gladius said:
First day of school was today, in my area at least. You could see the masses of kids and the traffic jams of the parents cars caused by all this.
I couldn't help but think, what if it was here in the US that the terrorist attacked on the kids first day of school instead of in Russia.
It was widely known that the terrorist and extremist flocked to Iraq in order to fight our troops. They saw this as a good and easy opportunity to harm the US. Who knows how many of them we killed. Each one of those we killed over there is one less that could potentialy come over here and do us harm.
I seriuosly believe that if we hadn't gone over to Iraq, some of those terrorist who got killed over there would have made plans to do some kind of strike somewhere. Out of those at least some would have picked the US as a target. If they would have been succesful, we will never know, and I'm glad.
I know we lost over a thousand troops in Iraq already. But I sincerely believe they didn't die vain. Because of them, the kids who went to school today all came home safely.
The content of your post is a seperate issue from the title of the thread so I will answer them separately.
The invasion of Iraq and the hostage situation in Russia have nothing to do with kids in America going to school or even being safe.
The whole post is just......odd.
You do not border a Fundamental Islamic state that you are at war with. So why the connection to Russia?
What has invading Iraq have to do with kids going to school? No one is threatning your schools. The only risk of gunfire in a US school is from a disgruntled student.
Did Bush do the right thing?
I suspect some Iraq's will be better off. Some will be worse off. Certainly the war itself was very destructive and we can only hope that the USA provides suffient support to the Iraq people. It was my understanding that Iraq was a normal middle eastern dicatorship before the war. Fairly modern and providing adequate services to the majority of its citizens.
Most of the hard ships were caused my the blockade, not by Saddam. Having said that certain groups that Saddam opposed were treated terribly and their lives have improved imensly.
The issue I have is the lack of integrity of the US government. They claimed they went into the war to remove WMD. Clearly none were there. Even worse they knew none would be there, or should have known. If the USA wishes to act as a polcieman and remove "evil dicators" they they should do that. Not just pick and choose but stand up and show they have the integrity to support there international stand.
I know I for one believe my own Prime Minister John Howard (Australia) has shown himself to lack moral fibre due to his stand to support the USA in the war.
So, no, Bush did the wrong thing.