Just a passing thought; the Nazis considered Homosexuals, Jews, Poles, Russians, Slavs, and Gypsies abnormal. They found a good solution.
I have to disagree with you here. I don't think what the Nazis did was good. I am surprised any one would. I guess you are entitled to your opinion as hateful as it is.
By your calculations, Chukpike, the Selma March, the Dream Speech, the Lunch Counter sit-ins, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, would all be considred "pushing an agenda." Is that necessarily a bad thing? I'm not quite seeing how that would be such an awful thing if someone wants to go one an "Are we not Human?" march if the government is denying them their basic rights. That, I believe, would also give them the right to overthrow said government, according to the Declaration of Independence.
I did not even suggest homosexuals couldn't march and "push an agenda". I was answering Rob's contention that "homosexuals do not try and push an agenda". I hope after reading your post he will except that they do.
It would be better if they waited until they had a majority of the people supporting them before trying to overthrow the government. If they tried it now they would get their butts kicked back to the really dark ages.
Next, I'm not sure how what Henderson is saying is twisting the constitution. The First Amendment gives people the right to assemble, and free speech (Pride Parade). Now mind you, I may not personally enjoy all types of free speech (KKK), but I accept it for what it is, part of the constitution, and thought I may try to reason with people to change their opinion I have to live with the fact that their opinion is theirs, no matter how short-sighted and wacky I may see it to be. However, denying someone these rights because I don't agree with their views makes no sense whatsoever. The Seperation of Church and State does just that; it seperates the Government and any religious group, be it Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish, Voodoo, etc. If someone wants to impose a law in this country because the Bible or the Koran or Buddha says it's wrong, they can not legally do so. Which brings me full circle; how exactly is what Henderson is saying "Twisting the Constitution"?
He contends that the Constitution gives the individual the right to decide what is right over the will of the majority. He contends that being homosexual is a right guaranteed under the Constitution. There is nothing in the Constitution or in any amendment that addresses sexual preference. As I said before homosexuals are not going to Federal Court to have their "right" enforced as blacks did. They know that the Constitution does not protect them.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Since you are quoting the first amendment you should be aware that Rob said the state had no right to allow the people of California to put a petition on the ballot. May be you don't think this is twisting the Constitution, but I do.