooooo, long...then we had a family lunch at my cousin's house...there was tons of food of course....gossip, lots of catching up to do with family...."Never have lunch with a hispanic family on a never ends", lol.....:mrgreen: I should've had lunch with my Asian part of the family...maybe I would've been home sooner, LOL...hehehehehehe...
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I feel great!!! and very optimistic about my life at tha' moment....I'm happy, content, and very confident in all the decisions I'm making at this point and time in my life :mrgreen:........can't forget feelin' beautiful! ;) hehehehe....