Again... We obviously have completely contradicting views on this... Neither of us is right, as we are both simply stating our opinions. I respect that you don't agree with homosexuality, and I would hope that you would respect that I am willing to accept something different, and not think any less of me for it.
You believe that marriage should be reserved for a man and a woman. I see no reason why it should be denied to members of the same sex.
You believe they are anti-social and purely doing this for the worldly benefits, not the love. I believe they are simply different people who happen to love someone of the same sex. They should not be discriminated/cast out because of it.
You say the majority is always the deciding factor, I unfortunately must agree, but disagree with the idea. The majority should not have a say in a matter of who marries who. Even if said marriage IS a "public institution."
Again you're right, I am not free in the sense that I think I SHOULD BE. I never said we ARE free in that sense. I only said that I think it SHOULD be that way. I will not accept rules that I find unjust, and will vote against them when they come to such a vote in my state. I will vote my opinion because I feel it is best for me and my country's people. Funnily enough, I'm reminded of another Abraham Lincoln quote... "A house divided against itself cannot stand." If we continue to persecute based on small things like sexual preference, we will not be united in the United States. The media (Fox included) has stated that this country is taking a liberal turn. I don't believe this is a bad thing. In this world, those who deny change get left behind. My grandmother recently purchased her first cell phone, and cannot even make calls, because she gets confused. Mind you, she's not senile, she just hasn't adapted to the times. She doesn't see the value in change.
The kid that doesn't conform to the group should be praised for his individuality. Not oppressed for his being different than everyone else.
You say they are simply being obnoxious... What would have happened if Martin Luther King, Jr. simply gave up because the majority of people didn't take him seriously after his first few speeches? What would have happened if the Pilgrims simply gave up in England and conformed to the Church of England? What would have happened if blacks just gave up because society didn't want them to vote? If you want something bad enough, people will start to see you for who you really are, and see that a belief, or a skin color, or a sexual preference is NOT a reason to hate. They SHOULD keep pressing on society because eventually people will start to see them as humans. Different people, certainly, but they are still the same underneath.
This debate was not ONLY about California... In fact, 13 brought up the real issue himself...
the_13th_redneck said:
As much as I'm not a fan of homosexuality I think they should have the right to get married.
I guess my sentiment comes from knowing what it's like to be told that I do not have the right to do certain things. Many things which were and are important to me. If this is that important to them, I say let them.
I disagree with you Spike, I think that eventually, just as with blacks and women, society will realize that this is not an issue to balk at, rather just something to differentiate people from people.